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pogre's story hour Zandyrium -episode 66- (5/10/2006) A short update.

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Hairy Minotaur said:
What was the emperor's name?

Erik Kroner Hestalt - although I do not believe it has ever come up in the campaign or the story hour.

Hairy Minotaur said:
does Mercucio's other little "buddy" have a name?

The sand sprite is nameless as far as I know.

Hairy Minotaur said:
What noble house was/is Ginny from?

Not direct public knowledge - a topic Ginny avoids actually.


Episode 51

The combat against the four Frost Giants highlighted the adventurers’ deadly abilities. In under ten seconds all four Frost Giants were felled to the cavern floor, bleeding out. The adventurers continued exploring the caverns and found two other similar barracks areas.

“I would say they were just here,” Githraldul remarked.

“They know we’re here,” Wassabe said.

“It seems likely,” Githraldul replied. “We should expect them to mass for one stand against us.”

“Good, they will fall like saplings before my axe,” Thoren stated.

Cautiously, the group pressed on until they came to a large chamber where Githraldul’s prediction came to fruition.

“Hold your ground,” Justinius commanded, “Make them come to us.”

Thoren charged.

“Damn it!” Wassabe cursed and charged after the big hunter.

The casters began pouring fire-based spells into the giants – fireballs exploded and divine fire was called down on them. The giants closed on Wassabe and Thoren. Two of the larger ones ran Wassabe and Thoren over respectively while the others dished out damage with their weapons. The two fighters were near death in under five seconds.

Wassabe slashed with his weapons from his prone position. This tactic proved to be particular effective as the nearby giants were more concerned about a possible severed achilles tendon than finishing the swashbuckler off.

Another round of fire spells had a devastating effect on the giants and they began withering under the magical fire. The few giants left fought on, but it was clear their hearts were not in it. Thoren and Wassabe managed to hold on as their comrades rushed in to finish the giants.

“Do we need to rest?” Mercutio asked. The clerics were attending to the wounds of Wassabe and Thoren.

“I am fine for now, but another fight like that and I will be tapped,” Heinrich admitted.

“We have to keep pushing,” Wassabe stated. “They know they have an invader. If we stop now they will be even more organized and might even murder Loremaster Grimmson.”

“I agree,” Dar piped up, “We must push on.”


Deep in the Frost Giant Jarl’s lair –

“How much longer?” the Jarl growled at the Loremaster.

“I just received the uberstahl,” Loremaster Grimsson complained, “This is not an overnight process. It will take time to make a breastplate of this size with the enchantments you are wanting.”

“You do not have time dwarf!” the Jarl yelled.

“Threatening me is not going to make this happen any faster Jarl,” Loremaster Grimsson replied.

“Get back to the forge,” the Jarl barked.

“Gladly,” Loremaster Grimsson replied. As the dwarf turned to leave an ogre entered the Jarl’s throne room and whispered something to the king.

“Dwarf!” the Jarl bellowed.

“Yes?” Loremaster Grimsson replied.

“I have received word that there are invaders. You had better hope they have nothing to do with you or you will not be worrying about my breastplate,” the Jarl snarled.


Meanwhile, somewhere on the ocean just North-east of the Thraegian coast…

“What would cause a whirlpool like that?” Mate Henson asked.

“Good question Mate Henson,” Captain Isomara responded, “It was not natural.”

“Sorcery?” Henson asked.

“I should think so,” Captain Isomara said, “It seemed to be gaining strength too. I am grateful we did not happen upon it two or three days hence.”

“What’s our progress there sailor?” Mate Henson called to a man on the forecastle.

“Slow sir,” the sailor replied, “The whirlpool must have disrupted the current. We’re barely being pulled along. We might be better off tacking and using what little wind there is.”

“Aye,” Mate Henson replied to the sailor. “What do you think Captain?’

“Go fetch Ferguson and tell him to bring that wand. We need to make some progress.”

“Aye Captain.”


“I call this meeting of the Emperor’s Council to order,” Lord Heliophos announced.

“Where is the Lord Protector?” a Lancing noble asked Bishop Polariate in a whisper.

“Called away in the field I’m afraid. He has made his wishes known to me, however.”

“There are two matters I do not see on the agenda board that concern me,” General Kilphus stated standing to address the body. “One, a declaration of war against Thray; and two, a call for a draft.”

“You are out of order General Kilphus,” Lord Heliophos gently reminded him, “However, your concerns are duly noted. The first item is who shall be Vizier to the future emperor?”

“The temporary governing council does have a recommendation my lord,” Bishop Polariate stated.

Lord Heliophos nodded indicating he wished for the Bishop to continue.

