Metahuman College-Issue one: College bound [IC]

Dark Nemesis

First Post
You have powers. They could come from magic, or a mutation, or even a mechanical device. Perhaps you have used your powers before, to help others or to help yourself. Or perhaps it is enough simply to know that you are more than the average Joe.

What began as just another day quickly changes when you receive the invitation. Contained within a plain white envelope, bearing no return address is a piece of cardstock. The card reads “Congratulations! As a result of your unique abilities and outstanding achievements, you are eligible for a scholarship to attend the College of Metahumans. As a part of the application process, a representative will be available to discuss the details of the scholarship at the following location.” Included is a date, time and location, and is signed by someone named William Pike.

Current students
The following students have been selected for a scholarship to the prestigious Greenwood Academy.

Winter Hawk (Watching Cloud Rice): Rybaer
Rumble (Jonn Birkey): Nuke261
Proton (Marcus Stevens): Keia
Black Star (Mai Hoshiko): Calinon
Nighthaunt (James Dunbar): Synchronicity
Rinea (Rinea Silverstar): Amulet

No longer with us...
Destroyah G-1 (Maxwell Helmdig): Dmcfee

This is the In-character threat for the Metahuman College game, where the players may post for their characters. Both players and onlookers can post any out of character comments in the OOC thread. Thanks!
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Dark Nemesis

First Post
Mai Hoshiko
Azabu High School
Tokyo, Japan
15:50, August 2, 2003

The address on the card had been that of Azabu High School, room 216, and your appointment time had been for 1600. You had managed to arrive a few minutes early, only to find that the school appeared to be mostly deserted. Apparently, classes had already let out for the day, as there was no sign of any student activity that you can see from the outside of the building.

The hallways of the school are completely empty. The soft sound of your footsteps echoes off of the walls. All of the classroom doors are closed, though it does not take you long to find room 216.

When you slide the door open, however, the first thing you notice is the noise level within the classroom. Unlike the rest of the school, this particular classroom seemed to be teeming with life. Almost every desk was occupied, with someone sleeping, playing hand-held video games, or chatting with their neighbor. One boy who was sitting at a desk near the back of the room waves at you, but other than that you are barely acknowledged by the other teens in the room.


First Post
Hoshiko is surprised by the number of people in the room. She approaches the boy who waved to her, thinking she might know him from somewhere. "Um... is this the right room for the Greenwood Academy invitations? I did not expect so many people," she says cheerfully, finding a nearby desk to sit at.

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Watching Cloud Rice
Madison Public Library
Madison, Wisconsin
15:50, August 2, 2003

The Madison Public Library was huge, and built to accommodate the large number of people who utilize its services every day. School children can be seen at a number of tables in the main library, working on a myriad of school projects and papers. There were a number of adults there too, working on whatever research that brought them to the library this day.

There were also a number of study rooms in the library, small rooms that were separated from the main library by a plate of glass. These rooms were furnished only with a table and some chairs. They were intended to give groups of people a place where they can gather, where their words would not be as easily overheard. Cloud’s invitation directed her to one of these rooms; study room three, to be exact.

As Cloud looked into the room, she would find that it was almost completely empty. There was only one occupant, a small child. She sat at the table, staring off into space with her head propped in her hands. Listlessly, she kicked her heels against the chair. She appeared to be no more than six years of age, and her Native American heritage was evident, with her dark hair, which fell loose over her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes.

-Mai Hoshiko
15:50, Aug. 2, 2003
Tokyo, Japan

There are a few open desks near the boy, including one situated right beside him. “I think this is the right place,” he grinned as he looked around at the crowd of people. “I did not expect so many people either. They all just sort of appeared, you know?” He pause then, looking at Hoshiko carefully. “Hey, do you go to Tokugawa High School? You seem very familiar.”
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First Post
Watching Cloud Rice

Madison Public Library
Madison, Wisconsin
15:50, August 2, 2003

Cloud wasn't entirely sure what she should wear to this appointment for the Greenwood Academy. The name hinted at old world class, but the location of the appointment at the public library suggested informality. She had settled on a fitted white short-sleeved blouse and a dark green skirt that came to her knees. Her black hair was tied back in a pony tail that came nearly to her waist.

Following the instructions on the invitation, Cloud wandered the library until she found the room she was looking for. Her palms a little sweaty, she took a deep breath to calm herself, then walked up to the doorway.

Dark Nemesis said:
As Cloud looked into the room, she would find that it was almost completely empty. There was only one occupant, a small child. She sat at the table, staring off into space with her head propped in her hands. Listlessly, she kicked her heels against the chair. She appeared to be no more than six years of age, and her Native American heritage was evident, with her dark hair, which fell loose over her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes.

Cloud stepped back for a moment to double-check her invitation and the room number. They were both correct. Well, she thought, I guess I am a couple minutes early, and these rooms can be used by anyone. Still...

She stepped back to the doorway and looked down at the girl with a friendly smile.

"Hello there," she said. "My name is Cloud. I was supposed to meet someone here. Are you here with someone? One of your parents, maybe?"


