Because what ability gets improved should be reflected in what the feat does, not just a free-for-all.
If you want to pick your ability, choose the normal ASI and not a feat.
Bountiful luck only Cha? Translate; better be Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer or Warlock!
Why? Cleric, Fighters (Intimidation is pretty standard fare), and Rogues all benefit from CHA if you want them to, and easily do so. You don't have to be just a CHA-based caster to benefit from it.
Besides, it was supposed to also be CON, but forgot to add it this morning (my fault for posting quickly before I rushed off to work...). Adding CON (which I meant to) makes it viable for everyone else really. I've updated the prior post.
Not everything needs to be a min/max decision. In fact, it is better if they aren't IMO.
Defensive duelist? STR needs more love than DEX, why exclusion?
Why would STR make sense? It is your reaction and quickness to intercept the attack with your own weapon. I might see an arguement for STR as well as DEX or INT, but certainly not to the exclusion of the others.
As it is with my current renditions, STR has 22 feats, DEX 23. Pretty even already. But, if you feel exclusion of STR would hamper STR-based martials, adding it wouldn't be a major issue.
Mage slayer sounds like someone who will primary use STR or DEX.
Not if the point is to gain an understanding of your enemy.
Since spellcasters use INT, WIS, or CHA, boosting those makes more sense IMO and can easily help martials anyway. I mean, honestly, if DEX is the physical god stat, WIS is the mental one...
Metamagic Cha? So again not intended for wizards, cleric or druids?
It is intended for anyone who wants metamagic and IME the feat is already strong. Eldritch Adept got CHA also for the same reason. Sorcerers and Warlock might take these feats to boost their class features, but I can't see that happening as much as them wanting other feats which aren't as redundent for them.
Reduce bonus damage to prof bonus and ASI can be added
Again, not changing any feats for this discussion, just adding ASIs or not. For Charger I am going with STR for now I think.
it is really strong feat.
maybe split the feat into two half feats if you really want it.
I'm fine with Crossbow Expert not having an ASI. I never thought of it as strong, frankly, and have never seen a player take it yet... in fact, most people IME consider it weak and/or lame in general. But, I know a lot of people here seem to think it is.
no reason to take Skill expert over this if this has an ASI
but, it's complete rubbish without it.
maybe add ASI to this feat and remove Skill expert from the game.
Yeah, this one still bugs me. I'm inclined to just let them both stand as is. Prodigy offers a nice blend (skill, language, and tool), unlike Linguist (all languages) or Skilled (all skills), along with an expertise. If you want that blend, it is better than Skill Expert, but otherwise Skill Expert would be better.
Sigh... I don't know about these two...