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Your Best and Worst Sci-Fi TV Shows!


Retired game store owner
  • Twilight Zone (original)
  • Star Trek (original)
  • Battlestar Galactica (current series)
  • Captain Video
  • Buck Rogers
  • Lost in Space
  • Battlestar Galactica 1980
  • Bionic Woman

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Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
1. Babylon 5 - Season one was a setup, then the show ran like hell until the end of season 4 when they crammed stuff together to avoid leaving the main plot unresoved when they anticipated cancellation. Season 5 still had a lot of great stuff though. Overall the best written Sci-Fi show to date. Londo Mollari is my favorite Sci-Fi character next to the Doctor.

2. Red Dwarf - 8 series of gut busting hillarity. Awesome characters and fantastic writing. This show was amazing. I loved all 8 seasons. Too bad the Smeg heads cancelled it after that.

3. Doctor Who - While any show that has ran for 26+ years will have some stinkers, most of the stories were excellent and overcame the horrid budgets. The new show is good, but I really love the time from Patrick Troughton - Tom Baker. Classic stuff. The Cybermen are where the fan favorite Borg were stolen from, and the Daleks with thier shrill chants of EXTERMINATE are great. Stories ran a huge range of styles and themes. Great show.

4. Star Trek - TOS - Great adventures and dealt with all kinds of social issues(the Kirk/Uhura kiss was radical at the time), and had a great feel. I really liked the characters and the setting. To bad the shows tha followed were not as good.

5. Battlestar Galactica - The new series is excellent. A real military feel to the crew and a lot of good stores. Some weak plot points but overall I get engrossed by the show when I watch it. One hell of a cliffhanger ending to season 1! I love the religion angle and the possibilities it opens up.

Honorable Mention
Quantum Leap, Star Trek DS9, The X-Files, The Outer Limits(original)

The Bad
1. Star Trek Voyager - Just horrid. Instead of really making it a desperate attempt to get home, it became standard Star Trek in the Delta Quadrant. Just a terribly written show, when I did watch it I did so for 7of9 and her wonderful...parts.

2. Mutant X - Jeez this show was horrid. I guess they throw X in the title and have a thinly ripped off X men theme and people will watch? Ugh.

3. Star Trek Enterprise - A show with so much potential destroyed by terrible plots and writing for the first three seasons. Unless Tpal is getting decontaminated leave me out!

4. Sliders - A lot of great potential wasted. It was ok until they got rid of the professor and got that one chick on there. Again, a lot of wasted potential.

5. Cleopatra 2525 - nothing more needs to be said.

Dishonorable mentions - Galactica 1980, Andromeda, Earth: Final Conflict, Stargate SG-1


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
My favorites (in no particular order):

1. Star Trek TOS
2. Star Trek DS9
3. Babylon 5
4. Dr Who (middle years - Pertwee, T. Baker)
5. Battlestar Galactica

Ones I don't like:

1. Star Trek Voyager
2. Red Dwarf
3. Dr. Who (later years)
4. X-files
5. Land of the Lost


First Post
trancejeremy said:
2) Battlestar Galactica 2.0

The original was rather dopey, but the new version combines the dopiness of the original with all new sorts of just plain stupidity. Alien sex-bots that have a glowing spine but can't be told from a real human? Uh yeah, that's possible. Ships carrying tons and tons of water? Oh yeah, that's smart, given that todays's spaceships recycle water at an efficiently level pretty much so high that the water in the food replaces what is lost. I guess they spent all their research efforts on the sex-bots.

Actually, hauling around all that water makes a certain sense if you're using it as armour --- essentially, a mass between you and potential sources of radioactivity. Like Cylon nukes.

'Course, I might not drink it then...


driver8 said:

Hercules. It started out ok but just got a bit repititve.


Anyone else wanna insult my work? ;)

(For the record, I'm well aware that none of the PRP shows were High Art :) But they were a blast to work on, and I can console myself that there is an obvious quality gap between Herc and Xena, and, say, Sinbad or The New Adventures of Robin Hood.)



First Post
Wow. Am I the only one here who likes Roswell?

Some shows I especially like include Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, The 4400, Firefly, John Doe, Farscape, and Sliders.

I've never really gotten into Star Trek in any of its incarnations. I saw some of the movies and scattered episodes of most of the series, but in never did much for me.

Babylon 5 - The best TV Sci-Fi ever. Everyone else can learn from this one.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Trek's Finest Hour
Sliders (First Season Only) - A great "Alternate Worlds" series, the best treatment of that concept I've seen. Started out wonderful but started to drop like a rock later on.
(New) Battlestar Galactica - I've loved every episode. It might have anachronistic bits, but it thrives on it's internal consistency, realism of it's characters and the implied mythology of the entire setting.
X-Files - Conspiracy Sci-Fi at it's best. Spawned an entire genre of imitators, but it was the best. The only thing that could have made it better is if the writers actually knew what the "big secret" was instead of making it up as they went along.

Honorable Mention: SeaQuest DSV (First Season Only), V, Original Battlestar Galactica,

Star Trek: Voyager - Star Trek without the intelligently written scripts, internal consistency, or even vague plausibility. This is the series which gave us the episode "Threshold" (a.k.a. "Transwarp Frogs in Space!").
Galactica: 1980 - A vaguely decent premise, which was trashed right out of the gate.
Lost In Space - Everything wrong about TV Sci-Fi in one convenient package, bad writing, bad acting, atrocious special effects, and an infinitely annoying little kid.
Andromeda - If the sets and costumes were carved out of cheddar it couldn't get cheesier. One of the worst of the litter of the 90's Sci-Fi boom. It was "Hercules In Space!"
SeaQuest DSV (2nd Season and later) - Soggy Star Trek rip-off. It went from pretty plausible actual near-future science-fiction to travelling through space to the oceans of other planets and jumping through time.

Dishonorable Mention: Sliders (2nd season and on), Earth: Final Conflict, Total Recall 2070

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Hypersmurf said:

Anyone else wanna insult my work? ;)

(For the record, I'm well aware that none of the PRP shows were High Art :) But they were a blast to work on, and I can console myself that there is an obvious quality gap between Herc and Xena, and, say, Sinbad or The New Adventures of Robin Hood.)


I guess since you seem to work on all of them.... yup. :p


Hypersmurf said:

Anyone else wanna insult my work?

(For the record, I'm well aware that none of the PRP shows were High Art :) But they were a blast to work on, and I can console myself that there is an obvious quality gap between Herc and Xena, and, say, Sinbad or The New Adventures of Robin Hood.)


I LOVED Jack of All Trades, but I am a big Bruce Campbell fan.

uh, oh ah, you wouldn't happen to have any "acquired" any"candid" photos of Angela Dotchin? While working on the show? :heh: :heh:

Voidrunner's Codex

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