ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist on Roll20 progress


Update: If you are waiting on adventure 8, please come up with an alternative for a few weeks. I have landed on the other end of an international move, and the combination of trying to find stuff for my home office, getting furniture, and getting kids registered for school has been going way slower than I have wanted. I am still working on Diaspora (text is done, characters are done, about half the linking is done) but I'm not able to work at full speed yet. I'm targeting late August.
Thanks for the heads up! Thankfully I have a few sidequests in the backlog

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Still working on adventure 8. School has taken over as priority. Until I can get my kid in a school, home school is eating up my time. :(
No problem, thanks for the update! Do you think a september release is realistic or is it leaning more towards an october release date?

Andrew Moreton

I have the modules for Roll 20 and could not care less about the stat blocks even if they were for Pathfinder which I use I would ignore them as I rebuild all npc's for my players comptence. Jsut having the maps set up properly would have saved me many many hours during my previous run as gettigng them copied and aligned properly was boring and difficult.
The maps alone are worth the price


First Post
I'm just about to finish 'Digging for Lies' and I and my players love this AP and also the roll20 conversion. But i realized some minor differences between the Pathfinder version and the roll20 version. I was stumbling when I realized in roll20 5e player get level 6 only at the end of adventure 3 but in pathfinder it's already at the end of adventure 2. This gap increases. Also the amount of money given varies or better is inconsistent. If i follow all suggestions in the AP I hand out 13k gold before the end of adventure 3. But at the start of adventure 4 (and for the audit) the players are expected to have 16k gold.
Are there any reasons for these changes?

Andrew Moreton

I suggest that you run it in 5e or Pathfinder . So if you are using PF use all the notes from PF not 5E. However in this case I think youa re just making a mistake,
In pf 6th level pc is expected to have 16000gp as per the core rules never bothered working out what is says in the module I just gave standard WBL at each level. If there was a stretch where requipping from RHC bases was not practical then I would pick a level in the mid range for that period and equip them appropriatly
You are also making a serious mistake with the levels. Book 2 finishes at level 4 in the normal pdf versions (lvl 6 may be 4th ed ) and are specifically level 6 at the end of book 3 start of book 4. So the Roll20 version is not changed from the original. I checked in case I had been wrong both times I ran book 2 and I am not. P217 of the combined pdfs confirms this

Voidrunner's Codex

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