First Post
"I did, yes," she says. "I was on the school gymnastics team once I got too old for the national team. What do you mean, appeared? I'm sure everyone just came to Azuba High School and walked in the door like me and you."

Dark Nemesis

First Post
-James Dunbar
McMillan Office Building
New York, New York
16:25, August 2, 2003

The address on James’ card leads him to an office building only a few blocks away from the hospital where his sister was staying. Now, his only task was to find office number 172, where the meeting was supposed to take place. I appeared that would be quite a task, as the building appeared to be at least twenty stories tall.

The revolving door in front was in constant motion as men and women in business attire rushed in and out of the building. After making his way through the press of people, James would find himself in the lobby. The walls and floor appeared to be made of a white marble, with black intrusions. There were not many windows in the room, though it was brightly lit by a number of lamps which hung from the ceiling. Two hallways lead out of the lobby, one to the left, and the other to the right. In the back of the room, James would be able to see four elevators. Situated directly in front of the door was a desk, where a red-headed woman sat, listlessly typing on a computer.

-Watching Cloud Rice
Madison Public Library
Madison, Wisconsin
15:50, August 2, 2003

The child looked up as Cloud entered the room, sitting up a little straighter. She returned Cloud’s smile with a bright smile of her own. “Hello Cloud! No, my mommy and daddy are not here, I came here all by myself.” From the tone of her voice, it was clear that the child was quite proud of herself for making the journey to the library on her own. “Are you here to meet the man about the college?”

-Mai Hoshiko
15:50, Aug. 2, 2003
Tokyo, Japan

“I knew I recognized you from somewhere!” He grinned, clearly quite pleased that he had been correct. “Oh! Excuse me for my rudeness. My name is Tatsuyo Ken. I do not think we shared any classes together, but you were quite a legend at school. So you got an invitation to Greenwood too, hmm?”

At Hoshiko’s query, he paused and rubbed his hand against the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed. “Not all of them. I was not sure if we had to take any tests to prove that we had powers, so I was just practicing. See?” He gestured toward the desk in from of Hoshiko, where a young girl sat, talking on her cell phone. When he gestured, the girl vanished, cell phone and all, leaving only an empty desk.

Hoshiko rolled a 19 Will Save, vs Ken’s Power check of 20.
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First Post
James Dunbar, HP 5/5

James stopped for a moment across the street from the building, regarding it suspiciously, the card clutched in his hand. His thoughts raced as he surveyed the scene. 'Whoever sent me this managed to find me; no mean feat in itself. And if they know about me, and especially considering the location, then they might know about...Amelia.' James' hands balled into fists at the thought, crumpling the small piece of paper. 'This could all be some elaborate trap for some reason. Dammit James, listen to yourself! You're far too paranoid! But I can't let anything happen to me; then there'd be no-one to look after Amelia. And if they are on the level, they might be able to help her; maybe even help me. Either way, paranoia's the safest option. Right? Agh, what am I doing? I'm arguing with myself! OK James, just focus and be ready for trouble. Just in case.'

With a mental impulse, James slipped into what he termed 'Battle Mode,' elevating his speed and reaction time. Then, thus prepared, he crossed to the large building and entered. A quick scan of the lobby produced nothing of interest, so he wandered over to what was presumably the receptionist, light glinting from his sunglasses.

"Where would I find office number 172?"

James asked, in an emotionless voice. The hand holding the card clenched again,the only outward sign of James' nervous and highly keyed-up state. Even as he spoke, he watched the lobby with his exceptional field of vision..just in case.

(ooc: Activate Super-Dexterity (free action); maintain Super-Dexterity every round thereafter (free action). James is sufficiently paranoid about his (and by extension, Amelia's) wellbeing to continue this behaviour until he knows considerably more about what's going on.)
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First Post
Madison Public Library
Madison, Wisconsin
15:50, August 2, 2003

Dark Nemesis said:
The child looked up as Cloud entered the room, sitting up a little straighter. She returned Cloud’s smile with a bright smile of her own. “Hello Cloud! No, my mommy and daddy are not here, I came here all by myself.” From the tone of her voice, it was clear that the child was quite proud of herself for making the journey to the library on her own. “Are you here to meet the man about the college?”

Cloud tries not the let the shock show on her face. This kid looks way too young to be coming to the library on her own, she thinks to herself. Still, the invitation did mention metahumans...maybe there's more to her than meets the eye. Best not to make too many assumptions.

"Yes," she says, "I am here to meet a man about the college. Is that why you are here, too?"

Cloud pulls out one of the chairs from the table. "Do you mind if I join you?"


First Post
"P-p-powers?" Hoshiko stutters. "I am not sure how to react to... that," she says a bit haltingly, rubbing her eyes to make sure they didn't just deceive her. The action caught her completely by surprise; she'd never considered revealing her powers to anyone, especially in public. "I just thought this... someone had... I-I got top marks in school," she says meekly, off guard and unable to think of what exactly to do or say and desperately hoping the person she was supposed to meet would suddenly appear.

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