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Search results

  1. Pigeon

    A baby with class

    We just had a baby boy. Yeah yeah, congratulations etc etc. But check this out: Evan Hughes at 2 weeks old Weight: 9lb 2oz – on the 90th percentile (heavier than 90% of all babies) Height: 56cm – on the 100th percentile (taller than 100% of all babies) There is no doubt about it; those are...
  2. Pigeon

    BBC radio documentary on D&D

    Just incase anyone is interested, BBC Radio 4 broadcast a documentary on dungeons and dragons "Dicing with dragons" on wednesday. I'm not sure if it was a repeat or not, I vaguely remember them doing one about a year back. Anyhow, its still available on their "listen again" facility (scroll...
  3. Pigeon

    Fantastic sound effects site

    I apologize if this is common knowledge, but I've just stumbled across a great sound effects site which I'm sure a lot of people will find really useful (especially if they DM with their computer by their side like I do). All the sounds are free to download for evaluation, and if you like them...
  4. Pigeon

    The ball explodes and then what?

    My players are currently poking around a Dark Creeper city trying to find out why the Dark Creepers have suddenly started venturing up onto the surface world and stealing a bunch of very powerful magical items. What they have yet to find out is that a mind flayer has charmed the leaders of the...
  5. Pigeon

    Another map

    Here's another map I made, still in corel photopaint, but with the lettering done in Corel draw. I keep forgetting/losing the textures I used for mountains ect, and so never get it looking quite how I would like. Still, I'm pretty pleased with this one. I'm planning on doing some close up maps...
  6. Pigeon

    Map done in corel photopaint

    Here's a link to a map I did last year for a campaign I was running. I was pretty pleased with it at the time but I've since done a better one (but haven't uploaded it to the internet yet). Map of the Second Shard Let me know what you think.
  7. Pigeon

    Battletech D20?

    Does anyone know where I can find d20 rules for mechs? One of my players has expressed an interest in running a D20 battletech type game, but he's not to sure about adapting the rules himself. It's not often I get to actually play and so want to make it as easy for him as possible! Cheers.
  8. Pigeon

    [spycraft] Clandestine Knights

    I'd like to announce my new spycraft campaign website is up and open for business. We haven't actually started playing yet, but I've created the site in order to whip up a little enthusiasm among my group. I'm intending the campaign to start out as a regular spy type affair, but quickly...
  9. Pigeon

    [Spycraft] Alternative departments

    I've heard quite a few people talk about using an agents department to reflect where they started their career rather than the actual department that they were trained in. This appeals to me, the agency my PC's are going to work in is just not big enough to have departments. Here are some...
  10. Pigeon

    Is my .sig ok?

    I was wondering, do some people object to having picures in the .sig? I don't want to annoy anyone too much (but I do like my little pigeon:) ) (edited fo spelling)
  11. Pigeon

    Tempting players into spycraft?

    My gaming group used to play a whole load of different RPG genres and titles about seven or eight years ago, but then the group disintegrated due to half of us going away to university and all the other kind of things that split up 18 year olds friendships. We recently managed to pull...
  12. Pigeon

    [spycraft] Agency names

    Anyone got any good names for agencys? I'm going to be starting up a game soon and have got writers block when it comes for a catchy agency name. I've been toying with H.I.V.E but I can't think of any words to go in the acronym!! perhaps the World Inteligence Organasation (W.I.O) or...
  13. Pigeon

    new spell - alter spell signature

    Every week I set a challenge for my players in order to get them to write backgrounds, think about their characters philosophys ect. One weeks challenge was to create a 0 level spell and one of my players came up with this. ------------------ Alter Spell Signature Universal Level: Cleric...
  14. Pigeon

    Game shop in New York?

    I'm going to New York next week (to get married of all things) and while I'm there I thought I might as well pick up master of the wild and dungeon that haven't appeared over here yet. Anyone suggest a good roleplaying shop not too far off the beaten path that I can visit - my soon to be wife...