“The council nominates Lord Krovon and recommends him to the council for this position,” the Bishop said.

Lord Heloiphos stood and asked, “What say you Lord Krovon?”

“Due to failing health and a heavy heart I must decline,” Lord Krovon said.

The council burst into a chaotic uproar at Lord Krovon's decline.

To be continued…


Episode 52

Heinrich and Thoren led the way down the cavern passage that came to a fork. Following the northerly passage, the group could see a long dark hallway before them with corpses on the ground seemingly covered by canvas or dark cloth.

“There’s not been a lot of traffic through here,” Githraldul announced.

The adventurers inched forward and could see the corpses looked quite old and appeared to be covered in a fine brown fur. “That’s odd,” Ginny commented, “I wonder what kind of creatures these were.” She bent down to take a closer look.

“Don’t touch ‘em lass,” Wassabe warned.

“They were Giants and ogres and the like,” Morguhn commented. “The brown fur is some kind of fungi I suspect.”

“We need to leave this hallway,” Heinrich warned, “Some of you are becoming very cold.” The cleric of Seigphorus had said a prayer earlier that allowed him to keep track of the adventurers’ well being.

The adventurers backed out of the hall. Several members of the group now realized they were chilled to the bone.

“Look,” Morguhn pointed back down the hall, “See how the brown fur has expanded and grown. It’s like it was feeding off of our spirits.”

“I would have felt that,” Justinius countered. “More like it was feeding off of our body heat.”

“In any case, I vote for the other direction,” Ginny said.


Meanwhile, in Zandyrium at the Emperor’s Council meeting…

“Quiet now!” Lord Heliophos bellowed crashing a gavel down for attention. The room’s hubbub lulled for a moment. “Master Auspice Cavins of the Young Trading House would like the floor.”

All eyes in the chamber turned to the portly Cavins who struggled to stand up and adjusted his fine robes before addressing the council. Cavins was the current head of the Merchants’ Guild and was rumored to have the Assassins’ Guild on retainer. Whether the rumor was true or not did not matter, it still served Cavins’s purposes. “Gentlefolk and esteemed council members it seems fortune and Ventus have smiled down upon bright Zandyrium this day. A new light has shown itself to the city to lead it out of this dark night to a new dawn. A couple of weeks ago the Merchants’ Guild heard from an ancient house we had thought was all but gone, the House of Pulanti.”

A murmur went through the crowd at the mention of the Pulanti family. The Pulantis were indeed an ancient house in the city controlling some of the most desirable trading monopolies. However, in recent years their trading interests had been sadly disregarded, their warehouses were decrepit and falling down, and no representative of their house had made it to a Merchant Guild’s meeting in at least a couple of decades. Some in the guild even questioned whether the Pulantis were still alive.

Cavins smiled at the whispering council members and held his hand up to ask for their attention again. “He has returned from his studies abroad and wishes to raise up the city to her former glory. We in the Merchants’ Guild feel this is the man for the job of Vizier, the man to lead our young prince or princess into a glorious tenure as Emperor or Empress. I present to you – Cosimo Pulanti.”

A young man, perhaps in his mid twenties stood before the assembly. He was tall and dressed impeccably in a fine suit and rich robes. His features were sharp, but manly and handsome. He stood tall, with an air of dignity and his regal bearing did much to draw everyone’s attention to him. He smiled with warmth at the gawking council members and then took a deep bow before them.

“I am honored to meet you,” the young man said. “I am Cosimo Pulanti and I would like to return my family and our city to glory. My father, Giovanni, has been so ill for so many years and sadly, I had no knowledge of this while I was away at school. But now I have returned and there is an opportunity to serve my beautiful home city and my family. I most humbly appeal to this learned council for this appointment.”

“Did you know of this?” Lord Heliophos grumbled to Bishop Polariate in a low voice.

“No my lord,” came the bishop’s whispered reply. “I did not even know there was a Cosimo Pulanti. Do you think Lord Krovon knew?”

“Apparently so,” Lord Heliophos nodded his head back in the direction of Cosimo Pulanti. Lord Krovon was shaking hands with young Cosimo as were many other leading nobles.

“Does he have enough votes to pull this off?” Bishop Polariate whispered to Lord Heliophos.

“It may be a done deal from the looks of it,” Heliophos admitted.


The adventurers worked their way down the passageway until it opened into another Frost Giants’ barracks. The four Frost Giants turned to face the adventurers.

Arcane fire danced from Mercutio and Morguhn’s fingertips and ripped through the giants. The group’s swords and missiles finished the job the arcane spells had begun. The last giant made a mad dash to escape, but quick-witted Wassabe dashed over and shot the giant down with his crossbow.

