[Adventure] Rage of the Savage Lands (DM: Dekana, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

Not long into the trip, Yishim stops by Toeto's cabin.

Toeto, is there anything I can do to help you search out the cure? I don't have much knowledge of spirits, but if there is any help you need, I'm happy to give it.

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Beatrice spends the days fishing and preparing food for the party. She knew how unhygienic these people could be. He daughter Hyacinth was a sailor afterall. Well a pirate, but same thing really. You are impressed, but a bit disturbed, by the swift precision she had in disemboweling fish with her sword. She also had time to boss the sailors around, young people these days never knew the proper way to do things.


Though she does her best to hide it, Eithal is not too fond of ships. The remind her of a time, long ago, when pirates pressed her into their service. For the first several days, she is listless, but she soon realizes that her who talents are going unused. She steps up behind one of the crew, who is struggling agains the breeze to secure a lashing on one of the booms, "Heyah. Layet mih hayelp yew."

The deckhand turns around, and looks up in surprise (and maybe a little terror) at the towering giantess. Chin quivering, he hands the ropes to Eithal, who quickly ties the boom down and pats the fellow the back, "Theyah. Awl sheyip-shaype."

Realizing that she might be doing more harm than good by frigthening the crew, she concludes that it might be better just to try and enjoy the trip.


First Post
Jarel-karn seems to be uneasy on the ship for the first two days before he get used to the sea. After that, he helps the crew on some basic task, but not much, preferring to keep his energy for the task ahead.


Not long into the trip, Yishim stops by Toeto's cabin.

Toeto, is there anything I can do to help you search out the cure? I don't have much knowledge of spirits, but if there is any help you need, I'm happy to give it.
Toeto looks the mage up and down as if sizing him up. She observes seriously, "Well... I've only seen you kill things with magic before." An uncomfortable moment passes. "T-that was a joke. Of course, I would appreciate a mage's assistance. Here, h-have a seat."

"W-well, where to start. So far, I've been building off on an old ritual spell. It should delay the progression of any illness. Of course, that's not enough. I - no, we - will have to modify it to cure my tribe." While speaking to Yishim about the cure and ritual magic, he can't help but notice that she is more animated and stutters much less. "That's why I want so much to return now. I have a solid base to work with. As for the modifications, well, I'll just have to work it out when we arrive. I think finding a sickened lizardfolk (or better, the source of the disease) will be enough to come up with a new ritual."

As she continues, it becomes clear to Yishim that Toeto has very little to go on at the moment, in spite of high hopes. Her studies in the cabin has less to do with the cure and more with modifying ritual magic in general.[/sblock]

Beatrice spends the days fishing and preparing food for the party. She knew how unhygienic these people could be. He daughter Hyacinth was a sailor afterall. Well a pirate, but same thing really. You are impressed, but a bit disturbed, by the swift precision she had in disemboweling fish with her sword. She also had time to boss the sailors around, young people these days never knew the proper way to do things.

Beatrice's landlubber party members may find the gutting disturbing, but the sailors are relatively impressed. A pair of them walk up to have a chat with her while she cleans a tuna. One is a blonde man (not much older than a boy really), and the other is a middle-aged man with a healthy set of mutton chops.

The younger sailor speaks. "Quite a catch you've found, m'lady. Never could handle a rod myself, though I know talent when I see it." He sniffs the dissected tuna, making no effort to hide his hunger. "Might I ask, is any of that for the crew's supper?" That prompts a swift jab to the kidneys from the older man. "What Cody means to say, m'am, is that we'd be delighted for you to join us in the mess for meals, whether you bring your dish or not. We wouldn't be proper hosts to just leave you confined to one cabin all trip, but that's just my opinion."[/sblock]

[sblock=Eithal, Jarel-karn, anyone else on deck]The poor fellow that Eithal gives such a fright keeps his distance from her for the rest of the day. Still, he seems to be the only crewmember who's skittish about her presence. Most of the sailors seem rather comforted by the thought of having a giant warrior on board. More than once, one of them comes up to her and quips about having her hold up the sails in place of the mast, or if she can serve as the ship's figurehead should the need arise.

