Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 2: Vegas!

Voda Vosa

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"I guess you're right Pumpkin Woman." The man replies. The joke might caught Cassandra flat footed, or even irate her, but will surely have the two newcomers puzzled as to what the powers of Pumpkin woman could be!

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Laura kept silent through the entire time, hoping people don't bring up how much trouble she brings along with the all the her being damsel in distress and all. She gives a very nice gentle smile when Terry mentions her being the good person in common with everyone.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
[sblock="OOC"]Sorry guys really rough week at work... Man this game goes in bursts.[/sblock]

Katrina listens to all the activity. Suddenly bursting out "A mutant weapon!? Sorry I mean that's terrrible. We have to do something, um, yeah sure I'm in. I'm Katrina, I copy stuff." She shifts her body to be made of the same material as the couch she's sitting on. "That's why they call me The Material Girl, " she looks down. "This one not so usefull I think. So um, yeah... I'll shut up now."


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Enoch looks between Felix and Uomo in outrage, "So I'm not wrong, just a tactless rude baby for having the audacity to call the old man out on a bunch of mur..." He looks over to Cassandra. "OK, whatever. What's this about a huger than life threat to mutants? I don't care what kind of bottom feeders are involved, the sidelines are no place to be for that kind of action."

Walking Dad

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"I think the old man is right on one thing... the pasta smells good and I'm really hungry."
Frost says and moves to the kitchen to look after the food.




HP 1

conditions: normal

TOUGHNESS 13 (13 Impervious)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)


Voda Vosa

First Post
Katrina listens to all the activity. Suddenly bursting out "A mutant weapon!? Sorry I mean that's terrrible. We have to do something, um, yeah sure I'm in. I'm Katrina, I copy stuff." She shifts her body to be made of the same material as the couch she's sitting on. "That's why they call me The Material Girl, " she looks down. "This one not so usefull I think. So um, yeah... I'll shut up now."

"Outstanding." the spy studies Katrina's sofa-shape. "I find your abilities to be a tactical edge dear girl. There's almost limitless possibilities to your powers."

Enoch looks between Felix and Uomo in outrage, "So I'm not wrong, just a tactless rude baby for having the audacity to call the old man out on a bunch of mur..." He looks over to Cassandra. "OK, whatever. What's this about a huger than life threat to mutants? I don't care what kind of bottom feeders are involved, the sidelines are no place to be for that kind of action."

"Not audacity, foolishness my boy. You'll be dead if I were half the fiend you described." Uomo points out with his smoke.

"Now that you both have declared your willingness to participate, I'll tell you a story: There is a biological research lab placed just outside the city. It's a two level building. Aboveground, medical research, loose security, mediocre researchers. A curtain. Underground, as it happens most times, is the real deal. Bio-weapon research, funded by our anti-mutant 'friend'. Fulcrum and myself secured some inside intel, and manage to gain an ally on the aboveground level of the facilities. All that got on a second level when we got ..." Uomo gives Laura the chance to give her code name "... distress call. The lab is in the process of creating a mass destruction selective weapon. Suffice to say we must investigate the issue and if our suspicious are true, remove the weapon prototype and any information about its existence. We need to be wary though, the building is protected by high class mercenaries. These people are professionals, they'll kill you first, and then don't ask questions. They have military grade equipment and training." the man makes a pause, looking eagerly towards the kitchen, and to give the two new people a chance to ask questions or chicken out.


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Uomo gives Laura the chance to give her code name

Laura listening intently on Uomo's briefing gave a slight delay on the answer he was waiting for it. "Oh, call me Shadow." She returns back to her silence while listening to the rest of the information.


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"Not audacity, foolishness my boy. You'll be dead if I were half the fiend you described." Uomo points out with his smoke.
Enoch scoffed, "Um, doubt it. But now isn't exactly the time for testosterone-fueled chest beating."

"Now that you both have declared your willingness to participate, I'll tell you a story: There is a biological research lab placed just outside the city. It's a two level building. Aboveground, medical research, loose security, mediocre researchers. A curtain. Underground, as it happens most times, is the real deal. Bio-weapon research, funded by our anti-mutant 'friend'. Fulcrum and myself secured some inside intel, and manage to gain an ally on the aboveground level of the facilities. All that got on a second level when we got ..." Uomo gives Laura the chance to give her code name "... distress call. The lab is in the process of creating a mass destruction selective weapon. Suffice to say we must investigate the issue and if our suspicious are true, remove the weapon prototype and any information about its existence. We need to be wary though, the building is protected by high class mercenaries. These people are professionals, they'll kill you first, and then don't ask questions. They have military grade equipment and training." the man makes a pause, looking eagerly towards the kitchen, and to give the two new people a chance to ask questions or chicken out.
"I don't suppose we could get a hold of the off-duty shift of the guards for the creepy underground death-lab? If we could, I could get them to open the place up for us after they've like had coffee and settled in for a day of death-lab-watching. I could also hook us up with some pretty killer disguises. But I can't guarantee how smoothly that would go. Too many eyeballs and, I assume, too many cameras."

Voda Vosa

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"And too many guns. The mercs don't leave the lab, we've checked that. Now, if you would be so gentle as to introduce yourself properly we could work out some strategy." Uomo suggests


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"Uomo and I have a way in," Cassandra assures the newcomer. "But only to the top level. Getting down will be something we have to work out once we're there. Our inside source didn't have any information for anything past the secure area."

She nods quickly and says, "I know it's not an ideal way to operate, but time's an issue. We can't spend too long trying to finesse our way in. We've no idea how far along they are."

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