D&D 5E You find a magical _____, it does _____

Let's have a quick game of creativity, getting some fun and brainstorming in!

Respond to the person above you by saying what the secretly magically item they name does (in general terms: no game design or balancing needed). And then name an item yourself for the next poster.

For example, if there were a poster above me that said "mug" I might reply with "the enchanted mug turns any liquid poured inside into medium warm coffee. Decaff only." Or my reply could be "It is a cup of begging and blessed by the goddess of thieves. The person holding the mug can transport coins of their choosing from a passerby into the cup."

Make sense? Cool.

First item: a pair of leather bracers.

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You gain a +1 bonus to skill checks to craft an item with Blacksmiths Tools (the bracers are a heat guard)
You must stand and face a foe at range, hold your arm out like you are sighting along it, make a fist, and speak the magic word ("Excelsior"?). The targeted enemy receives a fist punch from a distance.
You totally mess up any attempt (auto-fails) to track you and your friends by Scent because you now smell like days-old dead stuff.

Next item: a canteen

Let's have a quick game of creativity, getting some fun and brainstorming in!

Respond to the person above you by saying what the secretly magically item they name does (in general terms: no game design or balancing needed). And then name an item yourself for the next poster.

For example, if there were a poster above me that said "mug" I might reply with "the enchanted mug turns any liquid poured inside into medium warm coffee. Decaff only." Or my reply could be "It is a cup of begging and blessed by the goddess of thieves. The person holding the mug can transport coins of their choosing from a passerby into the cup."

Make sense? Cool.

First item: a pair of leather bracers.
A magic pair of leather bracers of binding allows you to tie knots of any kind, fastening and binding any object with rope, chains, string, or cords. The binding is as strong as the material used, but the knot can only be untied by the wearer of the bracers.

Next item: a veil.

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Next item: a canteen

This canteen was fashioned by a hill giant named Gronck from the skin of his dead mother. Any milk poured inside the canteen immediately curdles and then ferments, becoming delicious to hill giants. Anyone, hill giant or otherwise, who drinks from the canteen must make a DC 15 Constitution save or be poisoned (intoxicated) for one hour.

Next item: a pair of wooden dice strung like beads on a necklace.

The Ethereveil is a thin silvery grey gauze head-covering. While worn, you are +2 to all saves against effects, attacks, and spells that come from or extend into the Ethereal Plane. When lowered over the face, the wearer sees clearly into Ethereal Plane to a distance of 50'.

Next (since we just had Thanksgiving): A large serving fork...make it platinum, for fun. :)

The Ethereveil is a thin silvery grey gauze head-covering. While worn, you are +2 to all saves against effects, attacks, and spells that come from or extend into the Ethereal Plane. When lowered over the face, the wearer sees clearly into Ethereal Plane to a distance of 50'.

Next (since we just had Thanksgiving): A large serving fork...make it platinum, for fun. :)

This fork is able to lift miraculously large loads of food, but only food. If you roast a Dragon a little, this could lift it. Otherwise, it is a normal fork.

Next item: An upside down Rock

The rock has the ability to dig straight down at stupendous speed, but only in that direction. It cannot be pointed perpendicularly to dig tunnels.

Next up: A rope.

Bazeem's Wondrous Rope is made of flimsy jute that can barely hold a halfling, and anymore weight than that causes the rope to gradually unravel over the course of 1d4 rounds until it breaks. However, over the next hour Bazeem's Wondrous Rope grows back to its original length. During this time, the severed length shrivels into fine gray dust.

Next item: A garden gnome

Gruzer's Guardian Garden Gnome animates when pests enter your garden. It can be set to chase off small insects or to jump up and down and yell at deer or other larger animals who come to nibble on nearby plants--or both (with the deluxe model)!

[MENTION=6787650]Hemlock[/MENTION] got skipped, so I'm suggesting: Next item: a pair of wooden dice strung like beads on a necklace.

Mazer's Charm (expendable): the user must wear this charm and yank it off their neck to activate as a Reaction. Using it provides Inspiration (as per standard rules). Only one charm may be worn at a time or none will work.

Next Item: A Rubber Ball

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