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D&D 5E Your favorite campaign you've never run


Elder Thing
I never managed to run the 2e Night Below adventure, though I bought it and I loved reading it. I never managed to run my 2e Masque of the Red Death campaign either. My friend and I co-developed a post-apocalyptic fantasy world inspired in equal parts by Stephen King's Gunslinger books, The Seven Altars of Dusarra by Lawrence Watt-Evans, and Dune, but the campaign fell apart at the end of a school year, after maybe 5 sessions total.

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1) "War of the Worlds" on Oerth (Greyhawk) with a Fraal invasion; Magic vs. high tech.

2) "Against the Overmind." Starting the PCs as slaves of the Mindflayers and taking it from there.

3) "Origins" Starting the characters as the first human civilization.


Staff member
A post-Extinction-level Event* game in which the cataclysmic outpouring of energy- normal and mystical- have radically reshaped the world.

The various old cultures & societies are being rebuilt alongside totally new ones. Few creatures creatures bigger than large have survived. Almost nothing written has survived on the surface world. Spellcasters are forced to rediscover the secrets of magic, meaning that even familiar spells don't work quite like they used to.

Even the races have been recast in the crucible of rebirth. The panoply of elvish races has been reduced to a scant few, each reshaped by magic that enabled them to survive.** Dwarves are gone, replaced by the Inheritors.*** Centuries of conflict involving opportunistic forces from beyond have caused extraplanar hybrids- the Nephilim- to become the norm.**** My Green Council is also here.*****

* Illithids from the future intended to guide asteroids down to the surface to destroy the power of the surface world and hasten their ascendancy...but they got it wrong and lost control of the process. And in the confusion after the main disaster, opportunists from the outer planes tried to make their mark on the world as well.

** one such is now part plant, whose ability to use photosynthesis allowed them to survive the climactic shift- based in the "plant" template.

*** Warforged re-imagined to be Cyberman/dalek-like chassis for the brains of Psionic dwarves.

**** "Planetouched" races have been so mixed up over time that, instead of distinct races, "Nephilim" is now a template with abilities gained over time.

Here's an interesting fact: Aspen Trees are a clonal species- they can spread by runners. One of the largest organisms on Earth is an Aspen grove in Utah’s Wasatch Mountains that has 41,000+ trunks.

That inspired this:

No Man's Land:

5000 years ago, a druid (whose name is lost to humanity...) of great power picked a large and remote island devoid of human life as his home, choosing a grove of aspen trees his most sacred space. At some point, he chose to cast Awaken upon one of the aspen...and the entire grove came to life! He had forgotten that Aspen spread by runners...the entire grove was actually one plant- and now it had a mind equal to his own. He trained it in the ways of the druids.

Eventually, death found the druid, but his greatest student lived on. Eventually, the Aspen grew enough in power that it began to experiment with Awaken itself. First, it made other Aspen and a few other mighty trees as self aware as it was, forming the Green Council, each a druid, cleric or mage in its own right. They, in time and in turn, granted awareness to some of the animals of the forest...bringing them into a society ruled by the Green Council, each day's food created by powerful magics.

As decades passed, the island became a great druidic haven, but still unknown to man.

1000 years ago, Man came...and he was not ready for what he found. The animals and trees welcomed those who resembled the one who had made their haven possible, but the ignorant sailors who found the island hunted for food for their journeys, and were driven back by the island inhabitants. The sailors returned to civilization to tell tales of the mysterious island to the East, where both animals and trees thought and fought as if men.

The Counci's research of the civilized world (directly and through its awakened, shapechanged agents) has brought them much information about the destructiveness of man...and also solutions as to how to fight back. Those shapechanged agents often lived lives among the so called civilized men, bringing their children, natural shapeshifters, back to the island. The Council did much the same.

Now, the island is inhabited by more than trees and awakened animals. Alongside them now live natural shapechangers and other curious hybrids of man and beast or beast and plant...all members of an insular society on the island.

And they are leery of Mankind's intent.

(In game terms, the island is inhabited by Awakened Trees of the Green Council (each with 20 levels of some combination of Druid, Cleric, Wizard or Sorcerer, some with Epic levels); Awakened animals (any class, Rangers and Druids most common); Anthropomorphic Animals (see WOTC's Savage Species); Shapeshifters (see WOTC's Eberron, but instead of being linked to Lycanthropes, they are linked to Druids); and Woodlings (see WOTC's Monster Manual III).
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Dusty Dragon
I never got to run a planescape campaign.

But seriously though... every DM has different tastes in games. I usually end up running the game I would wish I was playing in...


Just for fun--and to get back to discussing cool ideas, as a break from some of the rules arguments... ;)

Describe your favorite idea for a D&D (or related/similar game) campaign that you'd really like to run, but have never had the chance. :)

Generally, if it's a D&D campaign, I will eventually run it. It's the 'related' ones I never run...
I think the main one I've never done is a Space Opera game in the mold of Star Wars/Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers, sort of swords & sorcery in space with lots of Ming the Merciless evil wizards, space princesses, winged hawkmen, giant space dreadnaughts that blow up a lot, that sort of thing. I think the main influences would be the '70s Buck Rogers and 1980 Flash Gordon film...

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Li Shenron

Describe your favorite idea for a D&D (or related/similar game) campaign that you'd really like to run, but have never had the chance. :)

A D&D campaign set in real earth, middle-ages around the year 1300. The basic premise of such campaign would be "everything you always thought it was medieval folklore and superstition was actually true".


I have more campaign ideas than I have time. But one that would be interesting would be if you, the player, are sent to a realm where the world works exactly as described in the D&D books. You were accidentally summoned and in return the people who summoned you give you enough training to be somewhat competent 1st level characters.
Translocation of people from modern Earth to D&D (although not necessarily with the meta elements you describe) is something I've mucked about with several times, but I have yet to find a group that wants to play!

I also have a beautiful Ptolus hardback on the shelf that I've never managed to run, and now that I've left 3.5 behind, I probably never will. :(


Stargate-inspired Eberron game wherein the heroes discover a gate to Dark Sun, remain trapped on the DS side for a while, then find a way home and keep it under wraps from House Orien, who (surprise) have one of their own...

Mecha Cops - the PC force is kitted out with experimental Robotech Cyclone armor and tasked with policing a megacity where Mecha are a way of life (commercial, industrial, military sectors, medical, even entertainment) and a VERY valuable commodity for tech thieves.

Transformers/Beast Wars. How is it that The TF have been a thing since 1984 and no official TF RPG has ever happened?

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