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  1. R

    d&d3.5 solo

    Recruiting a single player for a solo game, to be concurrently to my other game: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=164845 Character creation: -due to storyline reasons, PC has to be human -CR 14, 32 point buy, standard wealth -books allowed are core+completes. while this will be in the...
  2. R

    Eye of Profane Truth - Co-DM recruitment, players stay out!

    Those of you who are actually playing in the campaign, this thread is not for you. ----- Looking for a co-DM for my EoPT epic campaign. Running an Epic campaign is a lot of work, and I'd like to share the workload. I'm looking for someone to work with in statting up monsters, writing up...
  3. R

    Dancing weapons

    How do these work, exactly? -Can I use a Dancing weapon and still attack with another weapon? -Does the Dancing weapon get all the hit/damage bonuses that the character have? -Can I Arcane Strike with a Dancing weapon? A fighter takes a move action up to the enemy wizard. He lets go of his...
  4. R

    Eye of Profane Truth - rebooted!

    You have been walking in a daze for as long as you remember, and it is the only thing you remember. You are on an battlefield, recently abandoned. The air is filled with the smell of blood and decay. Everywhere you look you see bodies, some humanoid, some not, torn and mangled beyond repair...
  5. R

    Eye of Profane Truth PCs here

    EoPT PCs go here.
  6. R

    Epic D&D 3.5: The Eye of Profane Truth [full]

    D&D - Epic game: The Eye of Profane Truth Story: The former hero-king, Naramyr Wyrmslayer, has fallen from grace. On his forehead is the Eye of Profane Truth, the indestructible artifact prophesied to reappear every 500 years, always to bring great slaughter and turmoil. Even now, his great...
  7. R

    Looking for a template...

    I'm looking for a template to bump up a creature's CR by about 5~8. It needs to be a general sort of template that doesn't drastically alter the base creature (like Paragon, except less powerful). Any suggestions?
  8. R

    Aura of Despair

    The Blackguard's Aura of Despair gives a -2 untyped penalty to enemy saves. The Epic feat Improved AoD, on the other hand, gives a -4 Morale penalty. It would seem that, by RAW, these penalties stack to give a total of -6 to saves, barring immunities. Am I right?
  9. R

    Melee touch spells, SU touch attacks, and full attacks

    1. Can a melee touch spell be used as a part of a full attack? 2. ditto, with Supernatural touch attacks? 3. If a melee touch spell has more than one charge and does not explicitly limit the number of times it could be used per round (e.g. Chill Touch), does that mean you can use this as many...
  10. R

    Touch attacks and unarmed strike

    What happens when you are hit twice by a lich monk? How many times do you save vs paralysis? Related question: Kiss of the Vampire from LM gives Enervation and Vampiric Touch as a melee touch attacks. So with unarmed strikes: do you get one of them, once per round? One each per round? Or...
  11. R

    Monstrous Thrall (complete divine) and Level Drain

    If you cast Monstrous Thrall on a level-drained target, do you pay a reduced xp cost?
  12. R

    A question about Reach

    Given a) medium-sized humanoid, preferably one of the standard races and b) wielding a medium-sized non-reach weapon Is it possible to get 15" or more reach?
  13. R

    epic ghost rogue build?

    I'm trying to stat out an epic undead cohort for my BBEG wizard. The idea is a ghost assassin that follows him around, hidden, and manifests only when needed. Thing is, I usually play spellcaster, so I have no idea how to build an epic rogue. So I'm going to ask here. ECL is 30, 40 point...
  14. R

    the Defending property

    Say you have a +5 Defending shortsword. You cast Greater Magic Weapon on it, giving it a +5 bonus that normally overlaps with its existing bonus. Then you shift all five bonus points to AC. Would the weapon still strike at +5? Related question: Say you have a +1 Defending shortsword. You...
  15. R

    epic master transmogrifist?

    does anyone have the epic progression for master transmogrifist? The WoTC website says that it is in the PGtF, but I've looked through mine and it's not there.
  16. R

    Creatures not in the SRD?

    Just out of curiosity: which creatures did Wizard take out of the MM when they ported it over to the SRD? I know that Beholders and Mind Flayers are gone, what else?
  17. R

    Master Transmogrifist, Reflexive Change

    From Reflexive Change: [...] If a master transmogrifist is currently under the effect of a Shapechange spell he cast on himself, he can use his reflexive change ability as often as he likes (although never more than once per round). Each time he uses it, he loses his next action. My question...
  18. R

    human sight?

    There are many creatures that have entries such as 'can see as well as humans' or 'twice as well as humans in low-light conditions', etc. But how far is that, exactly? How far can a human see in daylight? Lowlight? /edit: hrm. Just remembered that's what Spot is for. Nevermind, then.
  19. R

    Eye of Profane Truth

    A lurid dream, of gods and demons, barely remembered, fading. You wake to the sound of waves. You sit up, look around. You are at a beach, but there is no wind, no cry of seabirds, only the gentle sound of waves. The sand beneath you is fine-grained, gray like volcanic ash. Looking inland, you...
  20. R

    Help me price some magic items

    1. A MW Halberd, with a hollow section in the middle, where you can insert the scroll of a single spell (any non-epic level, any list). The user points the halberd at a target and speaks a command word, and the spell activates, using up the scroll. 1a. What if it's a +1 Shocking halberd? 1b...