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[CoCd20] Flintlock & Tomahawk


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[sblock]I recommend that Abcott lead the interrogation. In character, he is a lawyer and this is his balliwick. OOC Tis and William both speak native, but have Intimidate scores of -1 and +1. Abcott speaks native and has a +9![/sblock]

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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
[sblock]OOC: Good enough. I'm going to fill in some answers, set the scene, and wait for Bobitron and taitzu52 to get the interrogation rolling. As a side note, here's a picture of The Dedham Church and Meetinghouse, which was originally built in 1638. Mind you, I'm playing fast and loose with the interior and the actual setup of Dedham town, but I thought that picture was just cool as hell. It might take a little while to load on dial-up, just as fair warning.[/sblock]

Int. - Dedham Meetinghouse Basement - late morning

The basement of the meeting house is all timber, dirt, and stone, accessible only through a hatch and ladder set off in a room along the side of the building. Dark and damp, the basement reveals its secrets only when a lantern is lit, showing off the stores of Dedham town and then some. A rough old table sits in the center, and a wooden chair is nearby.

Before you went down, Scudder told you that the man was accused of assisting in the kidnapping of Abcott's youngest child. They don't suspect that he's from one of the tribes in this area, as they can't understand his speech, although his jaw is so badly swollen it's a wonder he can talk at all.

You suspect that you'll be able to make out near all of anything he says regardless of where he's from, as the native languages in this area aren't that different in their dialects.

Abcott: According to the elders, the man was found in the woods clutching a hair ribbon from a little girl and muttering to himself confusedly. When the men tried to talk to him, he started to run, which led directly to his beating according to the men that found him.


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Abcott leans on a barrell and talks quietly with the other men. He introduces himself to Archibald, thanking him for coming so quickly, and reiteratin, "Anything that could help, I'd be most appreciative if if could be added." and such.

He begins by getting the preliminary information from the search party, "Does he speak English?" and "May I see the ribbon?"

Once the men settle down, Abcott sees the looks on their faces as cues, and turns to the savage, asking, "What do they call you?"

[sblock]I'm not sure how you want to handle an interogation of this sort, since it's kind of a Q&A....very back and forth. Let me know how far I can get and what info or explaination of tactics you want from me.[/sblock]

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Int. - Dedham Meetinghouse Basement - late morning

He grunts and says something only slightly comprehensible: "Patuckson."

You recognize the name as that of the native responsible for the fingering of three other Indians for the killing of John Sassamon, a Harvard College educated Indian with strong ties to the community in Natick. Sassamon was a slippery man to be sure, and rumours had him working for one or both sides of the war.

Abcott: According to the elders, the Indian speaks some English. They show you the ribbon, and
although it looks like a ribbon your daughter may have had, it looks too generic for you to be sure of it.

[sblock]OOC: I think the best way to handle the interrogation would be for y'all to post the questions you want to ask, for me to answer everything at once, and then for y'all to post follow up questions, and so on.[/sblock]
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First Post
"Very well, Putuckson." Abcott says. His eyes narrow, and he waits for quiet in the room, and asks, "Where were you yesterday, and why were you seen rapidly leaving the lands around my farm?" He uncousiously twists the ribbon around his fingers, a sign of a lack of his usuall courtroom patience.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Patuckson groans and says (very quietly and roughly), "I was at your farm. I was there to kidnap your daughter for [unitelligible]." It seems like he almost swallows the last word. He looks extremely nervous.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
[sblock]OOC: I've decided that I can provide a better prompt here, so I'm going to push this along and inject a little life into this thing...[/sblock]Int. - Dedham Meetinghouse Basement - same

Tisa steps forward and says, in Native, "
It would be best for everyone involved if you were more specific. Who did you do this for?
" Patuckson groans again, shaking his head.

Tisa moves closer.

Patuckson relents, uttering one word — "Nurse."

Then he bursts into flames.

Thomas: You hear an explosion from the meetinghouse basement.

[sblock]OOC: Please make sanity checks, reflex saves, and roll initiative to see who reacts first to the burning Indian. You can use Invisible Castle to roll, just provide a link to the results.[/sblock]



Voidrunner's Codex

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