D&D (2024) What's the future of Xanathar and Tasha? (+)


I was thinking that until last year, Xanathar, Tasha and Mordenkainen were considered a "rule expansion", getting their nice case and so on. We know that Mordenkainen will be almost all usable (the "races" will have some rules to convert them, I think it will be easy), but the other two? For Xanathar, I can see all the DM Tools chapter ported to PHB andupdated, and we already know that some subclasses will be ported. "This is your life", magic items, spells and name tables can still be used. Tasha's DM Tools I think will be ported too, (maybe except for the puzzles subchapter), and for the players' option I think it's the same as Xanathar, but at least Tasha have a lot of spells and magic items (plus the patrons and sidekick rules).

So, what you think it will be the future of those books? They will still be printed as is, or just sold until stocks remains and then a new book will be issued? And then, you think WotC will combine both books in one or make two new books with also new content?

Side note: this is a + thread, because I don't want users start arguing about the general 2024 compatibility, there are a lot of threads about it.

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Not sure how I can phrase this as a "plus" post, but let's try...

Those books are, like every other 2014 rules supplement, pretty much obsoleted by the 2024 rules, if not officially at least in practical play. (Which, of course, is a big if not the main point of any rules revision)

Here's the "plus" content:

I mean you certainly can ask your DM if you can use or rework a feature, but you shouldn't expect to simply show up in a 2024 game with these options without discussing it first with your DM.


most likely as part of those two books is in PHB2024, rest will be redone and put in PHB2 or whatever working title of that book will be pretending it's not PHB2.

and how much material it is, I would not be surprised if PHB2 drops in 2025.
Why assume WotC will put it all in just 1 book?


Also remember 3.5.

They didn't just replicate the 3.0 content.

There's no reason to expect the Tasha and Xanathar content (that didn't make the 2024 PHB cut) to just be republished. It will likely be rehashed into a brand new set of content options.

(Hard to keep the "plus" spirit running here, but maybe some of the content will still be recognizable if not republished verbatim)


Also remember 3.5.

They didn't just replicate the 3.0 content.

There's no reason to expect the Tasha and Xanathar content (that didn't make the 2024 PHB cut) to just be republished. It will likely be rehashed into a brand new set of content options.

(Hard to keep the "plus" spirit running here, but maybe some of the content will still be recognizable if not republished verbatim)
it will probably be used as is now, until new(and improved) version comes out.


(Hard to keep the "plus" spirit running here, but maybe some of the content will still be recognizable if not republished verbatim)

The "plus" spirit is because a lot and a lot of threads derailed first in what retrocompatibility means, the if rules from versions can be mixed and matched, then people going for 2014 or 2024, and starting arguing for pages and pages of forum thread.

The spirit here is to understand what these two books will become, if legacy like the Volo or Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, or if those subclasses will be reprinted ASAP, and in which format. I also know that no one here have the power of divination... not out of the game. So no expecting a 100% correct outcome, because outside of WotC surely this don't exist. Just a "what do you peoples think"?


Just a "what do you peoples think"?
Speaking for myself, I am going to assume only rules content published in 2024 onwards will be used by my players.

(The plus spin being: Meaning they will have to discuss with me beforehand if they want to bring in some type of legacy feature. They can't just assume everything works unchecked.

The "minus" spin being: I don't think it is s good idea and will do my best to persuade my players to focus on the 2024 PHB when we start a new campaign this fall)

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