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Your Second Love

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Champions - 3rd had just came out, and we played a combination of 3rd edition core book (the perfect bound yellow and green one) and Champions II and III from 2nd Ed.

That really was the game I was looking my whole life for - it is still my primary RPG (after 23 years).

I play D&D as my secondary system. :)


Staff member
For me, RPG #2 was the original Traveller.

However, when the first printing of Champions (the game that would become HERO) came out, that was it. That has become my favorite system of all time.

That said, D&D is quite important to me. Most of my buddies only play D&D, and 3.X is my 3rd favorite system of all time- edged out only by HERO and Mutants & Masterminds.

Still, I loves me some Traveller.

This one is a bit more complicated for me...

I started out playing D&D(2E AD&D), but the second game I turned to was Rolemaster. Rolemaster as written was almost unplayable, but the combination of houseruling into oblivion combined with requiring that all players have photocopies of all relevant combat tables made for a pretty good game. If I hadn't lost track of the notebook I was using for houserules, and the loss of a few 1E Rolemaster books, I might consider going back for a nostalgia game.

That being said, my true second love in RPGs is Vampire: the Masquerade/Requiem.


Well, B/X D&D was the first RPG I owned, but classic Traveller was the first RPG I played on a regular basis. So, I could call D&D my first love and Traveller my second. Or I could call Traveller my first love and AD&D my second. Or I could say that my first real “branching out” was Warhammer FRP. (We had a few abortive tries at Star Frontiers, Top Secret, free-form, &c.; but WFRP I think was the first that really “took”.) Although GURPS was probably the first game that really rivaled the dedication I’d had for AD&D.

No, I can never give a simple answer. Why? (^_^)


First Post
Shadowrun for me. I was never particularly in love with the mechanics, but the blend of fantasy and the short future was very appealing and the flavor and detail of the gameworld was very well done, all the way down to having its one slang. My group played it for quite some time.

Others close to Shadowrun would be Top Secret SI, Runequest and Paranoia.


First Post
I'd have to say that the first game to really click with me after D&D was Deadlands (the original; the Savage Worlds version is a bit oversimplified for my tastes). I had to sell the books during a financial downturn several years back, however, and haven't been able to find a reasonably priced copy of the revised Player's and Marshal's Guides since. I still look on a regular basis.

I've played a good percentage of the games on the market. The one that currently clicks with me, however, is one I've only been able to play in one-shots; Eden Studio's Unisystem. I love the simple elegance of the ruleset and the flexibility it provides while maintaining a realistically lethal environment for horror-themed or supernatural investigation-based games. Hell, my players even liked it... they just weren't willing to stop playing D&D long enough to let me run a full-length campaign.

Fallen Seraph

First Post
Just as an addendum, my current loves are:

-D&D 4e
-nWoD (Vampire, Changeling and Promethean (Promethean is my all time favourite P&P)

So, in some regards besides the inclusion of Cthulhutech I have kept my love affair steady just with the younger generation of the games.

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