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[LPF] From Whence None Return


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[sblock=OOC] I can't imagine Maui really understanding such a complex magical trap. But if Menik remains the last to be transported (so he can maintain detect magic) and clearly explains what is required (where and when to move), then he will cross over in human form (first or after Vincenzo). He will carry Taniwha draped over his shoulders. On the other side he will take up a defensive position in Dire Tiger form, with Taniwha beside him and Vincenzo in front (I can lunge now too)... and being wounded I'm not too keen to take the brunt of damage this time around. Weel and Lem can then cross (or before Taniwha if you are keen to play meat shield this time). Then Menik could come across. [/sblock]

"Te snakes on te other side. Danger crossing. Danger on te other side waiting. Tell me how to cross Mighty Upoko!" Maui says to Menik. He drapes Taniwha over his shoulders and is ready for the group genius (Or Mighty Head as he called him) to help guide him over to the face danger.

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Menik's not sure what Maui just called him, but guesses it's his new nickname.

"The tiles are trapped and can unleash magical color sprays. The good news is that at least half the time each tile is inactive. I might be able to guide you across by detecting where the magic is at the moment as you go. It'd still be tricky, though. Flying over them might not help.

A color spray is not really that dangerous to those who've seen as many battles as we have and know how to remain focused. If you see it, it might stun you for a short time. It's really only dangerous if there are monsters around who can take advantage of the situation. If you wear a blindfold you'd be safe from the color sprays, though again, at risk from any monsters that may come.

Another thing is, there's something different about the central pillar. I can't tell more about it from here, but we all know that it might hold some new danger."

If any are willing to try it, Menik will attempt to direct them across the room.

[sblock=Menik stats]

AC 17 (touch 13, ff 14) w/mage armor, hp 58/58
Init +3, CMB +5, CMD 18, Fort +5, Reflex +6, Will +7; Perception +10 (low-light vision), Stealth +10

attack longsword +5 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +5 (1d4+1, 19/x2)

force missile (Sp): (1d4+4, as magic missile, 8/day)

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

DC 15 + spell level; (& = evocation, +1 DC, +3 damage, school spell)
(- = abj, * = div: need 2 slots)
(~ = fire, +1 DC)

spells/day: 4 cantrips, 6+1& 1st, 4+1& 2nd, 4+1& 3rd, 3+1& 4th
concentration: +13 (+5 Int, +8 level)
lesser metamagic rod, selective (3/day, up to 3rd level spell, exclude up to 4 creatures from area of effect)

Level 0: message, disrupt undead (40', +6 ranged touch, 1d6), detect magic*

Level 1: mage armor, magic missile& (1d4+5,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1) (x3) (cast 1)
chill touch (8 touches; 1d6 damage + 1 str damage (Fort part DC 16)
or undead panic 1d4+8 rounds (Will neg DC 16)),
ear-piercing scream& (45', 4d6+4, daze 1 rnd, Fort DC 17 1/2 + no daze),
(0th level) ray of frost& (1d3+4)

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+2, 8 min),
flaming sphere&~ (3d6 (+4 1st attack), Reflex neg DC 19, 180' range, 8 rounds) (x2),
toppling magic missile& (1d4+5,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1; trip +13) (x2) (cast 1)

Level 3: haste (8 targets, 8 rounds) (x2) (cast 1)
halt undead (180', Will DC 18 neg (Int only), up to 3 undead, 8 rounds,
ends if they are attacked or take damage),
fireball&~ (10d6+4, Reflex half DC 20, 20' radius, 800' range) (x2) (cast 1)

Level 4: (3rd level) haste, ball lightning& (3d6, 3d6, 1st attack +4 damage) (x2), summon monster IV

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), periscope, pearl of power (1st level) (used to restore a magic missile)
Party gear: scroll of locate object


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Think I'm finally vaguely sorted. I had no idea Weel was also the only one able to do any healing right now. Sorry. :([/sblock]

A flurry of small glowing jibber jabbers surround the druid and his companion. A smaller set cover Weel, who then cocks his head at the room before them.

"The jibber jabbers say they've learned an awful lot wandering this place," he says. "They're pretty sure they can actually pick one or two folks up and take them across the room with their eyes closed. If those folks took rope, The rest of us could cross the room blind, too.

Or, the rock in this room are much tougher than the others. I think I might be able to convince them to build us a bridge, even!"

