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Recent content by kerakus

  1. K

    Seeking gamers in Colorado Springs

    Husband and Wife DMing team seeking 3 or 4 players for D&D 3.5. Interested parties should be 21 or older, mature enough for Book of Vile Darkness style content, and laid back enough for potentially frequent interruptions by children. Players will have a hand in determining campaign content and...
  2. K

    Name your favorite D&D book

    Can we go by edition? With the caveat that I don't get into 3rd party stuff very much... Basic Edition: Rules Cyclopedia...too bad they can't mush everything together in one book for the current edition. Side note: Someone ought to introduce a campaign setting Gazetteer style...no big setting...
  3. K

    Advice on running the Standing Stone

    I had loads of fun with the Hobyahs. My players hated those things with a passion by the time we finished the adventure, mostly because I do voices at the game table and made their signature "Hobyah" very shrill and annoying. My group lost a character in the barrow-mound in one of the traps (a...
  4. K

    Wow, I have too many adventures. I need to pick some.

    My "bag of tricks" is somewhat slim. I tend to make up my own, generally on the fly during the game session. The only published adventures I've ever considered running more than once are the 3.0 Adventure Path. I have actually run, or started to run The Sunless Citadel numerous times, and...
  5. K

    Are Your Games Rated G, PG, R, X, etc.?

    I must be one of the few exceptions, given the rest of the responses. I've started running the D&D Basic Game for my kids so that is quite in the G area, maybe drifting into PG simply due to the usual level of violence in D&D. However, when it's just the grown-ups, we play several different...
  6. K

    The Most Broken Crunch in 3.5 (or what should I be banning)

    I've only ever had one thing "break" my game and that was my fault for allowing the players to coerce me into putting it into the campaign. The Deck of Many Things Q
  7. K

    What's your screenname mean?

    Kerakus was the God of War in my first homebrew campaign world. Being a teenage powergamer and having just read the Avatar Trilogy for the Forgotten Realms and Wrath of the Immortals for Basic D&D, I decided my world needed to have gods walking around and continents breaking apart and all of...
  8. K

    Do you still buy metal minis?

    I've never bought a metal mini. From the beginning of my gaming career (late 80's) I've always considered metal minis to be way too much of a hassle. I'm no painter. So, when the WotC plastic ones started coming out, I started buying those. Granted some of the early ones look kinda goofy...
  9. K

    Do You Use the Core Pantheon?

    I run a homebrew campaign but still utilize the core pantheon, mostly for ease of reference and saving myself some work. Hextor is heavily prominent with an uneasy alliance with the PC's kingdom, and featuring a number of converts among the hobgoblin tribes. Vecna is a behind the scenes...
  10. K

    Your Favorite Villains

    I've had a couple... In a basic D&D campaign, one of the players only ever showed up for the first session, so her character, a human thief, was NPCized for quite some time. The PCs still treated her as a fully developed character, so they took it pretty hard when... The party were escorting...
  11. K

    The coolest campaign idea (you never used)

    I have a whole file full of unused campaign ideas, written in little blurbs...here's a couple... Not exactly homebrew stuff, since I've managed to squeeze most of my homebrew campaign ideas into my current campaigns. Dungeons & Dragons - The Dragon Islands 1000 years ago, Io turned his back...
  12. K

    Writing Adventures

    I tend to wing things also. I come up with a basic outline of events and then generate stats for NPCs if I need to and note page references in the MM for critters I might be using. Often I wing the stats for NPCs also (I'm pretty good at keeping these things straight in my head, and my players...
  13. K

    [Oct] What's up in your campaign?

    Currently running a "main" game on every other Tuesday night with the whole group (4 plalyers) and three "spin-off" games on the other Tuesdays and every other Sunday (2 players from the main group). All of these campaigns are on my homebrew world which uses real world geography (easy mapping...
  14. K

    Your First Gaming Book?

    I first read and understood the Red Basic box set (without the crayons) in 1988 or 87, loaned from my step-brother who noticed how I was devouring the Dragonlance Chronicles in lieu of silly things like homework and such. Soon there-after my step-brother got me the red box for birthday or...
  15. K

    What was your first D&D session like?

    I was about 12 or so and my older soon-to-be stepbrother saw that I was reading the Dragonlance Chronicles and showed me this neat red box (D&D Basic - Mentzer). I read through the players manual and played that fighter in the cave with Bargle, then ran that character through the solo dungeon...