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  1. The_lurkeR

    Don't open that door!

    So what is behind those doors? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/14/nyregion/14mystery.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&adxnnlx=1184472751-hdmHU0biDWr+PSY+r3SWjg (Inspired by those old threads that collected real world news to inspire gaming ideas. Can't find the threads or remember who used to...
  2. The_lurkeR

    Ghost Rider

    I know this was posted in the news the other day, but that link was taken down. I don't see any other threads with this, so here's a working link I found... http://rapidshare.de/files/3473325/ghost.mov.html At the bottom click the link for the free download. FYI you need a Mac with...
  3. The_lurkeR

    Site slow tonight?

    Is it just me or does the site feel slow tonight? 10:40 EST
  4. The_lurkeR

    Speeding ticket: Part Deux the Trial (not really, but the conclusion)

    Hey all, for those of you who remember my speeding ticket rant back in February (which unfortunately turned into a heated debate), I thought I'd post the follow-up to conclude the story. I sent in a plea of "not-guilty" at the time (not because I thought I was innocent, but because I was hoping...
  5. The_lurkeR


    Short of it : Save your money and avoid this movie. :mad: Long of it : This was a new release at our local video store that my girlfriend and I rented tonight. From the case it looked like your average knights tale type movie. It is an independent film that had on the back that it came in as...
  6. The_lurkeR

    Lost Poll - Take the raft or stay on the island?

    Since we're going to be stuck with no Lost episodes for a month, I thought we'd try a new poll, reminiscent of the Beach / Cave one. So how about it? Would you stick on solid ground and wait for rescue, or take your chances on a a raft? Personally I would stick to the island. You have plenty...
  7. The_lurkeR

    Roleplaying High Charisma?

    Inspired by the roleplaying Cha 4 thread, I wanted to ask how does your group handle playing characters with exceptionally high Charisma or social skills? Obviously the players charisma and fast-talk skills may not be up to snuff, so how do you work it? Any tricks other than just having the...
  8. The_lurkeR

    Driving unreasonably fast (ticket rant)

    I received a ticket on the way into work today. :mad: I was on a backroad shortcut near my home, I take every day to avoid a major intersection. The major roads of the intersection are busy with 2 to 4 lanes, has 4 lights, numerous driveways on and off for businesses and residences. It has a...
  9. The_lurkeR

    And down goes Ken Jennings...

    For those who didn't catch it, Ken Jennings finally lost tonight on Jeopardy! He had the lead but lost with the Final Jeopardy question. I'm sure you'll be able to find plenty of news stories with more details. Count me among those who are glad to see him go! He went from curiosity, to bore...
  10. The_lurkeR

    Rate "The Incredibles"

    I didn't see this started yet, so giving it a shot... Saw it tonight, it was fantastic! Great pacing, humor, action, everything. :D The detail of the animation was breathtaking at times... I actually want to see it again, because I think I zoned out a few times just marvelling at the artwork.
  11. The_lurkeR

    3d view of the ENWorld community

    Just stumbled across this today and thought it might be of interest to other people here. It's a site that creates a "3d" representation of all the sites linked to the site you enter, and it's all based off Googles database. http://www.touchgraph.com/TGGoogleBrowser.html Put in...
  12. The_lurkeR

    Spider-Man 2 trailer, can there be spoilers?

    After the discussion in the Harry Potter thread about spoilers, I was wondering what some people thought about other movie trailers this year? I saw HP friday where they showed the Spider-Man 2 trailer, and someone in the audience joked when it finished. "Is there any mystery left?" I mean...
  13. The_lurkeR

    M. Night Shyamalans "The Village"

    Just heard about this movie in an advertisement tonight. http://thevillage.movies.go.com/main.html Night is going to host Sixth Sense being aired on ABC monday night and they will show a new trailer. There is one on the site though already. Looks good!
  14. The_lurkeR

    Eerie but RPG inspiring Chernobyl pictorial site

    Saw this site posted on slasdot.org today. It's a pictorial site by a Ukrainian women who rides her motorcycle through through the "dead zone" near Chernobyl. Sad really, but creepy and fascinating in an rpg sense... http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/kiddofspeed/page2.html Mirror here (in...