“Ho! Good shooting Wassabe!” Ginny called out.

“That was nothing Lass,” Wassabe replied, “Get in my roll tonight and…”

“Enough,” Heinrich interrupted, “Let’s us proceed down the passage that giant was fleeing down.”

The group continued down the passage and found themselves in another guard post area with even more Frost Giants.

The fighting was fast and furious with the casters’ spells taking a terrible toll on the giants again. One of the giants managed to scramble out of the cavern, but the rest met with arcane fire and cold steel deaths.

The adventurers quickly pursued the escaped giant hoping to catch him or have him lead them to the jarl’s lair. Rounding the passage corner the adventurers found the fire giant and two-dozen ogres!


“I know your father, Giovanni, Master Pulanti,” Lord Krovon stated. “You have his eyes.”

“Thank you Lord Krovon,” Cosimo replied. “I must say you probably know my father better than I. I have been gone for these last few years and alas my father is not even well enough to speak now.”

“We should make this official,” Auspice Cavins stated merrily, “I move we vote on the nominee, Master Cosimo Pulanti.”

“Hold a moment Master Cavins,” Lord Heliophos interrupted, “Many of us do not even know this young man. I can see the dye is cast, but I wish to make this a unanimous vote of confidence.”

“Lord Heliophos is out of order!” Cavins retorted, “I have moved for a vote.”

“No, no, by all means ask any questions,” Cosimo Pulanti replied, “Lord Heliophos is wise to harbor doubts and I wish to put his mind at ease.”

“I have a question if I may,” Bishop said standing.

“Please Bishop Polariate,” Pulanti replied.

The Bishop paused, he was most impressed the young man seemed to know all of the council members names already. “Master Pulanti, if you seek to revive your family fortunes would not your energies be best directed towards the Pulanti Trading House?”

“Indeed Bishop, I will be putting our trading interests back on course. Sadly, our fleet is down to four ships and our monopolies are greatly neglected. However, I have taken many steps to return our trading house to its former glory. First, I have returned two monopolies to the guild to avoid an appearance of impropriety should this august body select me as Vizier. Second, I have revamped our sailing schedules to better serve the community with the commodity monopolies we have retained. Third, I have purchased two new dhao ships to increase our trading fleet. Finally, I have hired a trusted manager to oversee the daily operations of the house.”

“The passing of monopolies certainly explains the Merchants’ Guild’s sudden support,” Lord Heliophos remarked caustically.

“Unanimity is desirable, but hardly necessary,” Master Cavins said, “I have moved for a vote.”

“And you shall have it,” Heliophos quipped angrily. “The role of the Vizier is clear: He is to guide and educate our young heir and to take advice from this council or face removal.”

“I understand the role completely,” Cosimo Pulanti replied.

“The voting pot will be passed. Those in favor drop whites, those opposed drop blacks,” Heliophos instructed. The plinking of marbles into the ceramic voting pot could soon be heard.


The frost giant smiled at the adventurers at the turn of events. He stood ready for battle with the crowd of ogres around him.

Justinius stepped to the front and dropped a heavy bag of coins before the ogres. “The first one to kill the frost giant gets 4,000 gold!”

There was a pause in the room; a moment of decision, and then an ogre club came smashing down on the back of the giant’s leg. The frost giant whirled around to find the source of the treachery. More blows reigned down on the giant from behind as a frenzied mutiny broke out.

The adventurers watched in bemused amazement with the sole exception of Ginny who buried a pair of arrows in the giant’s neck. The ogres did not take long and the betrayed giant was soon nothing but splattered blood and pulp. One of the ogres walked forward and grabbed the reward Justinius had offered.

“Take it friend, you earned it,” Justinius remarked.

“Are we leaving or getting that gold back?” Wassabe said under his breath.

“It was a fair bargain,” Justinius began, “We should retire.”

The adventurers worked their way back to the guard chamber.

“Now I really do need to rest and meditate,” Mercutio stated. “I am nearly out of spells.”

“We need to press on for the reasons we all agreed upon earlier,” Wassabe warned.

“Earlier, we were not nearly as depleted,” Justinius argued, “We must retire.”

Wassabe argued for a short time more but it became obvious he was in the minority. The group teleported back to Verkorenvalt.

Dar tried to gently explain to the dwarves in Verkorenvalt that the group had to rest after facing and killing over 30 frost giants and a dozen yetis. The truth was though he was disappointed too, he had a feeling that Loremaster Grimsson would pay a price for their rest this night.


The voting pot was shattered and it was clear a count would not be necessary as the white marbles spilled out overwhelming the dozen or so black ones.

