ZEITGEIST Zeitvice: one GM's guide to the best AP

Andrew Moreton

I have not heard of anyone running a PF2 Zeitgeist campaign and I am afraid I stopped buying pathfinder stuff with the release of 2 so I don't know enough about the rules change for game mechanic specific advice. All the general advice on plots and characters should be good but I can't help with rebuilding encounters for the new system

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Looking for some help with cauldron-born. What is supposed to happen if the party goes to the bleak gate before the diplomatic talks? Do they never take place? Do the Danorans cancel their plans?


Best guess... nothing changes.

What happens at the party?
  1. Asrabey asks for permission to go to the Bleak Gate
  2. Brakken finds out that the Jierres are in with the Ob
  3. The Jierres and Stanfield realize the RHC are onto the Bleak Gate facility
1. Doesn't lead to anything
2. Doesn't directly lead to anything
3. I don't think this leads to anything; there are a few points in the facility mission where it is clear the PCs retain the element of surprise, and Leone won't be lying in wait if the PCs have successfully stealthed their way into Borne's area.

I'd say you can probably skip the party, but you just as easily might as well accelerate the timetable so it happens just before the PCs head off. Give them a chance to meet Han and the other high-ranking Danorans.

The peace talks are (probably) cancelled as a result of Borne breaking out, not as a result of the PCs entering the facility.

One possibility is that without Brakken reading the Danorans' minds, the party won't realize that Han is in on the conspiracy as well, but I would expect most players to have guessed at that already.


Alright well Kell managed to get back to the bleak gate so they should be waiting for some kind of force. I would imagine word would get to Han that the party may be breathing down their necks especially if they have norm's wand and the lawyer. I think they'll request to accelerate the peace talks and begin immediately and let the party make the case to the king whether to wait till after or not.


Well; remember that while Han would like peace with Risur, if it's a choice between peace and the Ob, he'll pick the Ob every time. Perhaps he'll accelerate the peace talks so they won't be disrupted by word that the constables have vanished (been killed in the facility), perhaps he'll start discreetly edging towards his flagship and leave the city.


Grappa and Asrabey are said to go with the group if possible. Does grappa have a statblock somewhere and does asrabey just help the party in his glorious high level self?

Andrew Moreton

Grappa is in a low quality automata body and is a none combatant , Asraby tends o do whatver her wants which is to rescue Kasavarina , he storms around the place largely ignoring the pc's plans and objectives and probably triggers the disaster with the Collossus waking up.
Unlike Arkwright I think if they have somehow managed to get to the Bleak Gate without Han being able to warn the Ob they are coming they get to avoid several changes to the defenses. Its a long time since I ran this but there are Ob troops deployed to reinforce the guards and set ambushes if they have warning but you can avoid them with several unnusual entrance points. I also had the Steelshaper and some elite troops waiting to deal with the pc;s in the Collossus chamber of course several things messed up their plans and everything goes wrong for everybody. All you really need is
1) Grappa and Steelshaper lost with Grappa apparently dead (for their later reapperences)
2) Kasavarina and Asraby seperatly missing so they can appear later
3) Collossus up and stomping through the city so it can be banished by the dreaming

I had stats for Asraby but really did not use them he just crushed assorted minions until I needed him for the disaster scene


Is there a Pathfinder 2 Zeitgeist? (Or plans for one?)

Even if not, is there a PF2-specific set of "Zeitvice" to be had?

There's some... Pretty abandoned work on a fan conversion over in the Dice-Based Events discord. They finished book 1 and chunks of 2. Wish it had more work on it, but it + lack of real gun rules convinced me to use the conversion of Hell's Rebels before I jump in to eventually doing Zeitgeist. Truly, ti's my white whale.


Uhm, at the risk of getting some flak from the "guns have to be special" lovers out there... Why don't you simply reskin crossbows for the gun rules? I know, PF2 puts a lot of effort into different weapon groups and their effects, but if it is specific gun rules that keep you from converting it, then just skip over them and apply a random, fitting weapon tag.

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