Recent content by Neumannium

  1. N

    Sad day for Milwaukee gamers: Napoleon's is closing (merged)

    Sad day for Milwaukee gamers (and others...) :( Looks like a Milwaukee landmark is closing its doors within the next month. I've been visiting Napoleon's since I started gaming (I learned about D&D there) back in the early 80s... I know...
  2. N

    Help with sea encounter

    Hi all, I'm trying to set up an encounter that will occur when the PCs are travelling on a ship to a city on a different continent. I'd like to have something cool happen to them while they're on the ship. I figure my options are: 1. Kraken-like sea monster attack 2. Dragon attack from above...
  3. N

    Why would anyone become a lich?

    You're assuming that someone who is completely power-hungry and willing to become undead would be making rational choices and looking at the future with these petty things in mind. I think all that matters to them is the 'living forever', and the unbridled pursuit of knowledge/power. I really...
  4. N

    Statue and Stoneskin?

    My thought was that he could be have statue on him and still act every round. I was assuming that the 'statue' form and the harness of 8 would decrease the chance of him taking damage each round when it's not his turn... From what Henrix is saying, perhaps I'm not thinking of how to use this...
  5. N

    Statue and Stoneskin?

    Hi all, I have a question about the spells Statue and Stoneskin. I'm pitting the PCs against a lich who happens to have both of these spells. What happens when he has both cast on him and he turns into a statue? Does the 10/adamantine still apply? If so, and he's hit for 20 points of...
  6. N

    Help with Big Fight!

    Thanks for the replies, everyone! That's pretty much it exactly. Basically, the PCs are in the service of a Lord, and acting as his champions. They're going up against their Lord's arch-rival's champions in a tourney melee. Therefore, I want them to be basically equally matched. I was...
  7. N

    Help with Big Fight!

    Hi all, I'm currently running a homebrew campaign and we're nearing one of the climactic battles of the current scenario. We should be there in a week or two... Problem is, I'm not sure how hard to make this fight. Here's the setup: It will be a gladatorial type combat, so the PCs know...
  8. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Great idea! Also, I don't know how many forums you can have, but maybe a monster/ideas/changes forum for each region (Region A Ideas, Region B Ideas, etc.) would make things easier to find and organize. Of course, I should probably be giving this idea in those forums... :heh:
  9. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Nice job, Arholly. :cool: I'll look around a bit more when I leave work.
  10. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    I just sent them... Arholly, they should be in your inbox.
  11. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Thanks, Jim Jim, I received the map .jpgs you sent me and they're excellent. :D Thank you for doing that! When that e-mail popped up in my Inbox, it was like getting an e-mail from Elvis. Too cool. :p
  12. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    I can be reached at Thanks, Jim. You've saved me from an afternoon of tedious avionics documentation. Whew! :p
  13. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Thanks for the quick response. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do some real work (and keep lurking the boards) for the rest of the day... :D
  14. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Nope, I'm DMing it (or preparing to) myself. Seeing as how I'm the only one in my group who's actually READ all the books. :\ Good to know there are other D&Ders in Milwaukee, though. I thought I was a dying breed...
  15. N

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Normally I write firmware, but now I'm stuck doing documentation... I figure as long as I have Word open, it might as well be something interesting.... ;)