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Your own personal gaming terms...

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mass distraction spells - area of effect spells that deal lotso damage (like fireball)

ESP 'spell name' - Extremely Super Powerful, a spell with meta-magic feats attached, usually maximize or empower (a favorite of mine is the ESP fireball)

insta-death - save-&-die effects, or when someone dies really fast in the first round (like little creatures hit by a big fireball)


"Happystick". A wand of cure light wounds, used in our Living Greyhawk group. Recently, a cleric of Wee Jas has also acquired an unhappystick, a wand of inflict light wounds.

"Tehdä Mikot" ("to pull a Mikko"). To skip a game (or really, any prearranged event) without notice. Named for a player in my home gaming group with said annoying tendency.

"Tehdä Maxit" ("to pull a Max"). To die, get raised before the end of the adventure, and manage to level up with the adventure experience, therefore more or less voiding the level loss. Named for a gamer in our Living Greyhawk group, who did exactly this.

"Warre -hahmo" ("a Warre character"). Also named after a Living Greyhawk gamer. A character who wears light or no armour and can temporarily boost his AC some fifteen points above the party tank's, but dies immediately if something hits him. Also named after a Living Greyhawk player, whose grey elf wizard/rogue had touch AC around 30 and about 11 hit points at level 5.


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“Was it flame? Let me show you how it's done.”
A Final Fantasy reference. It means that the player wants to cast the same spell at his enemies that was just cast at him.

“I stop, drop, and roll for sanity.”
A CoC RPG reference. Used whenever someone says or does something completely insane.

“I Giles it.”
A BTVS reference, indicating that the player intends to research something evil.

“He doesn’t drink... Vine.”
Said about a suspicious NPC who might be something other than human (or working for something that isn’t human.)

“...And then I’ll swing the baseball bat at the hand grenade!”
A reference to a memorable TPK moment in an old Shadowrun game. It means that a proposed plan sounds like it will end in disaster.

“You are suddenly ambushed by herrings. You notice that they are blood red.”
Used by the GM to hint that the PCs are on the wrong track.

There are lots of others, but these were the ones that sprung to mind first.


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NiTessine said:
"Happystick". A wand of cure light wounds, used in our Living Greyhawk group. Recently, a cleric of Wee Jas has also acquired an unhappystick, a wand of inflict light wounds.

Same here. We call the wand of cure light wounds the cleric has in the campaign I'm running and the one I'm playing in the "happy stick".


VirgilCaine said:
Same here. We call the wand of cure light wounds the cleric has in the campaign I'm running and the one I'm playing in the "happy stick".
I think the term might be more widespread, possibly originating in the British Isles, because the guy who introduced it to our group had just returned from university in Wales.

I remembered some others.

"Death by boxed text". Said by the DM to shut the group up - important information delivered in badly pronounced English to follow. Concentration required.

"All aboard the plot train". When the adventure grabs the PCs by the arm and drags them along, regardless of whether they're actually willing.

"Onks se ihminen?" ("Is it human?"). Generally spoken by the ranger player (since I haven't ever seen a ranger in any of my groups that didn't have human as a favoured enemy) whenever the DM asks for Spot or Listen checks, or when initiating combat. The question is usually rhetorical, especially in the latter case.


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"Negsperience points". Awarded to players as (imaginary, not actually counted) minus experience points for saying something obnoxious, making a dumb joke or just generally being annoying. At the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) game sessions negsperience points can quickly overtake real experience points, especially since grumpy DMs are encouraged to award them several million at a time.

"Hamburger". What happens to a monster who's been massively overkilled, i.e. taken damage many times its current hit points. Hamburgering a monster leads to "burgersperience points" and, for a particularly amazing kill, "rolling for fixings". (I.e. taking several d6's, rolling them, and "interpreting" the results -- "he's become a double-decker cheeseburger with lettuce, pickles, onion, extra mustard, and a side order of onion rings".


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The stick of stupid - a device created from tweaked out dm cursed items fused with revenge, spite and lust for power. Said device rarely works but can create hours of fun. When device does work the dm has hell to pay.

example: a stick of stupid *COULD* be a cloak when first worn does a penalty of -10 to all mental stats permanently. Device is then handled with care afterwards and wrapped around a stick. Halfling genocide commences. Said device does not work and must be draped on wounded Halflings so they are incoherent and cannot alert authorities. Used to cover up horrible crimes committed while testing the stick of stupid. Ultimately plain A fails and becomes a grappling cloak of stupid. That is the last session that is ever played from THAT campain


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Mark Hope said:
Any PC or NPC who is likely to betray the party in a nefarious manner at some point. Named for a character I played in a Traveller one-shot who did just that, to the shock and outrage of the rest of the group.

Yes, we have our own term for this. Called an "Irwin". One of our players had a "Crocodile Hunter" themed character, based off of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter (he was a Druid btw)... Anyway, instead of his name being Steve Irwin, his name was Irwin Stevens (pretty clever, eh?). Eventually he betrayed the party, but we can't entirely fauly him as he thought what he was doing was right. But still... Any character we think may betray the party is an Irwin.


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VirgilCaine said:
Illegal. You can't use both at the same time.

Re: Combat Expertise + Fighting Defensively

Actually, I beleive you can... But I would maybe suggest posting and discussin this in the Rules forum for more clarification on it. I am sure you will find people on both sides of the arguement (as usual).

Voidrunner's Codex

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