“Cosimo Pulanti is our new Vizier!” Merchants’ Guildmaster Auspice Cavins announced loudly. A cheer rose from the room in response and Cosimo Pulanti stood and bowed to the assembly. Pulanti began moving through the crowd pressing flesh and talking to the various council members.

“Why do I have a sense that is the last true vote this council will make for some time?” Lord Heliophos whispered to Bishop Polariate.

“Do not lose hope Lord Heliophos. Give the man a chance. We have time.”

As Pulanti neared Bishop Polariate and Lord Heliophos both men shook his hand and exchanged greetings with the young Vizier. Pulanti wore a dark pin with his familial coat of arms stamped in it. Heliophos’s eyes were glued to a quarter of the heraldry portraying a perched raven as he shook the young Pulanti’s ice-cold hand. He pulled his hand back quickly.

“I’m so sorry my hands are cold Lord Heliophos, it happens when I am nervous,” Cosimo smiled reassuringly.

Heliophos returned his smile, but he could not counter the feeling of dread the encounter had brought him.


Captain Isomara counted shares out to his men and endured their grumbling at the small take. He was not happy either; turbulent politics and turbulent weather were two of a captain’s worst enemies. This time though a whirlpool seemed to be the main problem.

Isomara tried to make contact with the masters of the Fortune Trading House, but learned they were not about. He had given the 900 gold that was the merchant house’s share to Rothlor the ranger as they had instructed him earlier. He knew they would be disappointed like his own men, but that was not the bad news. He told Rothlor of the whirlpool in the current.

“And you think it was of sorcery?” Rothlor asked.

“Of this, I have no doubt my friend,” Captain Isomara replied. “The sky was blue as it gets and the sea was calm until we were within a league of it.”

“For what purpose would these whirlpools be formed?” Rothlor asked.

“That’s the question mate,” Captain Isomara admitted. “Let us dive down to the wharfs and spin yarns with the other salts.”

The pair moved through the wharf taverns casting for information and soon learned others had encountered the whirlpool Captain Isomara had narrowly escaped. A few believed the whirlpool had captured a small ship or two, but what was worse there were reports of other whirlpools in other prevailing currents.

“When do you ship out again Captain?” Rothlor asked.

“Five days,” Isomara answered. “At least I have a contract on the southern Thraegian Coast for some lumber this time. That will take some of the chance out of this journey.”

“What of the whirlpool?” Rothlor asked.

“Not a problem on the way down,” Isomara answered. “The current is northerly, we go to the open to use the main winds on the trip down. If it’s still there though, it will slow down our return.”

“The mystery of these whirlpools deepens,” Rothlor remarked. “The four or five we heard mentioned all affected main currents heading towards Zandyrium.”

“Not so odd,” Captain Isomara replied, “That’s the port we’re in – only natural that’s the reports we’d get.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Rothlor admitted, “Still I am anxious to hear what Wassabe and the others make of this.”

To be continued…


First Post
pogre said:
“We push on,” Zerstorung demanded.

“Look,” Heinrich began. “I am out of divine favors – no chants, no prayers, no liturgies, nothing. I need to rest and pray.”

“I agree,” Mercutio added.

“Once the bear is awakened you must strike quickly. As the bear’s heart pumps blood it gains courage and rage and becomes twice the quarry,” Zerstorung cautioned.

“I don’t know if you have been paying attention, but this is not a bear hunt. This in fact, is a battle against evil fiends who cast vile spells and summon hellish allies,” Mercutio answered.

“There is no difference Saracen,” Zerstorung countered.

pogre said:
“We must rest,” Thoren finally stated dejectedly. Thoren knew what Zerstorung’s reaction would be.

“Then the hunt is over?” Zerstorung asked.

“Yes,” Thoren said quietly.

“Wait, no,” Heinrich complained. “We are coming back in the morning. We just need some rest.” The last thing the cleric wanted was to lose a powerful barbarian blade from their band.

“When you stop on the trail of the prey, the hunt is over,” Thoren explained.

“I will return to my people,” Zerstorung stated and started to walk away.

“How are you going to get there?” Mercutio asked. “I have no teleportation spells to spare.”

“I will run,” Zerstorung answered.

“Run?” Wassabe asked incredulously.

“As long as there is a sun and there are stars in the night sky – I will know my way.”


It's official, my vote goes to Zerstorung as the most funny character :lol:


Episode 53

The adventurers teleported back into the Frost Giants’ glacial rift the following morning and proceeded to the lower level. There they found a very large cavern, apparently abandoned and continued going deeper into the rift. The cavern passageway opened into a cavern where the adventurers immediately viewed three giant skeletons splayed out on the ground. Near the skeletons they spied a large pile of gold and a man-sized shield.

