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Youre favorite style of Elf

Klaus said:

...show off! :p
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I got dice older than you.
Jyrdan Fairblade said:
Poul Anderson's Broken Sword had some interesting elves, bringing them back to their Fey roots. As I recall, their entire eye was a uniform blue color.
You recall correctly. And as TheAuldGrump noted, they were not nice people. The elf on this cover for the Broken Sword gets it about right to me, except for the eye color:


The Broken Sword and Three Hearts, Three Lions version of elves is my favorite thus far.


A suffusion of yellow
focallength said:
Also battered and deepfried, makes them pretty tasty as long as you can get past them staring at you while your trying to eat.

Thats why you eat their eyes first


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francisca said:
You recall correctly. And as TheAuldGrump noted, they were not nice people. The elf on this cover for the Broken Sword gets it about right to me, except for the eye color:


The Broken Sword and Three Hearts, Three Lions version of elves is my favorite thus far.

Yep, that's the copy I have too.

I remember think 'hey, that's not how Anderson described the eyes!' afterwards. Blue in blue like a spice addict from Dune woud be closer.

The Auld Grump


Vraille Darkfang said:
I also think Salma Hayek would make a perfect drow.

According to my wife, Orlando Bloom makes a hottie elf too.

Not sure about salma hayek as a drow. I allways pictured them with a much darker complexion. But as a wild elf maybe. The PHB does say that lots of elves have dark hair. I actually allways kinda thought it was funny we picture them blonde. Only one of the elven subraces was blonde in most games.

Lol course i dont like elves at all, and i really like faith hill and selma hayek. So i refuse to think of either of them as elves, lol. And they are best cooked like crabs, you throw em in the pot alive with some lemon wedges. Keeps the flavour in better that way.


TheAuldGrump said:
Both Pratchett and Moorcock ripped off mythology - elfs were not nice people! No, not at all. The Drow are closer than wood elfs to mythology. (Norse or Celtic, take your pick.)

Poul Anderson's The Broken Sword has another look at not nice elfs, and I believe was written before Moorcock started the Elric series.

So. Hunan style, with a side of crab rangoon.

The Auld Grump

Not sure when poul anderson started writing but moorcock got going in the 50's or 60's i believe. I love the evil elves. Hard to really translate the evil fey from mythology to the game world. I plan to steal moorcocks melnibone empire for a game one of these days though. In the meantime i use the warcraft elves. I love the story dynamic between the two elf races in that one too.

Arrgh! Mark!

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I one hundred percent love fey-style elves. Give me those weird, uncaring, unimaginitive spidery things who love humans because of our originality, who go about and re-enact human life, trying vainly to get something... alive out of it. Never be bored. Never be new. Eternal life as the same story, again and again and again. When there's more power in an oak leaf than a sword.

Or the Unseelie court is much, much better.

Yep, love those elves.

The elves I hate are humanised elves, ones which are basically perfect humans. Better artists, better fighters, better magicians... and so smug while they're at it. The finest elven chain! Enchanted by elven magicians! Finest elven swords! Elven magicians! Made by the ancient cities of elvenkind.. therefore better than what you can make today. Because we were just better. Elven beauty is just better than human beauty!

That sort of nonsense I detest. But whats worse is they are so condescending! Oh, we'll help you out of your troubles. Yep, our elven spirit, despite the fact that it hurts us worse than you could ever imagine because of your unfortunate lifespan, will come through for un-noble humans. We'll save even the worst of you!

If they must be humanised, don't make them perfect. It's the perfection that annoys me. Otherwise they are never, ever interesting. Even their evil is uninteresting because of it's perfection.


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Klaus said:

Damn, that almost made me change my stance on Eberron...

Personally, the type of elf for me is the Dragonlance triumvirate of the Silvanesti, Qualenesti and the Kagonesti. No Dargonesti because I don't use them that much...

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