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  1. A

    Natural attacks increase with monk levels?

    Would natural attacks increase with monk levels? Say a creature with 2 claw attacks with d8 dmg has monk levels. Assuming it sticks with the claw attacks, at 1st level, would the damage be 1d6 (monk) or 1d8 (claw)? (thinkin' d8) What about at 5th level when the monk gets a damage increase...
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    Is this allowed?

    I don't know if this has been asked before, my seraches hasn't turned up anything. Does Earth's Embrace & Roundabout Kick work together? EE - allows critical hits while maintaining a pin. RK - allows an additional attack at the same opponent anytime a successful critical hit Thank in advance, Akh
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    What to do? Couple of questions that came up during a game

    Had a couple of questions that came up during the game earlier in the week. 1) Can an attack of opprtunity provoke an attack of opportunity? If so, how many attacks of opportunity can be made (assuming the one taking the attacks has combat reflexes)? ex: The fighter moves through the ogres...
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    Thieves Guild

    Well, I'm sitting here bored at work so I descided to finish my Thieves Guild. It's pretty basic, and I'll work on a sample one probably next, but I was wondering if you could give me your opinions on this, and if I missed anything of importance. Much appreciated, Ryan
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    Alt: Minotaur

    What is your opinions on this and what level adjustment, if any would you give? Also, what changes would you make? Note: These minotaur are not the ones from the MM, but a race similar to the cow. Minotaur: -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom: Minotaurs aren’t quick on the uptake but don’t try to...
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    Optional Class - Swashbuckler

    We are starting a new game and one of my players sent me this. I am not sure where he found it, but I would like to know if it is well balanced and weither or not it could be let in the game. Thanks, Akh
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    Those with evil intent, step right in...

    One of my players created a character who pissed someone off royally and has sworn vengence. Mr. Loordimar Dragonhart is the one seeking vengence, and I have included a brief history as well as some of the plans he is going to/have already started to incorperate. I am asking all of you with...
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    please ignor

    Sorry, wrong room/board/thingy...
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    PC jail break - need advice

    Had a game on Saturday, finally after like a 2 month down time and I'm having a problem that I'm hoping you might be able to give me some insight into. Meet the players: Bones: a 3rd level LN Fighter Irashtor: a 4th level LN cleric of WeeJas who aspires to become a Monk at 8th level Kessa: a CG...
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    Lycanthrope aflicted by lycanthrope

    Is it possible for a lycanthrope, aflicted or natural, to be aflicted by a different form of lycanthrope? If so, what would happen during the full moon, and what one would be dominate? example: A PC, unknown to them, is aflicted with lycanthrope by a werewolf. Before the next full moon, is...
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    Looking for Battle Rager PrC

    I've been looking for one and can't seem to find a decent one. Anyone know where I can find one? Thank AKh
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    Inflictin' punches

    Long time lurker, less time poster. I have a question for y'all I need a answerin'. I recently started DMing a game, tonight was the first game, btw, and one of the player's is a thinkin' 'bout becomin' a Cleric/Monk of Wee Jas (spontanously cast inflict, his char would). Now, I ain't got...
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    Double Post Enter bad
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    Need help convincing DM

    I'm currently in a campaign and for the first time, I'm playing an archer. I'm also playing the rogue in the group. There is only 1 other character, a human barbarian, both of us at 3rd level. Anyways, we are in a dungeon crawl and when ever we come to a door, I check it for traps then move...
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    {OT} Buying Swords

    I'm interested in purchasing some swords but not sure where to buy them from and I'm limited in the stores around me who sells them. So, I was just wondering, for those who own swords, if you bought them through a local shop or if you tried an on-line store which sells them. If it was through...
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    Separate knowledge skill points

    This is something I thought of while I'm taking a break from D&D and playing Shadowrun. When we make our character, we get INT x 1/2 class skill bonus (Ex. rogue would get INT x 4) to knowledge skills only, such as Knowledge Local(town), knowledge monsters, etc. Then as we advance, we can get...
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    Quick question

    Quick question, I hope. Can you, or can't you take the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency if you are not proficient with with the weapon? More specifically, can a Monk, take EWP: bastard sword and use it without the -4 penalty? Thank, Akh
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    A few questions

    I'm running a one shot adventure and would like some clerification on somethings that I'm not to sure about. 1) Do Boots of Springing & Striding stack with Expeditious Retreat? If so, would it be considered triple speed (double + double)? 2) Do bracers of AC stack with AC provided by armor...
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    Help with rules for Arena game

    Greetings, I'm planning on running an arena type game where it's everyone vs everyone and would like some help with any possible loop holes or anything that I missed. The rules thus far are: How to Win -Be the first to place all four rings on center spike or -no other players alive Rules...
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    describing HP

    I started to keep track of the parties hit points last game and need some help on how to describe how badly hurt they are. Unfortunately I am mentally exhausted and cannot think of my own, best I came up with was poopy, which had me laughing hysterically in class. (slept only 5 hours in last 3...