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Your own personal gaming terms...


Danjin Masutaa
(N): Healing, usually in the form of cure XX wounds spells. Usually yelled by tanks in melee as "Ouch, I need some luvin' over here!"

Fireball formation (Not origionally ours)
(N): A formation in which every PC stands within a 20' radius, making it easy to kill them all with a fireball.

Paladin's lockpick (not origionally ours)
(N): Adamantine Great Maul, used by our Paladin to open doors / chests


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Kyuss Knight

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It comes from my uncle's gaming group in the eraly 90's. It started with the group talking about how dogs didn't have opposible thumbs, so therefore they could not hold nachos. Then they were talking about how cranked up 2e elves were and it was decided that elves got all the nachos.

So now whenever we get loot, we refer to it as nachos!


First Post
raw - medium - done: the condition of a creature during combat, if it recived no or little damage it is raw, about half hp is medium, and near death or already dead is done (there is also well-done, which is the effect of a fireball)


Verb. Hit or attempt to hit a creature or object with a bludgeoning weapon with a view to killing/destroying it.
Also a noun. Example: "My priest of Moradin - using his magical warhammer - will give the golem the smackaroo."


Gibbled - any character who is stunned, unconcious, bleeding to death or otherwise incapacitated with out actually being dead.


"Wandering Damage" - A threat used when you're pissing off the DM. E.g., "You turn the corner and encounter... 10 points of damage!"

"Chaotic Dick" - a.k.a, the chaotic neutral alignment, a.k.a., the way my buddy rowport plays most his PCs. ;)


Direct hit on / Bombing the Salsa Factory - dropping snacks while at the gaming table. Originated during a BattleTech/MechWarrior game; our group was in some urban combat, one of the players reached a bit too far for the salsa, and spilled it on the GM's handmade , painstakingly colored-in hexmap. We ruled that one of the player's missiles had misfired and destroyed the salsa factory there. Woe spread across the land.


First Post
We use Happy Stick as well; I'm pretty sure I picked it up during my RPGA play, too.

Some of our other terms:

FM: acronym for "f***ing magic". Explanation for anything that the PCs encounter that the PCs (or, for that matter, the players) have no explanation for. Usually occurs when the DM is ad-libbing badly.

Hot Donuts: term for the little tents or signs that our players have made up to act as reminders of ongoing party buffs (Inspire Courage, Bless, etc.); typically, the signs get hung up on my DM screen so that everyone can see them. I dubbed them "Hot Donuts" after the sign that gets lit up at a Krispy Kreme store when they've got fresh donuts for sale ("Hot Donuts Now!").

GOOMB: acronym for "Get out of my brain." Used in our online gaming group, right after two people post the exact same idea into the chat room.

Cleric Initiative: a lousy initiative roll. Named such because many clerics both (a) have poor initiative modifiers, and (b) seem to frequently compound the bad modifier with a bad die roll.

Stendan's Disease: named for my RPGA Living Force character, a scoundrel named Ril Stendan. Scoundrels in Star Wars have the "Lucky" ability, which lets them re-roll a d20 (similar to the Luck domain ability in D&D). Ril was infamous for getting a bad roll, invoking Lucky to re-roll the d20, and getting an even worse roll the second time.

Kinnington's Disease: named for my friend Steve's Living Force character, a Jedi named Bon Kinnington. Bon had an awful Spot modifier, and Steve would always roll poorly on the d20 for Spot checks, as well. So, Kinnington's Disease is the complete inability to see or notice anything.

UCT: acronym for "Universal Cutting Tool" -- euphamism for a lightsaber.

Door Clog: melee combat that occurs in a doorway, or other constricted space, and which results in half of the party having no way to contribute to the fight.

Melt Them With My Brain: using any psionic attack.

Greyhawking: looting the bodies of fallen foes. We didn't make this one up...Living Greyhawk (especially in its first year or two) can be stingy with loot, and if you don't greyhawk the bodies, you lose out on what may be your only source of treasure.

Tuttle: a PC built to max-out melee damage output, almost always with a two-handed weapon. One of our players created a PC named Tuttle, who was just a damage-dealing machine with his greatsword and Power Attack. Since then, if someone wants to create a similar fighter, they say, "I wanna make a Tuttle."

Touch and Scream: in the RPGA's Living Death campaign, there's a skill called Psychometry, that lets you pick up psychic images left on items, usually by intense / traumatic events. For example, if you used psychometry on a murder weapon, you might be able to psychically relive the murder. The better the psychometry roll, the more you can learn...but a good roll can also imperil the user's sanity.
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Discuss Footwear - basically, doing something stupid instead of preparing to fight a nearby opponent. Coined when, as we tracked a beholder, the party stopped to discuss who was wearing what footwear. We had just killed a minion of the beholder and were trying to maximize our effectiveness by distributing his gear, the most important piece of which were his magical boots. The beholder attacked. Naturally (and ironically), we were flat-footed when he attacked. E.g., in the middle of combat, DM: "Are you discussing footwear?"

Tiefling ---- - evil female opponents. Coined when we were double-crossed by a female tiefling. There is no honor among thieves!

Deep immersive role player - usually followed by genital or scatalogical humor, often by a different player.. E.g., Player 1: "We're deep immersive role-players." Player 2: "Last night, I role-played my character's testicles dropping."


buzz said:
"Wandering Damage" - A threat used when you're pissing off the DM. E.g., "You turn the corner and encounter... 10 points of damage!"

My take on this is "you explode", optionally followed by a detailed description of how the character disintegrates and then re-assembles.

Admittedly inspired by Time Bandits.

I found God - Rolling really good on a spot or search check.

I found my shoelaces - The opposite.

Voidrunner's Codex

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