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Pathfinder 1E You're the CEO of PAIZO. Now What?


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For the record, many many people have EXACTLY this reaction to the GSL. WotC could not have drawn a more clear line in the sand.

If there is an "us vs them" attitude, it should be between Paizo and WotC. The consumers, meaning you and me, choose which system to play and support. We don't need to have the "us vs them" attitude flowing down to the people who support the hobby of RPG's which, whether you mean to or not, seem to quite often be reflected in your posts.

Anyways, on topic -

If I were CEO, I would do two things:

1 - Have an AP focus on what it does for the entirely of its adventure.

James has replied that they are using player feedback to work out kinks in their APs which is great, however, the biggest thing is that they ALWAYS stray from the focus of the AP. Stick with the focus. If its a town adventures stay in town. If its a travelling adventure, then planar hopping is OK. If its about building a nation, the AP should entirely be in that nation. Keep using the hook that draws people into the AP and it should be even more successful. Constantly leave the hook behind for a module or two and of course people will be disappointed.

2 - Design an AP where the PCs drive the plot for a change (perhaps Kingmaker will be along these lines).

The APs have great stories but all the APs are essentially one thing. Heavy story with deep backgrounds for the bad guys. This is fantastic but its not the end all be all. Modules like Keep on the Borderlands are classic for a reason. The sandbox, while still incorporating some story, is something that appeals to many people. With WotC now doing the Chaos Scar which is essentially a 4E update to the Keep on the Borderlands this has a lot of people excited. There is no reason why Paizo couldn't do the same, and likely do it far better.

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I'm curious to see what y'all come up with for me to do.


Everything that's been done, works. Keep doing it! Thank You!

I'd also do a Pathfinder starter set for sure. Rules light... maybe some new character classes that aren't in the big book, some new monsters, new equipment, and a mini-adventure/campaign sub-setting to get new Gm's started. That's the gamer in me speaking. My take on Intro sets is that they tend to do well. I'd buy at least one.

I would license an MMORPG deal for Pathfinder/Golarion, even if the game doesn't get released in a timely manner (Most MMORPG's don't), The licensing alone could provide an additional revenue stream.

I'd also look into rounding up some Pathfinder Chronicles movie scripts, maybe with a contest or something, one that's heavily advertised with the screenwriters guilds and in their circles. I'd put one of my people into finding an agent willing to shop the best script three scripts around, an agent that works with big-budget movie studios.

Finally If I had any time left at all, I would look into inking some Pathfinder Toy licensing deals with a reputable toy manufacturer. All that great artwork gets re-used, and we get paid again for it. With royalties. Plus it opens up Pathfinder to a whole new generation that isn't automatically exposed to it at the moment.

Lisa's New Secretary?

Lisa's New Car?
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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
If I were in charge of Paizo, I would start re-releasing their adventures for 4e, in addition to Pathfinder.

They obviously don't NEED to do that to succeed. But, it's an area of 4e where I think their talents could compliment 4e, and where I think there is a lack of good adventures for 4e with a few exceptions, and where I do not think it would take a great deal of effort to convert their adventures over. I even think it would be quite profitable if it were just PDF versions.

In other words, I think it would be a relatively small investment for a relatively large return, and therefore I think it would be a smart move for a CEO.


If I were in charge of Paizo, I'd change the Editorial Intern spot back to a paid position, then sweet-talk some double M.A. post-grad into filling it.


First Post
I repect your reasoning even though I do not agree with it.

You do not have to sign the GSL. The only thing to get my business (and by the looks of it, several of us 4E people) is to have a seaparate PDF with 4E encounters available when you purchase an adventure path.

Making products for 4E without signing the GSL could get you sued by WotC. I am not saying that they would do that, but they could because you are using their game system without permission. And Paizo is big enough to make it worthwhile to sue us because they may actually get something out of the lawsuit.

Also, our previous contracts with WotC have all sorts of restrictions which don't allow us to do the types of things you are suggesting.



First Post
Never make a 4E product.
We will never make 4E products because of the GSL. I just don't want to trust any part of my future to an agreement with another company that can be changed or cancelled at any time at their whim.
Oh, right. ;) Well, (sorta related) lessons learned from the past, right Lisa? But I suspect you have no regrets about taking on Dragon and Dungeon mags in the first place. It certainly helped make Paizo what it is today, and what you guys created over all those years was nothing less then brilliant. I wouldn't want to take that back. But it was a different time, then... 4E is a different beast, WotC is a different beast, the GSL is a different beast.

But all seriousness aside (this is Enworld, right? where is the blatant self-interest?). What you guys should do is hire that wonderful map designer that did the City of Greyhawk map for Living Greyhawk (and all this other cool stuff) as a freelancer, team him up with one of your stylish map artists (so that the end product fits in with the Pathfinder/Golarion style), and create some award-winning collaborative graphic material. Oh, and pay them both gobbs of money to do it. ;) Everybody knows there's gobbs of money in freelancing! (I did say "seriousness aside", didn't I?)

Denis, aka "Maldin"
Maldin's Greyhawk http://melkot.com


If there is an "us vs them" attitude, it should be between Paizo and WotC. The consumers, meaning you and me, choose which system to play and support. We don't need to have the "us vs them" attitude flowing down to the people who support the hobby of RPG's which, whether you mean to or not, seem to quite often be reflected in your posts.
Reflection is a good choice of words.

There is a consistent double standard in play and I'm happy to keep pointing it out.

Since you elected to ignore the GSL context of my comments:
Are you suggesting that the GSL doesn't harm the chances for 4E fans to get the awesome support 3PP can provide? Or are you just saying that this denial is a good "Wotc vs Paizo" thing?
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By the way

Lisa, I'd like to thank you for what you've done for the hobby.

Ryan Dancey made it possible for there to be a version of D&D owned and run by gamers. You made it happen!


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