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Your Second Love

D+D is actually my second love. My first love was Star Wars 2e (WEG d6). I really fell in love with that system because I was a pretty big SW geek and budding engineering brain at the time, and the RPG was the only thing that gave quantitative measurements to the technical stuff. I also really loved the sidebars in the WEG books, like the story of the Quarren that let the Empire into Calamari, or the true story behind Fett's escape from the sarlac.

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Shadowrun. I adore the flavor / style / setting. Adored it since I first played it.

Though recently, nWoD Vampire and Mage are getting some love too.


After 25+ years I'm still searching for an alternative. I've owned or own many different games but none that have taken the #2 spot for all time.


First Post
My first loves were Runequest and MERP/Rolemaster, both of them systems I've always thought of as way better than AD&D.

Second loves, were (and still are) Call of Cthulhu, Vampire: the Masquerade and Fanhunter (a Spanish Cyberpunk/Farenheit 451/Slapstick rpg). I've played and run many more, but these were the ones that stood up, and the ones I'm currently willing to run. Fudge and Risus don't count because they're rules, not games (I can run, for example, Risus CoC or Fudge V:tM)

D&D (3.x and RC) is actually my third love ;)

And the "fourth gen" of loves would be Dark Heresy, Trail of Cthulhu, Mutants and Masterminds and WHFRP, as games I've never played or played just once, but that I wouldn't mind running a game or two.
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For me, it would probably be Mutants and Masterminds, although I'm still not sold on the combat system. I always get a general sense that nobody's making progress in M&M combat. I've also really enjoyed the few games of Shadowrun I've played; I really enjoy the sheer lethality of the system. I have yet to run a game for my group though.


First Post
Shadowrun for me

I'd have to second that motion.

Born and bred on D&D, but when Shadowrun came along it was like a breath of fresh air...and with enough D&D ties to it (races) to intrigue me from the moment I saw it.

I still play Shadowrun (though not a big fan of SR 4th edition), and it's always gone neck and neck with D&D (though not a big fan of d&D 4th edition either) as to which one I play the most.

Other favourites (but not in term of gaming hours) have been:
Traveller, Earthdaw, Twilight 2K, and Dark Conspiracy.

Mark Hope


Fantastic game. Then, a few years later, Mage: the Ascension came along. From time to time Mage usurps D&D as my favourite game. Love it to bits.

Voidrunner's Codex

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