“This smells like a trap,” Wassabe warned.

“I agree,” Githraldul replied. “Ginny, do you want to sneak up there and check it out?”

Ginny answered by skulking forward into the cavern. As she began probing the treasure pile and the area near the skeletons the snow and ice in the rear of the cavern began to move! Three hideous giant toads leapt forward to the attack, flicking savage cold tongues at the rogue.

The toads were unable to hit Ginny with their tongues but their bodies created such intense cold that it wounded her deeply. Heinrich rose up from the back of the group and shouted, “Ginny, incoming!” He then bathed the cavern in holy fire crisping the toads to death and wounding Ginny even more severely.

“I’m not sure what’s worse – the disease or the cure!” Ginny shouted at him.

“Be still,” Heinrich chided as he moved closer to her. He cast a number of curing prayers over her and brought her back to health quickly.

The group was befuddled by the giants apparent disappearance. They began retracing their steps. When they came back to the first large cavern they spied two Frost Giants each with a pack of five Winter Wolves on their trail.

“We may have lost their trail, but they are on ours,” Wassabe whispered.

“Not a problem,” Morguhn stated confidently.


Mercutio and Morguhn each launched fireballs. The reign of destruction vaporized the wolves and left the two Frost Giants reeling. The rest of the adventurers cleaned up rapidly and the Frost Giant hunting party was turned to charred flesh paste in less than five seconds.

“The question is – where did they come from?” Heinrich asked.

“The answer is – over here,” Githraldul answered standing next to a large boulder. The boulder was pushed away from the wall revealing a passage beyond.

The adventurers began exploring the passageway and found numerous empty caverns that had obviously recently housed giants. One of the passages ended in a very large boulder.

“Can your sand sprite travel through the crack and see what lies beyond?” Heinrich asked Mercutio.

Mercutio replied, “I should think so.” A quick arcane gesture and a spray of sand brought forth the desert fey. Mercutio instructed it to go into the chamber beyond and then return to report what it saw. The sand sprite trickled through the crack between the boulder and the wall and after a short time returned.

“What did it say?” Wassabe asked.

“That the largest giant ever seen in the short, miserable existence of mankind lies beyond that boulder,” Mercutio answered.

“It did not,” Justinius countered.

“Well, just the giant part,” Mercutio admitted.

The adventurers began preparing. Numerous enchantments were placed, contingencies were assessed, and finally the boulder was pushed aside to reveal a female Cloud Giant!

With two great strokes from her mace giantess nearly had Thoren down. Mercutio poured scorching rays into her, while the clerics called forth holy fire. Githraldul punished her with a volley from the legendary bow Bleeding Razor. Wassabe maneuvered around to her flank and he and Ginny took shots at trying to hamstring the giantess. Another couple of attacks from the giantess nearly killed Wassabe. Everyone could sense that one more such set of blows would mean death for someone.

A desperate series of ripostes from Wassabe and Thoren’s heavy blade spelled doom for the giantess. She teetered like a great tree, and then crashed to the ground. The adventurers let out a whoop of celebration.

“Uh guys?” Wassabe asked, “What if she was a prisoner of the Frost Giants?”

The members of the group began looking at each other realizing the thought had never occurred to them. Ginny then called out, “These chests of treasure would seem to indicate otherwise.” The rogue revealed the large chests lined with gold and gems.

The adventurers continued exploring, but they kept finding abandoned chambers. Areas that were clearly living quarters or places of occupation had recently been vacated.

“They are massing,” Githraldul suggested, “Readying themselves to make a stand for the Jarl and the stead.”

A trip down a large passage into a huge cavern confirmed Githraldul’s suspicion. The adventurers found themselves at the end of a magnificent 300-foot long cavern, lit on all sides by huge torches in sconces. Facing the stalwart band was 15 Frost Giants armed with ice boulders and the massive Jarl himself.

Githraldul led the melee off with a frightfully accurate volley of missiles that struck the Jarl despite intervening distance and cover. Thoren moved up to confront the closest group of Frost Giants and was rewarded by being charged by four of the giants. The giants took turns bonking Thoren in the skull and in short order the fighter was nearly dead.

The Jarl, sensing that the distance of the cavern was actually working against him took a vanguard of bodyguards and retreated out of the cavern.

Heirich put up a blade barrier essentially cutting the chamber in half and permitting the group to concentrate on the closest half dozen giants. The usual volley of fire spells came forth from the casters spelling hot death for the giants. After Thoren and the rest of the group was cured up to snuff they undertook the pursuit of the Jarl; vaulting past the blade barrier courtesy of Morguhn’s dimension door.

