• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by nai_cha

  1. N

    [January] What are you reading?

    Have been going through most of Georgette Heyer's works since December. Also tackling Margaret Atwood and the Vorkisigan books.
  2. N

    Tolkien's 'poor' prose

    I wholeheartedly agree with you. I found LOTR boring, boring, boring, boring. I think I was fooled by The Hobbit because I found that a fun read. Thanks to the films, that was the first time I ever liked a film adaptation better than the original book.
  3. N

    "Oh god what is that!"

    As a DM: I described an object mimic as something like, "You see a large chest covered in fine leather. The workmanship is obviously of very high quality. Stamped all over it are designs of a fleur-de-lis and the initials (something something, an important dude in the game)." The players went...
  4. N

    Poll: Favored class & why?

    I don't know where warlords fit in exactly. Cleric or warrior? I just like that warlords get to tell people what to do but they also help them out so it's not douchebaggery, it's helping everyone else maximize their potential. (Okay, okay, I like hitting stuff and telling other people to go hit...
  5. N

    Miniatures, yay or nay?

    I'm a cheap bastard, so nope, not going to spend my disposable income on minis (however, happy to use them if someone else decides to bring their collection over), but I will on tokens. Have managed to run games just fine with ketchup packets, beads, coins, espresso-to-go boxes etc, and the...
  6. N

    Your nerdiness

    I've only been playing tabletop RPGs for a little over a year (before I honestly thought roleplaying meant something along the lines of setting up a livejournal account for Harry Potter to pretend to get it on with a fake account of Naruto or some such), but as soon as I found out about...
  7. N

    A Naming Convention

    If someone w/ the initials PDD used this naming convention, I'd be way too tempted to ask his character how he feels like when he wakes up in the morning.
  8. N

    A Naming Convention

    Know too many people named Jayvee in real life :( Jay Elvee might work, though.
  9. N

    It might've been too long since you last gamed if...

    ...you hunt for missing dice for days, then realise you left them in another country.
  10. N

    IMPORTANT! Should EN World continue reporting RPG news?

    I don't go to the news page directly, but I get there via Morrus's twitter.
  11. N

    Would you prefer it if your partner said you were a great GM, or great in bed?

    Argh, I clicked the wrong tickybox. But anyway, I don't want to sleep with any of the people I game with, and I don't want to game with any of the people I sleep with. The sample size of people who could say whether I had mad GM skillz or not don't overlap with those who could assess my skills...
  12. N

    [ Non-USA ] Do entertainers regularly mangle your Country's National Anthem? FORKED

    In the Philippines, it's against the law for anyone to put their own spin on performing the national anthem. Doesn't stop entertainers (see Charice) from doing so, though.
  13. N

    GM's anyone ever have a Female?

    But what about us female GMs who can't even see the unicorn anymore? :(
  14. N

    "Gateway Drug"

    To this day I have no clue what the game was called. I played this before I played d&d. It was in college (2000, 2001 thereabouts), there was no dice, we didn't have character sheets, I don't remember anyone sitting me down and going over any rules, basically some dude just gathered a bunch of...
  15. N

    Thanks alot WotC

    A+ satire bb also are you trying to make some sort of 4e hate bingo card because that would really come in handy for...oh wait can't think of anything 2000 and LATE! Boom boom pow.