• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. G

    Gimble's a fraud!

    *Ducks behinds Clay's legs* "That's right you big oafs. Now that the potter's here, what are you gonna do?"
  2. G

    Gimble's a fraud!

    My past catches up with me... Time to skidaddle!
  3. G

    Gimble Or Devis?

    Alright, I go on vacation for a couple days and Devis decides to start something. Meanwhile, Hennet makes some kind of "goat" comment that just explodes. This is a mess. I do not think I shall respond to Devis' bitterly jealous comments; after all, any old burrowing animal provides a far more...
  4. G

    gencon pranks and scalable justice (ot)

    OK, I'm in.
  5. G

    What happened to Devis?

    Don't worry Devis, I'll let you play back up :D
  6. G

    3.5 interior pictures!

    I'm looking pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.
  7. G

    Questions to Roy and Star: 283 onward

    How good do I look on the printed page?
  8. G

    Compiled 3.5 Revisions

    You forgot the most important revision, yours truly.
  9. G

    [Contest] Name a new gaming product

    GIMBLE IS SEXY It would fly of the shelves, because Gimble doesn't endorse just any old product...
  10. G

    Where do you get iconics from?

    AHEM. Yes, yes you did miss a couple.
  11. G

    Battle of the Gnomes!

    Those results are a little too close... So I've changed my mind. DO count my good looks. Sorry, Nebin, I should never understimate the coolness of my gnomish brethren.
  12. G

    Battle of the Gnomes!

    Please, for the sake of fairness, don't count my good looks. Poor Nebin just wouldn't stand a chance.
  13. G

    "Lidda Reveals All"

    Just wait until I'm out of playtesting... I'll make Lidda forget all about that silly Regdar. Then it will force my employers to release yet another revised edition to include gnomelings.
  14. G

    Which core class has the best flavor?

    Bard has the best flavor: Gimble.
  15. G

    The Gnew Gnome, are they just as useless and lame as the others?

    I can't just ignore the requests of my fans and really be much of a bard now can I? On the day I was born, the midwife looked down And she listened in wonder, at the glorious sound She told ma right there, that I couldn't stay at home She could tell by my sweet voice, that I was bad to the...
  16. G

    Gimble: Hot or Not?

    Keep dreaming old man.
  17. G

    Gimble: Hot or Not?

    You're thinking of some other, less suave Gimble. You shouldn't worry. If she's got a ring on her finger, the best she can hope for is some flirting; too many bad experiences having to flee out of windows half-naked into the cold night.
  18. G

    Old revisions thread (ignore)

    Someone forgot the most important revision. *cough*ME*cough*
  19. G

    Save Nebin!

    Sometimes you just can't stop the meteor from wiping out the dinosaurs... Especially when that meteor is one tightly packed ball of raw gnomish sexuality, AKA yours truly.
  20. G

    3.5E Gnome War!

    Changing it over is the best idea ever conceived by silly big folk. *returns to counting GP from WOTC* Best idea, indeed.