ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST in legacy character builder

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Well, at this point I think it's safe to post the link in the open...
https://drive.go ogle.com/drive/folders/0B7OGfow6IchSfnlRN0JSTEtMZHFtLUY5TzU5YU0zbHZsWUY4bDdTRlRCN3NmN2JOM0wwU2c?resourcekey=0-dt-pQdLdSWMU1CO2S7j4Iw&usp=drive_link
Remove the space in the link (EN world breaks google drive link otherwise for some reason). Level1-5 are original files, kudos to Siberys, "teamBravo" is the file for my group with some rule fixes and certain items past adventure 5 (we're in Godmind right now).
https://drive.go ogle.com/file/d/1PvmSKZ2Fztaw96I5ue09Op2CPhEVDprl/view?usp=sharing
This is a separate link to the original version of "level1" file, it has some spoilers for endgame stuff and Siberys homebrew (various languages IIRC)


First Post
Well, at this point I think it's safe to post the link in the open...

Remove the space in the link (EN world breaks google drive link otherwise for some reason). Level1-5 are original files, kudos to Siberys, "teamBravo" is the file for my group with some rule fixes and certain items past adventure 5 (we're in Godmind right now).

This is a separate link to the original version of "level1" file, it has some spoilers for endgame stuff and Siberys homebrew (various languages IIRC)
Thank you so much! Does this have everything my players will need to make characters up until the end game? Or is this just early level items? Should I add all of them? Or just the teamBravo? I don't know if its a compilation file.


Thank you so much! Does this have everything my players will need to make characters up until the end game? Or is this just early level items?
This only includes items from adventures 1-5 and select items of up to Godmind. I don't thjnk you should be worried about endgame if you're just starting...


First Post
This only includes items from adventures 1-5 and select items of up to Godmind. I don't thjnk you should be worried about endgame if you're just starting...
Fair enough! Just checking if I'll need to come back and see if there are updates later. Thank you again!

Voidrunner's Codex

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