Zad/Wizardru's Story Hour (*final update 11/12*)

Argent Silvermage

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On the road to Cauldron: Glyfandar and Maavu

The evening was settling in and Glyf’s curiosity was getting the better of him. Elizabeth had told the Glyf about the ‘Chisel’ but he needed to know more and the obvious person to ask was Maavu. He wheeled his phantom steed up to the couch that Maavu was sitting in and said, "I was hoping Master Maavu that I might learn more about this conclave you belong to. I am interested if there might be a place for myself there".

With out looking up Maavu replied, "Ahh, Glyf. I expected that you would ask, sooner or later. Like Father, Like Son, as they say. There may be a place for you among The Chisel. We are makers and crafters, but we are dedicated to the cause of protecting the people of this region from those who might cheat or harm them. If you follow your father's ideals, then it may be that you could be welcomed into our ranks as he was."

Glyf’s face must have lighted and darkened all at once. The Illumian peoples were of a nature to be unattached to their parents and children letting the whole of the Cabal to raise and rear children. Glyf never got to know his parents well and when most of the Cabal was killed on Shatterday He had even less to for emotional ties with. "You knew Diamondshard Trillian"? Glyf says in a bit of shock. "What can you tell me of his activities in Cauldron? I came here to find out why he was murdered. Was it due to his being a Chisel member"?

Maavu looked at Glyf and saw the hurt there in the young mans face. How unlike his father, how human this young alchemist was, "Your father was an ambitious man, but a compassionate one, as well.
For years, he was the Knowledgeable Scholar in our ranks, dedicated to wise council for our actions. Your cabal was, in no small part, sheltered by his actions. He understood the need for the Chisel and he suspected foul things were afoot in Cauldron. He never shared exactly what he believed, but he did tell me that the Cabal had had some visitors, all seeking knowledge about some topic concerning complex magic item construction. He suspected that someone in Cauldron, someone powerful, was planning something of danger to the entire region."

"If he was killed for being a member of the Chisel, the reason died with him. We are a very subtle organization, recent actions notwithstanding. We try to manipulate events from behind the scenes, using money and knowledge to influence people directly and indirectly.
We rarely take hasty action. Trillian's death was as much a shock to us as it was to you. If they bore the Chisel ill will, they must not have discovered who were...or they may have simply not cared."

The runes floating around Glyphandar’s head spun a bit faster and he said, "I can only say that I am my father's child. While I am not the wisest of men I am a compassionate and understanding man. I hope that I am making my father proud with my role in the Blue Tyger Legion.
Like Trillian I have devoted my life to transforming the lives of others and to my craft.
Once I'm able to settle down and devote my time to my mechanicals I intend to create some worker units to lend to the people on Caldrons wharfs as well as swell the ranks of the militia when needed."

"Is there anything I can do to show the chisel that I am worthy of their attention?"

Maavu smiled and turned his face away, “You do much already to convince us. There are already member of the Chisel that are interested in your joining”.

The two travelers chatted about what the Chisel was and what he would learn from the members and how he may be of use them. Glyf was pleased.

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What Wizardru said re: the Meepites not being together. We still talk surely, but we don't roll together. Each one is off tending to their own duties and interests.

The reverse side of that is the whole Redgorge siege. I would fully expect that the news of that little event would draw some interest from Scorch, maybe Valanthe, Aethramyr, Bolo for sure, and Kayleigh. Dravot would probably just talk to the judges directly - divine hotline and all ;)

Though it may not be immediately evident, three of the previous game's party members have already directly acted in Cauldron on some level, and two of them indirectly. I would say more, but I don't know that all of the PCs have made those connections, and at least one of those is a minor spoiler. Such as it is.

Hm. That's a lotta meepites. Speculation ensues...

Given: the Grey Guild has scoped out Maris. Hardly surprising - Scorch would have established an infrastructure for just that. Valanthe could be involved.

Aethramyr - indirect via people of the testing. If dreamin's been goin' on, he may have seen things.

Bolo - possible indirect action via Shensen?

I'd have to say that aside from some assumed curiosity from the Grey Guild, I don't think I've made ANY of those connections. Certainly not direct ones.


