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  1. Gunslinger

    In the Name of the King

    The acting looks terrible, judging by the trailer.
  2. Gunslinger

    Alien vs Predator 2 - SPOILERS

    My major beef was that they attempted to give the the movie a plot and dialogue and they failed at it Hindenburg-style, so the movie probably would have been much more entertaining if they hadn't tried at all. Wasn't the selling point of the movie supposed to be the AvP fights? I already had...
  3. Gunslinger

    Alien vs Predator 2 - SPOILERS

    But the thing is that fights are boring if you have no reason to care who ultimately comes out on top. The fights were too few and far-between for this movie to really be about them. The movie would have 10 times better without any humans at all. Why can't AvP just be Aliens fighting...
  4. Gunslinger

    Alien vs Predator 2 - SPOILERS

    Worst god-awful piece of trash I've seen all year, hands down. Couldn't decide whether it wanted to be a horror movie or an action flick, so it tried to do both (very badly). The worst dialogue I've heard since Ultraviolet; I'm not sure that any of the characters had a single line that was...
  5. Gunslinger

    28 Weeks Later [spoilers aplenty]

    What really bothered me was how the dad got out of that operation room, after he was infected. It looked to me like it was locked from the outside. I suppose the soldiers whose job it was to kill the carrier might have inadvertently let him out when they entered the room, but I mean come on...
  6. Gunslinger

    Very, very sad university news

    I think it's absurd that anyone could consider Cho Seung-Hui a victim. Every story I've read about him in the last few days has mentioned more people who offered to help him, who he rejected. The fact that he tried to encourage others to repeat his behavior makes him equitable to Osama bin...
  7. Gunslinger


    [Edited to fix having mentioned Planet Terror instead of DP :p] ...and I hit quote instead of edit, what do you know
  8. Gunslinger


    I loved Planet Terror, it was pure adrenaline fueled fun. Planet Terror...not so much (I didn't care for the ending, I like to root for the bad guys most of the time).
  9. Gunslinger

    300 - The PG Version

    No you're not the only one. It's like watching a less talented flipbook version one of SA's Photoshop Phridays.
  10. Gunslinger

    24: Season 6 (2007) Day 6 (*17):9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

    That's what I thought too.
  11. Gunslinger

    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--3/25/07--Arc 20 (Season Conclusion)

    Anders and Tory I could easily see as cylons, they doesn't have much of a verifiable past before the invasion. Tigh seems fairly unlikely given how long he's served in the military and known Admiral Adama. If Tyrol was really a cylon that would his child with Cally was also a hybrid just like...
  12. Gunslinger

    Rate 300

    I gave it a 6. It was an entertaining popcorn movie, but the story and dialogue were lacking. I also wasn't very impressed by the way the ending was handled, it didn't have any sort of emotional impact on me whatsoever.
  13. Gunslinger

    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--3/04/07--Arc 16

    I actually think it would make a perfect non-twist (fakeout?) for Starbuck to really have gone off the deep end and killed herself, for good, as a direct result of all the emotional trauma she's been through. I saw her as an Icarus-figure, she just burned too bright to remain among the living...
  14. Gunslinger

    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--3/04/07--Arc 16

    Well I didn't see that coming.
  15. Gunslinger

    24: Season 6 (2007) Day 6 (*12):4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    All the more reason to keep the VP out of the loop. He'll be the first person everyone suspects, but when an investigation comes up with no dirt on him he'll be left with a "legitimate" presidency.
  16. Gunslinger

    24: Season 6 (2007) Day 6 (*12):4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    An episode or two ago I believe Reed said that the VP was uninvolved in the conspiracy, but he would be much more inclined to support the sort of policy that they wanted pushed through. Good episode (though I thought the security check should have been a little more thorough than the 30 seconds...
  17. Gunslinger

    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--2/25/07--Arc 15

    Pretty good episode overall (especially the Baltar parts) but I hope we'll be seeing some Cylons again the near future.
  18. Gunslinger

    24: Season 6 (2007) Day 6 (*11):3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    So far this season I've found myself enjoying the President Palmer storyline the most. I love all the power games and cloak and dagger stuff, and of all the storylines it's been the least predictable. The actor who plays Assad has also been doing an awesome job, he's probably actually my...
  19. Gunslinger

    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--2/18/07--Arc 14

    I disliked this episode due to the fact that Baltar was not in it, and I dislike Cally quite a bit. Chief used to be my favorite character on the show, but since he had the baby he's become much less interesting. IMO Baltar is by far the most interesting and entertaining character on BSG.
  20. Gunslinger

    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--2/11/07--Arc 13

    No, those were two separate complaints. Filler is a standalone, episodic episode that does very little to advance the main plot and contains a complete story arc which had not been hinted at before (completely new conflict is introduced, then completely new conflict is completely solved before...