Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers


Relaxed Intensity
I loved Scott's response to that reporter. One of my favorite moments so far. Shows how much he's sacrificed but also a bit of how he really views himself (in a way that's not entirely dissimilar from Magneto).

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Thomas Shey

I loved Scott's response to that reporter. One of my favorite moments so far. Shows how much he's sacrificed but also a bit of how he really views himself (in a way that's not entirely dissimilar from Magneto).

I looked at my wife when that eruptions and said "I could see that coming out of Mark (my character on Mutatis Mutandus MUX who was a more or less Alpha bordering on Omega class air/wind controller). Scott has really lost his stuff."

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
So again Scott's actions are understandable even though from Jean's perspective they are abhorrent (and its understandable from her perspective as well which is why its good drama).

Nah, Jean lost any right to do any complaints the moment she kissed Logan. She is as "dick" as Scott in this instance.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Watched up to what has been released last night.

It isn't bad, but... it suffers a bit from "How much of the old plotline can we stuff into a handful of episodes" approach.

As for Cyclops being a dick... well, I don't believe anyone is 100% a dick. :p

One hot take about Scott:
But really, if you consider what has happened to him, his behavior is pretty understandable in terms of response to trauma and the burden he is under. I'm thinking - he was basically abandoned to Xavier's care, and that surrogate father figure has just died. Then, the remaining emotional center of his universe is ripped out from under him, and nobody offers him any support at all.

The problem is that everyone else in the series shrugs off trauma in an unrealistic fashion with no consequences. Oh, wait, now Rogue gets to have issues of loss, but her being unreasonable won't be held against her. But Scott? He's a dick.

Thomas Shey

As for Cyclops being a dick... well, I don't believe anyone is 100% a dick. :p

One hot take about Scott:
But really, if you consider what has happened to him, his behavior is pretty understandable in terms of response to trauma and the burden he is under. I'm thinking - he was basically abandoned to Xavier's care, and that surrogate father figure has just died. Then, the remaining emotional center of his universe is ripped out from under him, and nobody offers him any support at all.

The problem is that everyone else in the series shrugs off trauma in an unrealistic fashion with no consequences. Oh, wait, now Rogue gets to have issues of loss, but her being unreasonable won't be held against her. But Scott? He's a dick.

Well, he gets held to this more than others too because they actually have more extremely personal loss for him than most of the others, and do it more consistently, and as he's always one of the leadership figures, is always under pressure. He's pretty much the only character who has any kind of consistent romantic life (probably Rogue is the next closest because they can use that to hammer the no-touch limits on her harder).

There are a lot of X book characters who have trauma, but often its old trauma. Scott gets a new dose regularly.

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
I'm thinking - he was basically abandoned to Xavier's care, and that surrogate father figure has just died.

Add to that that he thinks he somehow disappointed his father figure because Xavier left everything to Magneto (of all people). This is hinted during his "talk" with the Xavier puppet in episode 3.

Then, the remaining emotional center of his universe is ripped out from under him, and nobody offers him any support at all.

Not to mention he is relieving all his childhood trauma after being forced to abandon his son in a similar manner his biological father abandoned him.

IMO, Scott has all the right to being a bit of a dick right now.

Oh, wait, now Rogue gets to have issues of loss, but her being unreasonable won't be held against her

I think it's because she paid the price of her stupidity


Scott's response to the reporter confuses me because I do not understand whether the writers think he is being righteous or whether he is supposed to be viewed as being close to losing it. I mean it only really makes sense in a world where "mutants vs humans" was about the only thing going on. In the wider Marvel universe where the Avengers are mostly made up of non-mutant humans saving the world(s) it doesn't make very much sense.

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
Scott's response to the reporter confuses me because I do not understand whether the writers think he is being righteous or whether he is supposed to be viewed as being close to losing it. I mean it only really makes sense in a world where mutants vs humans was about the only thing going on. In the wider Marvel universe where the Avengers are mostly made up of humans saving the world(s) it doesn't make very much sense.

The Avengers don't exist yet in this universe, tho. For now, it's just Spider-Man and the X-men who publicly have been helping people (and people think Spidey is a mutant).

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