Giants were one of Githraldul’s favorite preys to hunt and he unerringly led the adventurers down a corridor past a chamber holding Frost Giant women and children to an exit covered by a large fur.

“I think they are waiting on the other side of this,” Githraldul warned the group.

“Everybody get back,” Mercutio insisted and he then disintegrated the fur. Githraldul stepped up to shoot a couple of arrows at the Jarl and his companions and was greeted with a massive sword reaching out and wounding him grievously.

“Everyone hold on to me!” Morguhn shouted and dimension doored the entire group directly in the midst of the giants.

The giants first directed their wrath on Githraldul and a few seconds later the elven ranger was on the ground unconscious and bleeding. Dar was the next victim of the giants’ wrath, and very soon he too was on the floor unconscious and bleeding. Mercutio and Morguhn took flight to the upper reaches of the cavern and directed their fire magic at the giants to the best of their abilities. Things were a bit too tight for truly effective use of fireball and the casters resorted to numerous scorching rays.

Following another assault from the giants Wassabe and Ginny were on the edge of consciousness and struggling to stay upright. Thoren was hanging tough and had managed to down a couple of the Jarl’s bodyguards.

Heinrich decided it was time to take a risk. He dashed towards the side of the Jarl and endured a heavy hit from the Frost Giant king. The cleric then unleashed a harm prayer. The effect was immediate and the mighty Jarl came crashing down. With their king dead the remaining bodyguards put up a futile resistance and were smitten in short order.

The adventurers saved their two downed companions and began the process of healing everyone. An exploration of the back of the cavern led to the discovery of Loremaster Grimsson with his head smashed in.

“He was alive just a few hours ago,” Dar exclaimed in sorrow.

“He will live again if he wishes and by the grace of Siegphorus and Delgrod*” Heinrich reassured his friend.

The adventurers also found a massive amount of loot in the chamber and the missing uberstahl.

Thoren crudely hacked the Jarl’s head off and marched into the common room full of the remaining male Frost Giants and the females and children. “Behold! We have slain the Jarl and only our kind hearts keep us from slaughtering all of you. Let this serve as a dire warning to any who would interfere with the mighty Dwarves of Verkorenvalt. Oppose us again on pain of death!” Thoren tossed the head on the ground and returned to the rest of the adventurers fairly proud of his threat and warning.

The adventurers teleported back to Verkorenvalt and Heinrich raised Loremaster Grogni Grimsson who complained bitterly about being called back from Delgrod’s Halls of Legend.

“Verkorenvalt needs you loremaster,” Dar stated.

“And that is the only reason I came back,” Loremaster Grimsson replied.

The adventurers were packing and arranging their treasures to return to Zandyrium when Heinrich received a sending from Silcrass:

I have received a very important message for you. Please come see me as soon as possible.

Heinrich relayed the message to the rest of the group.

“Damn it all,” Wassabe complained, “I have some drinking and whoremongering to do!”

“A rest would have been nice,” Ginny agreed.

“You need to respond,” Mercutio said, “Tell him I’ll be there early tomorrow morning.”

Heinrich replied to Silcrass’s sending:

We will be at your cave tomorrow at dawn.

Realizing they might only have a few hours in Zandyrium the adventurers hastily packed their belongings and then teleported to the city gate.


Primarch Granachus laid a hand on Justinius’s shoulder. “You look haggard Sacred Revealer.”

“I am,” Justinius admitted, “I must push on though. I wanted to stop by and present you and the temple with this.” Justinius opened a chest revealing thousands of gold.

“What’s this for?” the Primarch asked taken aback by the staggering wealth placed before him.

“A tithe of course,” Justinius replied grinning.

“You mean to tell me this is a fraction of the gold you took from the Frost Giants?”

“A significant fraction,” Justinius replied.

“A blessing on you Sacred Revealer!” Primarch Granachus exclaimed. The Primarch gathered the gold and placed it in the temple’s safe. “I wish I could say we would use the funds to expand our temple or make other capital expenditures, but the truth is we have run a deficit for sometime.”

“I know,” Justinius stated flatly.

“Your contribution should keep us flush for a few years to come,” Primarch Granachus said. “Gravitas Morte has brought us so much peace in these last few days.”

“What else has happened while I was gone?” Justinius asked.

“A new Grand Vizier for the Emperor’s Throne was elected. A young man from the Pulanti family by the name of Cosimo.”

“The Pulanti family!” Justinius practically screeched.

“I know, I know, that was my initial reaction as well,” the Primarch admitted, “But he is calling for some significant and welcome changes. Earlier he called for the governing council to reinstate the Order of Temple Priority.”

“That was revoked before my time,” Justinius admitted.