It really is a nice view of the ocean. The tide is very calm and there's no sign of poor weather anywhere. There's also no sign of pirate ships (yet), something that Eithal may be watching out for in particular.

Otherwise, time passes surprisingly quickly in this leg of the trip. Even if the party members have nothing in particular to occupy their time, just getting used to sea travel seems like a job in itself.[/sblock]


First Post

Beatrice's landlubber party members may find the gutting disturbing, but the sailors are relatively impressed. A pair of them walk up to have a chat with her while she cleans a tuna. One is a blonde man (not much older than a boy really), and the other is a middle-aged man with a healthy set of mutton chops.

The younger sailor speaks. "Quite a catch you've found, m'lady. Never could handle a rod myself, though I know talent when I see it." He sniffs the dissected tuna, making no effort to hide his hunger. "Might I ask, is any of that for the crew's supper?" That prompts a swift jab to the kidneys from the older man. "What Cody means to say, m'am, is that we'd be delighted for you to join us in the mess for meals, whether you bring your dish or not. We wouldn't be proper hosts to just leave you confined to one cabin all trip, but that's just my opinion."[/sblock]
Oh poor boy, you are all skin and bones! Beatrice says fussing over Cody. Never fear child, grandmother will make you and your friends a nice tuna supper! Let me see I'll need some potatoes, onions, garlic, salt, black pepper, and my secret ingredient, I think I have it in my bag... ah here is is! she says pulling out a bottle. Be a nice boy and fetch me what I need, that is a good dear.
Oy! You lot! Supper will be ready in three hours! Beatrice hollers out. I'm going to need a potato peeler and an onion and garlic chopper, any volunteers?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Damen keeps to himself, finding a comfortable place belowdecks. He'd already earned his sea legs during his piracy phase a few years back, and remembered fondly hating the work it requires to sail properly. Thinking better of randomly shooting things to keep himself entertained, he instead kept busy reading some of the latest pulp from the Daunton presses.


First Post
"Harold" continues to behave as though he is on some sort of pleasure jaunt and spends a great deal of time on deck, engaged in whale-watching and other bourgeois pursuits.

Yishim spends some time in Toeto's cabin. As he hits the limit of his ability, which occurs quickly, he prepares to leave.

Don't be discouraged, Toeto. You won't have to face this challenge alone.

He returns to the deck and enjoys the voyage.


After Beatrice's contribution of fish, the party is invited to share dinner with the crew. Only in the messdeck does it really become clear how many people are on board; at least 150 sailors are crammed at long serving tables. The atmosphere is very loud and jovial - this is not a military vessel, and the crew is accordingly less concerned with formality or rank structures. It is, in fact, too loud for Toeto: she quickly makes an excuse about "needing some air" and takes her dinner with her out of the room.

It's hard to hear much of anything with so many people talking in such a tight space, but the party can glean a few pieces of information. For one, their destination in the Savage Lands is an Imperium outpost called Cay Harbor. The crew is somewhat concerned about being raided by surprise longboat attacks just outside the harbor, but they generally feel confident that they can repel any of the savages.

The party also hears that most of the cargo is food: grain, crackers, and dried fruit. The heroes are probably the most dangerous "cargo" on board.

After dinner, back in the passenger's cabin, Toeto pulls a parchment from her backpack and shows it to everyone. "I forgot I even kept it." It appears to be a crude map of her home region...

[sblock=map]The maker of this map was clearly not an artist among lizardfolk. /coughs uncomfortably

[sblock=Draconic (Yishim only I think)]Munthrek = humans
Korth = danger
Svent = kill
Darasv = half-dragons[/sblock]
"Make sure you keep it a secret, okay? I don't know if I t-trust the sailors with it. They m-might sell it to the soldiers at the harbor..." Despite the crudeness of the drawing, she sounds genuinely concerned.

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