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(YBA) Kalath in Wicht's Lair (continued)

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Kalath swings himself over and lands on the lip of the tunnel. There is no way to avoid the wetness for even here the water is a foot deep and there is certainly no way to avoid the stench.

There are no lights down the sewer tunnel.

Now that he has a moment to think about it, Kalath realizes the stench from the sewers does not pervade the whole lake, just here at the northern edge is it bad.

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And now that Kalath thinks about, Kalath thinks it might have been wise to bring a torch.

Cursing at himself, Kalath decides that a torch is worth it, and wades out and heads back to "tHe BiZZare". Once back in the bazaar/circus, he heads for where he saw the fire eater and sees if he can acquire a torch or make one from any spare peices of wood.


As Kalath wanders around looking for soemthing useful he notices that one of the merchants is offering "Hell torches." A bundle of these cost only 3 yen and will not only provide a great deal of light but the merchant assures him they are useful in a fight.

He also sells lava lamps for 3 yen.

Hell torches will add +1 to any move utilyzing the hell signature location. Lava lamps are +1 to the volcano sig location.


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Kalath grumbles about excessive prices but still pays 3 yen for a lava lamp.

Lava Lamp in hand, Kalath heads back to the sewer tunnel entrance, and goes in.

Updated Stats
Total Hits: 20
Experience: 2.0
Saved Experience: 0
Natural Hits: 10
Yen: 2.5
Being Worn: Mithril Chain Shirt (+5 hits), Mithril Kote (+5 hits)
Being Wielded: Ancient Hammer (+3 damage), Monkey-bone Club (+1 monkey, tree), Lucky Rabbit's Foot (+1 rabbit), Ki-rin Horn Spear (+1 spear, ki-rin), Dragon's Fang Dagger (+1 dragon, fang, dagger), Staff (+1), Kama (+1), Sword (+1), Chopsticks (+1), Envenomed Phoenix's Feather Fan (+1 phoenix, fan, spider, snake), Spiked Gloves (+1 fist), Needle (+1), Thorned Rat-tail Whip (+1 thorn, +1 rat, +1 vine), Poison Throwing Stars (+1 northstar, +1 scorpion), Hunter's Claw (+1 tiger, +1 jaguar, +1 panther, +1 wolf, +1 fox, +1 falcon, +1 owl, +1 raven, +1 mantis, +1 crab, +2 claw), Lava Lamp (+1 volcano)
Possessions: Anti-Kobold Whistle
Tournament Record: 1-0

Intense Sarcasm and a Pessimistic Outlook
Dirty Trick (x1) [Left: 1]
Shove (x1) [Left: 1]
Chair Shot (x1) [Left: 1]
Ki (x15) [Left: 15]
Unholy Warrior
Unholy Battery
Master of the Phoenix
Expert of the Volcano

Summary of damage added due to items. Ignore all the flavor in the Being Worn/Wielded line of Kalath's stats -- to preserve the rules, the actual weapons he has are all individual
+1: volcano, rabbit, ki-rin, monkey, dragon, fang, dagger, staff, kama, sword, spear, chopsticks, fan, spider, snake, fist, needle, tree, thorn, rat, vine, northstar, scorpion, tiger, jaguar, panther, wolf, fox, falcon, owl, raven, mantis, crab
+2: claw
+3: hammer


The sewer tunnel does not look any better by the light of the lamp but at least now Kalath can see where he is going in the muck. The tunnel goes forward a ways and then there is an intersection with tunnels going four ways.


The tunnel heads straight, the brick walls glistening with moisture. The "water" is less deep, only a couple of inches. There are faint splashing noises ahead of Kalath but he cannot see what is making them.

After a time he comes to a branch. The tunnel continues straight while the branch goes to the right. Kalath can hear noise coming from both directions.


First Post
Kalath continues straight.

ooc: A while back I mentioned how I felt the exp system was somewhat inaccurate, because of problems like facing something just 1 CR above gives you 1.5 exp, while facing something just 1 CR below only gives you .5 exp, when in reality the two challenges are almost equal. Well, I've thought up what is IMO a better system, with less inaccuracies like that.

New exp/level gaining system
Instead of keeping track of experience, keep track of hits defeated. Every time your character defeats an enemy single-handedly, the number of hits you have defeated increases by the natural hits of that enemy. If you defeat an enemy with the aid of other fighters, divide the hits defeated evenly among everyone, keeping of halves and thirds.
Once your hits defeated reaches 5 times your natural hits, you gain a level. When you gain a level, subtract 5 times your natural hits from your current amount of hits defeated and gain 5 exp. The exp can be spent or saved as before. Alternately, for purposes of gaining epic powers, you may subtract your natural hits from the hits defeated that be normally carry over towards the level to gain 1 more exp. If you have enough hits defeated, this can be done multiple times.

So, for example, a fighter with 2 natural hits would need 10 hits defeated to gain a level. If he defeated a CR 3, two CR 2s, and a CR 5, he would be up to 12 hits defeated, and could gain a level. He could either get 5 exp and have 2 hits defeated towards the next level, or he could convert the extra 2 hits into exp and get 6 exp, and have nothing towards the next level.

I think this is needed because of how the system starts to get inaccurate at some points. Doing it this way makes strong fighters get very little from wimpy CR 1s, instead of the .5 exp they get now, and it fixes the problem of monsters just 1 CR above you getting you 1.5 exp, and just 1 CR below you giving you .5 exp. This method also does not take any more book-keeping, as it merely replaces the "Exp" field that all fighters need to track of with a "hits defeated" field. No other new numbers need to be kept track of.
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we can see what others think about your suggested system - It seems to work well enough.

Going further down the tunnel, Kalath steps on something that cracks, and then another. It appears there are rat bones all over the floor. They have been picked clean and polished. Ahead in the tunnel, Kalath hears something splash and slosh.

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