[sblock=ooc]Cure Critical maui, tanhiwa: 4D8+10 = [1, 7, 6, 7]+10 = 31
4D8+10 = [2, 7, 4, 2]+10 = 25

Cure takes on nonlethal on a 1 to 1 ratio, so Maui heals up to 31 normal, then an additional 31 nonlethal. Thanhiwa does the same up to 25. Not fully healed, but I think he needs this last spell to get us through the room...

Cure Moderate on self: 2D8+10 = [5, 3]+10 = 18

Okay, Weel has one level 5 casting left. He knows both Telekinesis (from his curse at level up) and Wall of Stone, which is shapeable and he could make enough of to create a bridge. Problem is, I don't know for sure if the wall would block the colors spray effect or not.

Telekinesis doesn't last long enough to get the full party across, but Weel could carry over one or two, at least (he can move 250 lbs of person at a time 20' / round for 10 rounds). We'd know for sure the moved person wouldn't get stunned, and have the added benefit of Weel being able to pull them back if there are secondary troubles in setting off the Color Spray (like that troubling snake track).


[sblock=mini-stats]Weel Naxel

Initiative: +1
AC: 21 (23 w/ Magic Vestment) Current: 27
HP:85 Current: 82 (14 NL damage)
Senses: Perception 8, Sense Motive 2
CMB: +12 CMD: 23 Fort: +7
Reflex: +6
Will: +9
Spell Resistance: 15 vs. evil descriptor / evil outsiders

* Magic Vestment (8 hours)
* Iron Weapon (8 minutes)
* Lead Blades (8 minutes), damage bump to 3d6 on Greatsword
* Shield of Faith (9 minutes), +3 deflection to AC.
* Levitate (9 minutes, 900 lbs)

In Hand: Iron Weapon (Greatsword)

Common Attacks:

(Cold) Iron Weapon Options Attack: +13/+08
Damage (Greatsword): 2d6+8, Crit: 19-20/x2, S
Damage (Halberd): 1d10+8, Crit: x3, P or S, brace, trip
Damage (Earthbreaker): 2d6+8, Crit: x3, B
Damage (Lucerne Hammer): 1d12+8, Crit: x2, B or P, brace, reach

Conditional: -2/+4 (+6 2H) Power Attack
Furious Focus negates 1st attack penalty for 2H
+1 attack if moving at least 10' during turn

Iron Weapon (9 minutes, +1 cold iron): 5/6 Remaining
Bracer auto take 10: 1/1 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Spark, Stabilize
1st (3/7 remaining)(DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Obscuring Mist, Lead Blades, Liberating Command, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Sun Metal
2nd (6/7 remaining)(DC 15): Align Weapon, Cure Moderate Wounds, Grace, Groundswell, Heat Metal, Levitate, Make Whole, Minor Image, Shatter, Silence
3rd (3/7 remaining)(DC 16): Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Keen Edge, Locate Object, Magic Vestment, Stone Shape
4th (5/5 remaining)(DC 17): Blessing of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Versatile Weapon
5th (2/3 remaining)(DC 18): Cure Light Wounds mass, Major Creation (metal only), Telekinesis, Wall of Stone.


First Post
[sblock=OOC] I could send an air elemental across and we could watch what happens when it eventually triggers the trap or reaches the other side and plan accordingly.

If I use my level 5 spell slot I can summon a large air elemental (immune to stun, (and other effects due to HD also)) to move across. If nothing happens Maui can also become a large air elemental (immune to stun) and ferry people across.

I won't likely use that summons in battle (too busy mauling people), but having Telekenisis in a battle might be a game changer.

For now however, Maui doesn't really have the knowledge that becoming an air elemental or summoning one would have the immunity benefits it does. He really only came up with that idea because he thought not touching the floor of a trap would be a good idea. He will need to be told or prompted. So for now he will obediantly do what Menik says as he holds him as the Mighty Upoko, solver of traps. [/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

"If we can send in a distraction to trip the traps, that would be great. Especially if they do not reset. If not, I'll take my chances with them traps. No blindfold for me," Lem decides.


"I'm pretty sure they will reset. But, I can guide you across by detecting for the magic as you go, if you want to try it" Menik says.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"I would like o try an make it across on foot. I think I can resist well enough." Vincenzo adds his statement with bravado, then adds, "I am, however, leery of snakes especially if they are invisible. I do not see them now, so wonder if that is what is going on."

Deuce Traveler

Lem sighs when he thinks of resetting traps. "Looks like this may be unavoidable," he tells himself as he takes a bit of cloth and blindfolds himself. "Alright... I'm ready when you all are."

Voidrunner's Codex

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