First Post
Argent Silvermage said:
My personal theory is that The Meepites may have known about the Deamons but due to thier working alongside The God of Balance (can't remember his name) they may have to work with those laws. I'm sure Dravot the demigod does.
It was kind of an assumption on my part that the rest of the Meepites are considered a part of his "Mythology" and thus may be considered effected by it as well. If they break the rules Dravot and Pelor are effected.

I can't think why Bolo would get involved except to do something about the flooding. Of course if he was asked he would bring the wrath of nature down on demons but to my knowledge no one has asked him.

Hm. I'm not sure I'd agree. Ralishaz has no real leverage over most of the more earthly meepites.

Dravot is the obvious exception. It's at the same time likely to know the most, and yet intervene the least.

Scorch would, I would think, view a demon army on the prime as a curiosity but wouldn't necessarily care enough to act. Same for Valanthe. Both are impulsive enough to destroy them on a whim if provoked though.

Oddly I would have thought Bolo would be uptight about the army - it's not natural, it doesn't belong here.

I suspect Aethramyr would have acted if he knew about it. Still a paladin after all, and there's no reason he shouldn't destroy them.

Kayleigh would be disturbed by their presence. She might act, or she might wait and see but hard to guess which. Hard to imagine her letting them smash Redgorge, and also hard to imagine her acting on something that was so far afield. But like most of the others, nothing really prevents her direct action if she chose. Nothing I know of at least.


Argent Silvermage

First Post
Zad said:
Oddly I would have thought Bolo would be uptight about the army - it's not natural, it doesn't belong here.
Oh in dealing with the demon army at Redgorge Bolo's probably pissed he couldn't awaken the flora and fauna around the area to destroy the army. He would most defenitly go there and start kicking scales.

The way I see if..
Scorch: is obvious.
Aethrymer: is watching us as we have the marks and his people know all about the marks. Also as Mariss has a dreamers gift he knows about her and thus us.
Valenthe: The Cagewrites are right up the hands ally so she may be getting ready to hand us some infor soon.
Dravot: He's working in Cauldron via his cleric. He's also interested in our civic tendencies.
Kayleigh: I don't know.. The Cagewrites sound a LOT like they may be using the same kind of magic used against the Elves during the Gythyanki invasion. The Queen may have her or Melf involved on the sidelines.

Back to Bolo: He may be connected with the Followers of Farlanghen. Lord knows his Grove is a refugee camp and that may have ties to the Striders people.
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Zad said:
What Wizardru said re: the Meepites not being together. We still talk surely, but we don't roll together. Each one is off tending to their own duties and interests.

The reverse side of that is the whole Redgorge siege. I would fully expect that the news of that little event would draw some interest from Scorch, maybe Valanthe, Aethramyr, Bolo for sure, and Kayleigh. Dravot would probably just talk to the judges directly - divine hotline and all ;)

The Meepites are, quite honestly, BUSY. And they have bigger fish to fry. Some of them were aware of the demon army in Redgorge and had been for years. Wiping them out, however, never became a priority....and there are more complicated political issues that are in play. Some of the Meepites are off-plane for periods of time and they can't be everywhere at once. In fact, they can rarely venture forth to handle what are, essentially, trivial matters. If the demon army had moved towards Cauldron, that might have been different. Or it might not.

In some cases, the cost of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance. And with the passing of the last Silvering and the destruction of the ShadowTaker, a lot of the long-standing checks and balances broke down. The law of unintended consquences kicked in....and beings like Iuz and the Horned Society flowed into the void. If the new Celenian leaves her homeland, every moment she's not there, enemy forces have a chance to move against her people. The Tested Ones have found their callings and pursue it with a passion, under the guidance of the Dreamer and with the aid of the Brandybuck. The Grey Guild has cast a wide net, and the Guildminister finds himself at the center of a huge machine of his own making. Dravot (both of them) operate under a much tighter set of restrictions than he/they once enjoyed.

Valanthe....well, that's a different story.


WizarDru said:
The Grey Guild has cast a wide net, and the Guildminister finds himself at the center of a huge machine of his own making.

Hmm... Fight demon army at Red Gorge or work on giant, floating, invisible pyramid...


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