“It was an order that required state controlled tithes to be directed to certain essential temples to the health of the city. Naturally, our temple was on the list and we did not have to beg for alms like a destitute vagabond. Your tithe has alleviated much of that burden, thanks be to Gravitas Morte, but it would still be a welcome return to traditional support.”

“The Pulantis are dangerous,” Justinius said. “I do not trust them. When was the last time a Pulanti received the sacred ceremony of last rites?”

“Over 200 years ago when Eleonora was buried,” the Primarch replied.

“Exactly,” Justinius replied.

“I understand your concern, but Eleonora was given last rites before her husband Garzia had returned from sea. He wanted to raise her, but that was impossible because of the priests actions. It was a mistake.”

“There are rumors Garzia did have Eleonora raised in a different manner,” Justinius quipped.

“True, but there are always rumors. Take the late Emperor for example…”

“Ah yes,” Justinius interrupted, “I have some rather interesting news in that regard Father.” Justinius proceeded to tell the Primarch of the late emperor’s association with the Cult of Flame, Boethricus, and possibly the Great Pretender**.

“Well, well,” the Primarch mumbled, “And to think you are worried about the new Grand Vizier being corrupt.”

“I have a request,” Justinius said changing subjects.

“If it’s in my power,” Primarch Granachus replied.

“I would like to reserve a small open place below the temple,” Justinius said.

“Are you going to perform another summoning to bring a devil here?” Granachus asked.

Justinius raised an eyebrow, ”How did he know?” he thought.

Granachus sensing Justinius’s question said, “I could feel its presence. I trust your judgment, and if you must summon devils this may be the safest place to do so.”

“I am relieved by your understanding Father, but no, it’s not for a summoning. I just wish to have a space for the miracle word of recall.”

“Your power in Gravitas Morte continues to grow,” Granachus mused. “Of course you are welcome to the space below the temple.”

“Thank you,” Justinius replied, “I will be heading to bed. I have to be somewhere at dawn tomorrow and a real down mattress will feel very good indeed.”

“Dust to dust Sacred Revealer,” Primarch Granachus said.

“Ashes to ashes Primarch,” Justinius replied and went off to bed.


“So a deal was made?” Heinrich remarked to Bishop Polariate. The Bishop had just finished informing Heinrich about the Emperor’s council meeting and the election of Cosimo Pulanti as Grand Vizier.

“It would seem so,” Polariate replied. “On the positive side his first meeting with the ruling council went very well.”

“What do you know of Cosimo?” Heinrich asked.

“Little, very little,” the Bishop admitted. “General Kilphus has asked for a meeting with us tomorrow. He seems extraordinarily agitated – even for him.”

Heinrich sighed, ”Is there anyway he can meet tonight?”

“Why?” Polariate asked.

“I have to meet with Silcrass at dawn tomorrow. He said it was urgent.”

Bishop Polariate called an adept over and sent them with a message to the palace. He then invited Heinrich to dinner while they awaited the general’s answer. Following a dish of wild foul in a white gravy the General’s response came back agreeing to meet the clerics later in the evening.


Wassabe had just finished reading the letter from Captain Isomara and took a long drink from his cup. He looked up at Rothlor sitting across from him.

There was a long silence and then Rothlor finally asked, “What do you think?”

“I haven’t a clue,” Wassabe admitted. “I’ve heard of whirlpools and strange conditions south of the Tropenmark, but never in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s very odd that they should occur in main currents. I have to agree with Isomara – this smells like witchery.”

“To what end?” Rothlor inquired.

“Who would gain from a slow down in trade or the destruction of trading ships?” Wassabe asked in return.

“Boethricus?” Rothlor suggested.

“You’re obsessed with old snakey aren’t ye’” Wassabe laughed. “Nah, I don’t think din Woad is behind this. It doesn’t seem like his style.

“Thray may not like us, but I don’t see how disrupting our trade would help them,” Rothlor said.

“900 gold ain’t bad fer a set of delays like ole’ Isomara faced,” Wassabe said looking down in the pouch Rothlor had presented him.

“Heirich won’t be pleased,” Rothlor commented.

“Disod spoiled him,” Wassabe agreed. “This whole whirlpool thing is going to have to wait. We’re headed to Silcrass’s tomorrow morning.”

“What for?”

“Don’t know. Ye’ want to come?” Wassabe asked.

“I will be available if you need me, but I am preparing for a trip of my own,” Rothlor responded.

“Where to?”

“Kalcedon,” Rothlor answered.


“Thank you for meeting with us this evening,” Bishop Prolariate said.

General Kilphus grunted. “What do you think of the Pulantis?” Kilphus asked Heinrich.

