Supes killed Doctor Light during the Trinity War.
In the 30s and early 40s he killed his enemies all the time, usually by nonchalantly throwing them off a building or something. In the fifties through the mid-eighties, he had a very strict code against killing, which would entail voluntarily giving up his powers if he ever killed someone. Ironically, during this period of ~50-85, he killed both Bizarro and a protoplasmic life-form created by Lex Luthor during his time as Superboy, explaining both times away by saying that his victims weren't truly alive. At the end of this era, in the mid eighties, he killed Mr. Mxyzptlk by tearing his fifth dimensional form in half and, no longer able to explain away his killing in his maturity, gave up his powers forever.
In the 30s and early 40s he killed his enemies all the time, usually by nonchalantly throwing them off a building or something. In the fifties through the mid-eighties, he had a very strict code against killing, which would entail voluntarily giving up his powers if he ever killed someone. Ironically, during this period of ~50-85, he killed both Bizarro and a protoplasmic life-form created by Lex Luthor during his time as Superboy, explaining both times away by saying that his victims weren't truly alive. At the end of this era, in the mid eighties, he killed Mr. Mxyzptlk by tearing his fifth dimensional form in half and, no longer able to explain away his killing in his maturity, gave up his powers forever.