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Recent content by Rogue

  1. R

    d20reviews.com down?

    It seems my browser won't load this page at all... is it down, or is anyone else having this trouble? -Rogue
  2. R

    [OT] Star Wars trivia

    References All righty, not to discredit anyone here... but I'm gonna need resources, or the possible facts posted are moot. I've found only that the book was written by Alan Dean Foster (False ID, as posted?) in 1986.... from Amazon.com, I believe. But that could just be the revised copyright...
  3. R

    [OT] Star Wars trivia

    All righty folks, I got $15 riding on this, so please post references and what-not. Which came first: Star Wars (A New Hope) the movie, or the novel? And on a side note, did Lucas ever write any novels for Star Wars?
  4. R

    "Top Secret"

    I have looked, and searched, and scryed, and pondered for the whereabouts of this old (early 1980's-1990) game, and I have come up with nothing. Perhaps someone here would be willing to trade/sell the game with me? Or would sending me the actual book(s) be too much of an illegal thing? I was...
  5. R

    If you were a small god... what would you be?

    Warm I'd be the god of all things warm, and all things that provide security. I'd also be the god of the anti-logic that fuses us all... or mayhap it's simply me.... Mwaha! -Rogue
  6. R

    [OT] Reactions to NEW Episode II Trailer

    Spiderman trailer? Even if the movie turns out to be poop, I'm going to give it a swell amount of credit for the amount of "flashiness" put into it. C'mon, who hasn't tried to picture what an actual army of SD's and what-have-you looks like? During a scene in the action-packed trailer, there...
  7. R

    is there such thing as a good FR novel?

    Bah-Humbug... You bunch of bandwagoning oafs. Threads like this create bias, and bias create unneeded opinions that a new reader will take to heart. When he does, he passes the story on to his other book reading buddies, who do the same thing as he and dun buy the books. Now TSR and D&D in...
  8. R

    Enchanted Castles!

    ...really? Or is this an attempt at humor? If so, you must spare the dim-witted. If not, then please enlighten me with references. Rogue
  9. R

    To be frank, this game sounds like it sucks

    The V&K Middle Earth Mod For those of you who care not, I apologize for stealing the thread for one or two meager posts. Here is where you can find the link to the Diablo I mod, and here is the link to the DII mod. I haven't played the new one, though I've heard it's good if you can deal with...
  10. R

    To be frank, this game sounds like it sucks

    Re: Re: Ahh, the classic hack 'n slash! Hell yeah there were mods for Diablo. Unfortunately, I know of only two... but! Them two are top notch in quality, so it's all good. The first one was a name I forgot, unfortunately. But it was good, I assure you. The one that requires attention...
  11. R

    To be frank, this game sounds like it sucks

    Ahh, the classic hack 'n slash! I'm telling ya, strategy is good and all.. but sometimes ya just gotta hack n slash. Take good ol' Diablo for instance. Surely, not the best of games, (though I prefer it vastly over the sequel) yet I still find myself playin' it even now. Even better when I...
  12. R

    When did "Medireview" = Medieval???

    Tell me about it... it's incredibly annoying.
  13. R

    Motw: Shifter (and Shapechange spell)

    Shame Tell me about, that's just pretty annoying. What did the play-testers find that could lend credit to disallowing the fey types... and I wonder how we could get around it? :cool: Rogue
  14. R

    Pitiful Monk, your speed impresses me not.

    Hrmm... Technically speaking, that is just a bad name. As in, the prereq's to make boots of striding and springing show ER... and those boots work no matter where you go, or how. Thus, you do not have to be retreating for the spell to work. Smart-Ass [EDIT] Hey, what the hell does that...
  15. R

    Pitiful Monk, your speed impresses me not.

    Expeditious Retreat / \ / \ / The act or process of withdrawing. / Acting or done with speed and efficiency. I...