Xanathars guide

John Brebeuf

First Post
There's nothing wrong with a DM not wanting to allow content he isn't familiar with.

If you really want to be able to use the book, perhaps you could lend your copy to your DM so he can at least read through it. Alternatively, if you can afford it, you could buy him his own copy. (Better yet, get your fellow players to chip in.)

It could also be that the DM has limited time and doesn't feel like having to spend it on reading yet another D&D book, even a complimentary copy.

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First Post
As a DM I would simply state all characters need to be reviewed for relative balance, I would also reserve judgment on how a new splat book ability affects the campaign long term. All of this is reasonable if you take the interests of the table and DM in account, versus trying to force the issue based on the majority.


Dusty Dragon
but at the same time if I paid money for this book I want to use it.

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I find that argument... offensive. He's the GM, not you. What are you doing now, forcing him to buy books?

Or look at it this way: How about you use a class from a different game? You want to be a Jedi with a light saber. Sounds ridiculous right? But you bought the book right?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I find that argument... offensive. He's the GM, not you. What are you doing now, forcing him to buy books?

Or look at it this way: How about you use a class from a different game? You want to be a Jedi with a light saber. Sounds ridiculous right? But you bought the book right?

That’s an absurd leap from what he said, though.

And how is it offensive? GM isn’t a damn holy position.

Where does he say anything about forcing anyone to do anything?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Call it residual burn from 3rd party crap during the 3.x years.

I stand by my position.

I mean, I get burnout, but isn’t it a little extreme to just refuse to even read the book, for free, and maybe reading some player feedback or whatever, in an edition that just doesn’t have the balance traps and hidden combos of 3.5?

And the DM in question is new to DMing, so it pretty much can’t be that, for him.

John Brebeuf

First Post
That’s an absurd leap from what he said, though.

And how is it offensive? GM isn’t a damn holy position.

Where does he say anything about forcing anyone to do anything?

It's offensive because it's a guilt trip. No one made him buy the book. He's using the fact that he did as leverage to force the DM's hand.


I mean, I get burnout, but isn’t it a little extreme to just refuse to even read the book, for free, and maybe reading some player feedback or whatever, in an edition that just doesn’t have the balance traps and hidden combos of 3.5?

And the DM in question is new to DMing, so it pretty much can’t be that, for him.

If he's a new DM, that's an even better reason not to allow new books! It takes a lot of brainpower to run a game in general, but when you are new its even harder. More books means more brainpower, and it sounds like they just don't have the desire to do that.

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