“I don’t know, but my prejudice is unfavorable at the moment,” Heinrich admitted.

“You have good instincts,” Kilphus replied. “The new Grand Vizier just threatened me.”

“Oh,” Bishop Polariate said in real surprise, “How’s that?”

“He told me if I did not stop calling for war against Thray he would have me removed from office.”

Heinrich hesitated to respond. It was clear the General was indignant about the threat, but in his heart he agreed with the Vizier on this point. He spoke slowly, “Perhaps he wishes to get the house of Zandyrium in order before contemplating a foreign war?”

“That’s exactly what he said,” General Kilphus complained bitterly. “He wants us to concentrate on getting the city back to a position as a great trading power and a vibrant city before we waste resources in a war with Thray. Waste! That is the word he said. He is so blind he cannot see the root of the problem is Thray!”

General Kilphus’s face was red and a vein was pounding so hard on his forehead Heinrich feared it might burst.

“General, you are one of my trusted friends. I respect your wisdom and knowledge greatly. However, I think the Vizier may be right.” Heinrich braced himself for the torrent of fury he expected to come forth from the General.

“It is clear who you have chosen to bed with Lord Protector,” Kilphus practically spat the last title.

“Do not take an abrasive stance General,” Bishop Polariate said. “Heinrich has given you a true opinion as a loving friend. Only a deceiver would agree with you and hold reservations in his heart.”

“If I want loving friends like you I can always go to Thray,” the General retorted.

“Now General…” Heinrich began.

“Good night Bishop. Good night Lord Protector. This conversation is at an end.” The General stood up and stormed out of the drawing room.

“I really wish I could side with him on this issue, but the Vizier is right frankly,” Heinrich said. Bishop Polariate nodded in response.

“Let us return to the temple and give prayers to great Siegphorus for strength and honor,” Bishop Polariate stated.

“Strength and honor,” Heinrich replied.


Everyone gathered at the Priestess’s Barrel prior to the sun rising. The grumbling tavern keeper fixed the adventurers breakfast, but was brightened by the generous tips they laid out for him. Wassabe shared the information about the whirlpools and passed out shares to the founders of Fortune’s Favor Trading House.

A quick *snap* and the group was teleported to Bison Cave home of Silcrass and his mate Neolepta. The adventurers smiled at the sight of a dozen small spiderlings scrambling about on the webs.

“I see congratulations are in order,” Morguhn stated.

“Ah yes, thank you,” Silcrass replied. “It’s been a busy web, but Neolepta is most pleased.”

“Your sending said it was urgent,” Heinrich said.

“Yes, I met with a friend the other night who I had not expected to see again,” Silcrass began.

“Who was that?” Ginny asked.

“Ampyx of the Green Vale,” Silcrass replied.

“Where?” Mercutio asked excitedly.

“I was sleeping. At least, I thought I was sleeping. Ampyx appeared to me and said the secrets of the Thraegian Covenant’s Criador the Magnificent – the Golem Maker were in jeopardy. A Chimeyan*** scouting party is searching for his lost fortress near the Thraegian Coast and they may find it. He said the consequences would be disastrous if they find it and many of the covenant’s most powerful secrets would be imperiled.”

“So this was a dream?” Justinius asked.

“Well, I thought so,” Silcrass admitted. “Until I found this the next morning.” Silcrass held a map out to the adventurers.

The map was a sketch of the Thraegian Coast with the five points of the Thraegian Covenant highlighted. The date of the map was during the high point of the Thraegian Wizard Covenant’s power some 300 years earlier. The Hold of Criador was circled. “I had never seen this map before and can only conclude that Ampyx left it for me.”

“I took the liberty of contacting Dirth and letting him know you might need his help,” Silcrass stated.

“I hate constructs,” Ginny complained bitterly.

“As do I, but it seems we have little choice,” Thoren added, “Where do we meet Dirth?”

“The Thray Agora,” Silcrass replied.

“At least I have been there,” Mercutio said, “Let him know we are on our way.”

A few moments later Mercutio cast teleport and the group found themselves on the docks of Thray. “Interesting, I did not know Thray had magical protections like Zandyrium,” Mercutio stated.

The adventurers made their way through the bustling dock crowds to the Agora.

To be continued…

*Delgrod is the dwarven deity.

**Great Pretender is Orcus.

***Chimeyans are a hated race of pirates and slavers. They are distantly related to the Wood Elves of the northern hemisphere. The Chimeyans mainly haunt Southern waters and the unpredictable oceans around the tropenmarks.


Hah! I am noticing a lot of plastic minis working their way into your adventures. Great for when you have a sudden need for a dozen giant toads.

Voidrunner's Codex

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