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Search results

  1. Kheti sa-Menik

    War-based modules

    Hi folks, long time no talk. At some point in the future of my 3rd edition Magnamund-based campaign, all of the northern continent will be plunged into an epic conflict of vast proportions. In trying to look ahead and assuming the campaign will last that long, I'm looking for modules I can use...
  2. Kheti sa-Menik

    Witch Hunter

    I found a new game I absolutely love at Gencon. I heard very little about Witch Hunter and its living campaign, Dark Providence. Visited Paradigm Concepts and the living campaign's site but didn't reach much. I generic-ed into the introductory Dark Providence module game on Friday night at...
  3. Kheti sa-Menik

    Site erratic

    The site seems erratic this evening. It seems to work fine, then suddenly be unreachable. Having more hacker issues tonite?
  4. Kheti sa-Menik

    Last Night On Earth

    Hey folks. I don't play a lot of board games, prefer RPGs. But at Gencon 2007, I picked up a copy of "Last Night on Earth", zombie game from Flying Frog Games. They came out with an expansion this year. I haven't had the chance to play it, just read the rules and upwrap the cards and tokens...
  5. Kheti sa-Menik

    Blogs: Delete an entry

    Hi. I was messing around with the Blog feature the other day, just randomly adding stuff. I noticed that you can't delete a blog entry. You can mark it as deleted and others can't see it when they view your blog but when I view blog entries, it's still listed. How do I purge it from this view?
  6. Kheti sa-Menik

    Odd image behavoir

    I noticed something odd when I was viewing the forums today. It looks like a few of the images are "stretched" out. I've created a screenshot with circles around what I mean. Posted below. Oh, the stats: Windows XP (5.1.2600) SP 2, 1.95 GB RAM, IE 6.0.2900.2180, resolution 1280x1024.
  7. Kheti sa-Menik

    Using D20 Modern-style starting occupations in D&D

    I'm drawing up some ideas for new campaigns. I am pondering using the generic class rules from UA and combining it with some D20 Modern-style starting occupations. Anyone try using starting occupations in D&D?
  8. Kheti sa-Menik

    Enworld 2 Slow

    Was the launch of Enworld 2 supposed to improve site performance and speed? If so, someone screwed the pooch. Still as slow as ever.
  9. Kheti sa-Menik

    RIP Erick Wujcik 6-7-2008

    Anyone hear about this? I didn't see any threads on it: http://www.palladiumbooks.com/press/erickwujcik.html Erick Wujcik passed away on Saturday. Wonderful, creative guy. I have very fond memories of "TMNT and Other Strangeness" from my early days in gaming.
  10. Kheti sa-Menik

    DL 16 Dargaard Keep

    Anybody have the text from or a converted version of the Dargaard Keep module from DL16?
  11. Kheti sa-Menik

    CR Adjustment

    Hi folks. Have a question for the more system-minded amongst you. In my campaign, I want to dragons to be less like D&D-style dragons - spellcasting, spell-like ability laden supra intelligent magical creatures. I'd prefer they be more like dragons from the film Dragonslayer or Reign of Fire...
  12. Kheti sa-Menik

    D&D 3E/3.5 Spacing and creatures in D&D 3.5

    A question I don't really know the answer to..something vague I've wondered about. In 3.5, a Med creature's fighting space is 5' or one square on a standard battle grid. But a Med creature doesn't actually take up 5 ft and one can assume that two Med creatures in a noncombat situation could...
  13. Kheti sa-Menik

    "Discovering" fantasy fiction: Dragonlance

    I'm a long time D&D player but I've never been much into fantasy fiction. The only stuff I really liked was Lord of the Rings. Tolkien's masterpiece seemed to blow everything else away. Many of my friends like the various campaign world novels (Dragonlance, FR, etc), as well as many other...
  14. Kheti sa-Menik

    Book Search - Looking for your help!

    Hi everyone. I'm trying to find a book and I don't know the title or author. I read it when I was in high school, that would have been 1991-1995. So it was published before that time or during that time. Basically it was a modern setting adventure/drama novel about a man who finds out his...
  15. Kheti sa-Menik

    New D&D Vampire

    Hey folks. I am running a D&D 3.5 game that I'd like to switch into a more undead-hunting type. I want vampires to be the main enemy. But I don't like D&D style vampires. I'd actually prefer more down to earth vampires, without all the funky powers. More "Buffy/Angel-style" vampires (a la the...
  16. Kheti sa-Menik

    Excel spreadsheet of 3.5 D&D spells

    A while ago, there was a website where someone had made spreadsheets of spells, feats, prestige classes, etc for D&D 3.5. That site seems to have disappeared. Anyone know where I can find a spreadsheet of D&D 3.5 spells from a variety of sources?
  17. Kheti sa-Menik

    Desert of Desolation...sort of

    Hi folks. I've always wanted to run the Desrt of Desolation module for AD&D 2nd edition. It's got some good flavor and a great story. I'm currently running a D&D 3.5 campaign in Magnamund (from the Lone Wolf RPG/gamebooks). Though there is two large deserts I could use to run this module, I...
  18. Kheti sa-Menik

    My search option

    My search option has disappeared from the menu bar at the top. Does it have something to do with having recently bought an extension for my Community Supporter account in response to Morrus' recent thread? Or is there an issue going down? Thanks!
  19. Kheti sa-Menik

    Special Unit 2

    Anyone ever heard of or watched a television show called "Special Unit 2"? I hadn't heard of it until I caught an episode on the Scifi Channel this evening. I did some research....it's about a special unit of the Chicago PD who specializes in investigating and stopping criminals of...
  20. Kheti sa-Menik

    D20 Modern in 2007?

    So, it's 2007. I don't see any new releases listed for D20 Modern. Has WOTC abandoned this line? Are they not supporting a flagship product? I had a sinking feeling when no WOTC employee would even discuss D20 Modern at Gencon '06. I thought we'd get one or two products before they let it...