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Search results

  1. S

    spidertrag's games: the DMing & the one I'm playing in

    just wanted to say, DON'T GIVE UP ON ME YET! :heh: Things have been very hectic lately (& it really sucks not having a computer at home!) The commuting since the divorce thingee has taken its toll, though I'm finally realignin back into online gaming mode. :D so hopefully tomorrow (cross...
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    SumBiatch Crooks!

    Just got word today that the storage 'sheds' my (soon to be ex, though amicable divorce) wife & I rent were broken in too....All four of them! :( :confused: all the furniture was gone---with two exceptions---my 'blue' desk which was (at least) 35 years old---no, they didnt take it, they just...
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    Eufaula, Dothan AL, Columbus GA: Looking for gamers

    Due to a recent change in my marriage status :\ , I'll soon be having some free time & would definately like to get back into gaming. I'll be living in Eufaula Alabama & I am willing to travel for a good game. Are there any gamers in Eufaula or Dothan Alabama or Columbus Georgia?
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    THE BIG "D"---i never thought it would be me:(

    Well, just a few minutes ago, my wife informs me of her unhappiness & basically wants a divorce---I know her mom will be dance of joy. I suggested a marriage counseler, but she doesnt think that would help. Seven years down the drain. Its convienent that her mom is picking up our daughter for my...
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    Need to download drivers for Lexmark 175

    Hi, after fighting through google & not having any luck, I figured I would come here & see if someone can help. I need the printer & scanner drivers for a Lexmark Z(i think)175 printer---I actually have the cd for the drivers, but, my cd drive is 'discinnected' from the lap top & will have to be...
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    In Space They Can Hear You Scream! Roster

    Put your pcs here
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    In Space They Can Hear You Scream!(SHOUT OUT IF U R PLAYIN!)

    In Space They cant hear you Scream! An alien legion/bughunter campaign with urban arcana & horror elements in it Setting info to follow later today Character idea creation guidelines: Party size 6+. Ability array: 18, 16, 14, 14, 13, 12, prior to racial bonus/penalties (one additional +2...
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    Eberron: Stone of Sorrows

    Whether by foot, mount, or airship you finally arrive at the sacred grove of Illnanaan. The usual quiet & reverence is not their as the sounds of hundreds of voices raised in anger compete with one another. The once manicured path is now covered in the broken vines & flowers of many passing...
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    Need new races/creature ideas for Xen'drik drow game

    I'm fixing to start a pbp game here & I'm looking for some ideas from the fine twisted minds of the folks here. The game blurb follows. Tried this in 'general', figured i'd actually get some help from the fine monster makers in this forum ;) Ages ago the Tribes of Guld'staug founded the sacred...
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    A Savage speciesed Draegoloth? Anyone?

    I know there is a ‘Savage Species’ write up for the Draegoloth in WotC Champions of Ruin, but, even if I wasn’t the sole supporter of a family of three, I would be hard pressed to buy a book for just one race. So, I was wondering if anyone here had done a SS writing for their own game & would be...
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    Xen'Drik, Eberron: Stone of Sorrows idea mulching

    I'm fixing to start a pbp game here & I'm looking for some ideas from the fine twisted minds of the folks here. The game blurb follows Ages ago the Tribes of Guld'staug founded the sacred grove Illnanaan where they enshrined great shard Li'Brae was entrenched. The tribes, three purebloods &...
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    Xen'Drik, Eberron: Stone of Sorrows: Heroes

    Put your tribal champions here
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    Eberron: Stone of Sorrows (OCC)NEED ONE MORE see last post

    Ages ago the Tribes of Guld'staug founded the sacred grove Illnanaan where they enshrined great shard Li'Brae was entrenched. The tribes, three purebloods & three mixedbloods, whose origins are found in the temples & laboratories of Guld'staug, were, like their metal predecessors, forged for...
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    What to buy B&B or SCoT?

    I'm picking up Egyptian Adventures: Hamunatra from amazon---I get to add another book, but i cant decide between Bastards & Bloodlines & Sharn: City of Towers---please help!:)
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    I see only the first page of a thread!!!!

    I't didnt really occur to me until a few moments agao when I went to look at a game I'm going to play in (& get my char's info), but, I can only view the first page of a thread----it doesnt matter what thread, it seems to be all threads!? is something wrong w/my computer a work? I'll check to...
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    making Prestige classes into Core classes

    This is probably a stupid question, but, is it feasible to 'convert' prestige classes into core classes? If so, any suggestions on how to go about doing so? thanks :)
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    Which to buy?Underdark or Serpent Kingdom?

    I finally have some 'mad' money to spend & have narrowed it down to buying either the Underdark book or the Serpent Kingdom book.---I need some help figuring out which one to get----whichever one i buy will be used in both a homebrew & Eberron game (or at least mined for info:))---so please post...
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    Seige of Eberron Keep

    Greetings all----I'm in the early processes of "converting" the Arcana Unearthed module into something useful for an Eberron game----any sugestions? Help is much appreciated:)
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    PCs for spidertrag's Eberron game

    Put your intrepid explorers here
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    (YaEg)REBOOT! Recruiting more players!!!!!!

    It seems like it was ages ago I put out a call for players---I got some great ones; but, real life intruded with illness, disease, & bad weather, which lead to a big lull in getting this game going & therefore losing some players.(which is understandable---I'm really surprised (& thankful) that...