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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 2: Vegas!


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Terry Quinlan, The Grid

"Looks like faking a fire is our best bet for creating an evac that won't seal us in," Grid offers once verifying that things are clear for the moment. He gives Laura a worried glance as she falters, but as Cass and Enoch seem to have her in hand, he lets it go for now. Frost gets a thumbs up from Grid for his help in avoiding what might have been a massive disaster.

While the others search physically, Grid tries turning his attention to the containment protocols. Anything as volatile as the bioweapon wouldn't just be behind a simple glass door.

"If we're lucky, they're scared enough of this stuff that the storage locker will have a built in destruction protocol for killing this stuff. Maybe we don't have to worry about opening the door if I can convince the system it needs to do some life-saving work with that."

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Cassandra looked over at Grid and said, "We need to kill the files too...but do me a favor. Keep some kind of record that this program existed. Something that shows who's behind it, and where the funding comes from. Can you...save stuff like that? On a portable drive, or DVD or something?"


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Grid nods. "There ought to be some consoles around here. While you're searching, see if you can find me any media to write to. There's no way for me to move this data to the web with the isolated system"


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Luara keeps her hand over her head, staggering for a moment. Strange images surging through her head kilter her balance, but thanks to help she stays standing. After a small bit, she looks to Material Girl with a look of terror at her side and whispers "I might know this man, somehow, took me, injected me, another lab maybe." She leans on Material Girl for just a moment to regain her breath. After recovering she stops leaning and gives a slight nod to her helper. "I'm okay, so ... how about that nuclear man?"


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Felix, carefully, forced his way out of the duct; it was a bit of an art, breaking a vent’s cover off without making much noise from the inside; without comically specialized tools unscrewing the things from the inside was imposable, and needlessly time consuming.
Felix rummaged through the man’s person with efficiency; he apparently did not mind violating the man’s personal space nor, literally, tossing things out of the man’s wallet, and pockets, one by one onto the floor; save for anything he found interesting enough to warrant further attention then a brief glance; these items he would place on the desk.

Felix worked, slightly, slower then he could have, he was paying attention to what Enoch said; he waited until the kid finished. “Pears, and their names and addresses, the names of anyone who is presently working on the project itself,” Felix started, not aiming his words at the scientist nor Enoch in particular before adding “yourself included,” while briefly looking at the man before redirecting his attention back to his nigh over worked task before continuing on “or anyone who could be working on it if called on, and those who have either refused to work on the project thus far or have simply not been asked to work on it in the first place; mainly, The names and addresses of anyone who could restart this project from zero regardless of their affiliations and opinions on the matter” Felix finished, or so he thought, as he could not help but over hear Laura as he spoke.

Felix leered at the one in question and walked nearer; his footfalls were uncharacteristically heavy. By no means was he stomping, but his feet did not meet the ground with their feline grace, they were allowed to voice his, relative to his size, unnatural weight. The left corner of Felix’s mouth quivered into a snarl briefly before he added. “Have there been any other meta-human related projects? And if so, their conclusions.” Felix had, naively, thought that the program was the original... but if it was merely a branch form a larger tree… Things were far worse and more malicious then he had believed.


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Eyes going cold and starting to slide toward the unconscious scientist, Enoch says, "Um, yeah. You have to answer those questions too, if you can, and to the degree that you can."


Grid and Cass search around and gather some drives, starting to copy the data.

The scientist looks blankly at Enoch and starts talking "all the mutant vials in the building are either here or in the vault. The project supervisor will be here in a few hours. I don't know anything about the project except what I'm working on. The subjects are in jail, theirs nobody here named pearsandtheir, there are dozens working on the project, thousands who are qualified, there's, I... uh.."
As the dozens of questions assault the man in rapid succession, he becomes more and more confused trying to remember and answer them all, getting jumbled. His blank eyes roll back and he grabs his head and shakes it, then looks back up "What.. who are you? Where.." The scientist stumbles backwards, knocking over several vials.
Felix rushes forwards, grabbing at the vials, and manages to catch them before they break. Except for one, whose stopper comes off and spills across his fur.

Everybody's eyes widen and the second scientist falls to the ground, clutching his head in pain.


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Felix had sprung forwards and grabbed the blasted things without even thinking, he stopped himself suddenly with a foot thundering into the side of the sturdy, looking, counter as he used it to allow the sudden stop on the hard floor, and he, somehow, managed to grab all of them, he grabbed all of them! 'I I did it!' he thought with puzzled disbelief, a Crazy, Surprised, stupefied and terror-filled simile stretched across his little, fluffed up, face. All the while he completely forgot what he just kicked agents to stop himself, the same damned counter the man had stumbled into. He heard a feather weight ‘tink’ of glass. Landing delicately on a hard surface

His expression went blank as he turned his head, seeing the vile topple over the ledge; it turned into wide eyed, abject horror in an instant; what was he supposed to do again? He was already holding vials in his hands and it was too near to get out of the way, maybe, maybe! The idea was so mad it just might work!

Felix caught the last one! … With his teeth! He popped agilely into the air clenched it in his jaw. He was ecstatic, hysterical even as he landed without braking it. “Yeeeshhh!” he yelped with joy through his occupied mouth with intense glee and pride. He then looked at the other’s faces, theirs did not match his own, why were they not celebrating his display of speed, finesse and skill? It was then a sensation hit him. ‘Why is my shoulder wet?’ things clicked together rather quickly as he put the two together, his eyes darted towards the open, pouring vial, that was firmly held in his own, big, mouth. He was lucky at least that none had dripped down the stem of the vial and down his thought.

His brows shot down and turned upwards as stared to trembled, ‘this, this was not supposed to happen!’ was one of many thoughts as he went weak in the knees, he could feel the contents of the vial start to permeate into his skin, any ideas about just washing it off fled from his mind swiftly. Replaced by ‘Why?’
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Cassandra's eyes widened, and she put a hand over her mouth. She'd been too slow to see what was happening to intervene, but a desperate idea occurred to her.

"It's a bio-weapon!" she blurted. "There might be a cure for it! The scientist might know!"

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