ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist on Roll20 progress


So far in module 7 they are just about to talk to the lich and make there way to the convocation and im on session 6. At the current rate im sure Module 7 will end around 9 or 10 sessions.

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Any predictions for the roll20 adventure 7 release date? Just asking because i should be finishing adventure 6 by the end of the year.


Late December or early January at the latest. I am wrapping up another project, and the person I got to help has been a bit busy as well. Once my other project is finished, I will turn my attention to finishing Schism.


Sorry for bothering again, but I was just wondering if early january is still on the table for adventure 7. Just did a short prologue for Adventure 7, and I'm currently preparing some oneshots to do meanwhile.


Sorry for bothering again, but I was just wondering if early january is still on the table for adventure 7. Just did a short prologue for Adventure 7, and I'm currently preparing some oneshots to do meanwhile.
It's not a bother, but I'm really sorry to report Schism is delayed. Today is the first day I've even had a chance to respond to your message. A few crises came up through December, and the person I hired to help didn't work out. I will post each Saturday with updates.


It's not a bother, but I'm really sorry to report Schism is delayed. Today is the first day I've even had a chance to respond to your message. A few crises came up through December, and the person I hired to help didn't work out. I will post each Saturday with updates.
No worries! Hope everything works out for you. Real life takes priority.

Voidrunner's Codex

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