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Search results

  1. P

    Everstone: Legacy of Blood. Wha?

    Recently stumbled across this Guardians of Order product in the $10 or lower bin at my FLGS. However, I have no clue what the setting is about, nor can I find anything worthwhile online. Does anyone have this, and if so - can they help a fellow out? Looking for setting details, "trademarks"...
  2. P

    How do you use Shadow?

    So, I'm thinking of running a Shadow-Chasers and/or an Urban Arcana game, but I don't know exactly how I want to protray the shadow aspects. How do you do it - or do you just ignore it? Thanks. Peterson
  3. P

    How long until we hit PL 6?

    So, I'm curious here. How soon do you folks think our species will be solidly in the Fusion Age, Progress Level 6? Peterson
  4. P

    SFX Skills: Enochian Theurgy Released

    This could be, directly, my fault. I normally referred to this product as "Eno Theory" cause it was easier for me to spell. Read/say something enough times, it gets stuck in your head.... Still, great job on the layout guys, and thanks for getting it out so quick (once I finally got the...
  5. P

    Trigger Control

    “It started seven years ago, in a tiny, red-stained Frontier town called Flatstone, on the crap-hole Frontier planet of Sorrow. Many people, some smarter than me, have remarked at the irony of the planet’s name, but I digress. A small military squad, from the Mycabri-Vic’Tarian Alliance, was...
  6. P

    SFX Skills - where is it?

    In response to more than a few people wondering what's happened to this line, here's the makings of an answer (its not a complete one, I'll grant ya that - but, its something). SFX Skills, in general, will have more going for it than ever before - once all the paperwork is signed, stamped, and...
  7. P

    What's your favorite Mythological/Fantasy creature or person?

    Hey fellow ENWorlders, I got into a discussion with a good bud of mine, and we start talking about common/favorite mythological/fantasy creatures (or specific people). Now, I'm wondering - what are yours? Peterson
  8. P

    Help! Limited Players, less ideas.

    Alright, I have a problem that I'd like to throw out there for ENWorlders. Here's the situation: I have only two players (who are up for just about anything) and about 4 hours a week to fill with a game, preferrably d20 modern-based. I have the following books available and willing to use to...
  9. P

    Ghostwalk+Shackled City

    So, I got the Shackled City hardcover and Ghostwalk...I'd like to combine the two of them together, especially since I'm running a group of only 3 players. Seems to me that the "Die, come back as a PC Ghost" can help with the expected deadliness of the Adventure Path. Here's my question - has...
  10. P

    Sleep Dep Creations presents SFX Skills: Diabolism

    How far will some men go for power? What depths will they plunge for the sake of knowledge? Sleep Dep Creations is pleased to announce its first product, written by the esteemed F. J. Eastman (also known throughout ENWorld as HeapThaumaturgist) - SFX Skills: Diabolism! Diabolism. We are drawn...
  11. P

    Does D20 Future make D20 Modern too feat-heavy?

    Okay, D20 Modern does provide large amounts of feats (something like 18 under optimal conditions - Human, Occupation Feat, only multiclass once, 20th level), especially when compared to D&D, but - is it enough? With the addition to D20 Future (and I haven't seen D20 Past yet, so I can't compare...
  12. P

    D20 Modern/Future Publishers

    Hey folks, I'm trying to put together a list of publishers who produce D20 Modern/Future/Sci Fi pdfs, and I've only found a few. Is there another list anywhere (searching RPGNow is pretty slow, especially with dial up) or would you guys mind tossing down your favorite publishers and maybe the...
  13. P

    Slightly Cheesy One-shot idea (sorta long)

    Some background on the setting, written as if the Captain is narrating. SIX DEGREES OF SEPERATION: a D20 Future one-shot “I’ve got a bad feeling about this." "It’s the year 2308, near as we can tell, and here’s how it is: Old Earth got used up, so we terraformed a whole new galaxy of...
  14. P

    Border Wars: an introduction to the Mycab Sector

    “Listen up boy, life on the Frontier is hard work, harder than you got it now in the Colonies. Sure, its wild, untamed, and ready for exploitation, but ya got to remember – there ain’t much in the way of serious protection; not like you got here, under the Collective’s rule. Let me tell ya...
  15. P

    D20 Future Mecha and Movement

    Okay, using a Large Mecha as the example. It's got a move of 30' per move action, and a top speed of 120' per round if it runs (forgoing feats and all that). A hoverboard has a Top Speed of 50 character-scale squares, which I understand to equal 250' per round. So, um, a dude on a hoverboard...
  16. P

    D20 Future Black Ops

    Below is the player information for a short, mid-level game I plan on running in the near-future. Tossed it up here for you all to enjoy and/or groan! You’re part of a team of Aleerin Black Ops, tasked with not just keeping the status quo in a galactic power struggle, but also advancing the...
  17. P

    Blood & Fist (both of them) Questions

    Borrowing them from a friend, and I love them. Wonderful job, just some quick questions. B&F: Page 10, under the Kata Lore, Kata Mastery, and Kata Specialist feats, it says - in the description of the effect - that you must have the Style Focus or the Style Specialist feat in order to use the...
  18. P

    Sid Meier's Pirates!

    Hey all, I'm looking at getting a new desktop computer, and everyone knows if you buy a new computer, you have to buy a new computer game, right? Right. ;) Anyway, I'm a huge fan of Sid Meier's work, as well as a die hard player of the old 1987 Pirates! original game..... So, my question is...