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Taming the Taman-Busuk game thread: Outpost 1


Coughing and choking Gorash raise his glass cheerily, when he catches his breath again he turns to Mr. Ulricsohn.
What with the inspection, what he tries to find out? That every stitch is in place?

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Eva of Sirrion

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That's putting it mildly mate. Ulricsohn tells the dwarf. Brentson's always impeccably-dressed, he can show you what you need to do ya?

Thank you Mr. Ulricsohn, don't mind if I do. Brentson stands, smoothes out his tunic and spreads his arms wide. This is your standard Whitestone Forces uniform tunic, powder blue with white trim. He turns around and back again and continues. There's three seams, each should be aligned perfectly on your sides and down your middle. The Whitestone insignia goes on your left breast, a thumb's breadth off your shoulder. Medal ribbons go similarly on your right. Swords may be sheathed on your left hip, right hip, or about the back as you like, but any visible metal should be shined like mirrors. Staves and polearms can be held in watch or en-garde positions, or strapped about the back. Religious symbols can be displayed, and should be aligned about your middle seam.


[sblock=Myst]OOC: I see you've made wholesale changes to your character. Do you still have your mount?[/sblock]


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"Can I wear my red ribbon to hold my hair? I know knights doesn't like to have long hairs, but kenders do, and I prefer them when I have a topknot, but that mean I need a ribbon. I always have my red ribbon. I mean, if I have to wear that suit, which I dont doubt the quality and teh beauty, but as everyone wear it, it is already boring to see it everywhere, I think the touch of red would help. And as a cook, it is even more important to have my hair attach, you don't want an hair in your soup, right?" asks the kender as seriously as a kender can be.


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Kell looks at the uniform admirably, then looks down at his relatively shabby dress.

"Looks pretty good. I'd look a fool in such knightly garb, I think," he says quietly to no one in particular.
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Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Well now, not all knights are averse to long hair. Brentson tells Yeblin, tossing his own shoulder-length curly brown locks about. In fact have you noticed how many of the good folk about are blokes with long hair? I mean, Caramon Majere, long hair. Tanis Half-Elven, long hair. Your kinsman Tasslehoff, long hair. Sturm Brightblade and Flint Fireforge, rest their souls, long hair! Coincidence? I think not.

Mr. Brentson, will you answer the lad's question already? The notably close-cropped and notably unamused-by-the-analysis Officer Steen says.

Aye sir. Ribbons for your hair are permissible, and there's no restrictions as to color. I've done uni inspections a few times my own self, so I'm fairly familiar with the regs. Stick by my advice and you ought to pass with flying colors.

[sblock=Myst]Passing by the stables, you make note of your group's mounts. A small and very slender woman is attending to yours.

Ah, a new face! Is this mount yours? Very pretty! You must look after her well. Worry not, she's in capable hands. I'm sergeant Mariah Mandel, head stable attendant. I'm responsible for the care and grooming of all the mounts on this side of the outpost. She notices Wally with you and greets him. Oh Wally! Come to check on my sewing job? It's fine, I haven't ripped it again. Paladine knows how many gigs Bruno would've given me if he saw the back of my tunic ripped in half.

Wally's face turns pale. Bruno? You don't mean...?

Aye sir.

Oh bugger. He says. Bruno can spot a misplaced seam from a league away. Best make sure your uniform is on neat and straight. But we'll deal with that later. Mandel, I need to ask about that sewing job I did, what time was it about that you came in?

Last Winged Trade, about 1200. Took you about an hour I'd say.

From west gate to the equipment issue is a bit of a walk, and I'm not as young as I used to be. Even if I were, there's construction projects going on along the way that I'd have to navigate around. I seem to be faced with the dauting dilemma of having been in two places at once.[/sblock]
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"Powder blue. Yes sir. The ladies here go for a man in powder blue, I'm sure. I'll remember to keep all the medal ribbons I earn on the right side. I'm not sure there will be enough room for all of them though. Who do I talk to about volunteering then before I get sent out as punishment for having kender chicken soup stains on my formal napkins?"


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Myst Silverstorm

Eva of Sirrion said:
Ah, a new face! Is this mount yours? Very pretty! You must look after her well. Worry not, she's in capable hands. I'm sergeant Mariah Mandel, head stable attendant. I'm responsible for the care and grooming of all the mounts on this side of the outpost.
Myst gives a polite bow and exchanges greetings with Stable Attendant.
Eva of Sirrion said:
Oh bugger. He says. Bruno can spot a misplaced seam from a league away. Best make sure your uniform is on neat and straight. But we'll deal with that later.
My borther use to tell me stories about inspections… He always made them seem quit comical. A small smile escapes onto Myst’s face as she briefly remembers the god times spent between her and her brother.
Eva of Sirrion said:
From west gate to the equipment issue is a bit of a walk, and I'm not as young as I used to be. Even if I were, there's construction projects going on along the way that I'd have to navigate around. I seem to be faced with the daunting dilemma of having been in two places at once.
That you do.” Chimes Myst. She takes a second to ‘chew’ over the few details before speaking up and asking, “Have either of you heard stories or rumors of late of people accusing others of being some place where they weren’t? I have a feeling that this is not nor will be an isolated incident.

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
[sblock=myst]Hmm, well three days ago I thought I saw Captain Tuman's company report back from patrol a bit early. I saw the captain again at Luke's that night, but he didn't seem to remember seeing me earlier that day. I don't know, I only saw him briefly but I was certain he saw me nonetheless.[/sblock]

My CO, Steward Vrengaard, handles all the duty assignments. I'll tell him you want patrol tomorrow. Steen says, taking a quill and a paper and writing himself a reminder note.

Though if you think this gets you out of uni inspection tomorrow, you're sadly mistaken.


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Myst Silverstorm

“Interesting…” Mumbles the young warrior as she listens carefully to the stablewomen’s story. “Something does seem out of place here, but I hazard to guess what… Capt. Wally I do believe your story to be the correct one, however, I do not think Mr. Davis was lying either.” Says Myst. She pauses for a brief second before speaking again, “I think it is wise that we should begin to keep personal journals of our daily activities, if you do not already do so. That way we can avoid future mistaken identities.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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