The Sunken Temple

Walking Dad

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The group starts to introduce themselves as they heed Elros advice and move toward the smaller piazza. (I assuming you are talking as you go. Don't feel hindered to play out your introductions.)

The smaller piazza is much less crowded, only one merchat is selling his goods. Several small alleyways are moving away from the place. There is a slight smell of fish in the air.

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A young, skinny half-elf comes running up behind him. He wears simple black and grey clothes, with five daggers strapped to his chest and three javelins to his back. He looks exhausted, as if he has been sprinting here directly from the tavern. After standing still for a few seconds, catching his breath, he speaks up. "Yeah, are you? Please say you are. I don't want to run any further." He turns to Aradra. "You were asking about Vermag, right? about the job?"
With a nod, he turns to the exhausted half elf. "I only saw 4 names on the list. Did you join after I left?" Looking at the rest of the group, he says " I am Aradra, and I have recently come to Venza to start a new life. I am to assume that your names are Chaucer, Benric, Kanli, and Elros?" After each name, he looks to see any reaction among the group, to determine who is whom.

[sblock=occ]The more the merrier! I am used to a 7 group party. [/sblock]
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"Yeah, I did. Needed a job, and the half-orc said to hurry. I ran after you as fast as i could. I even forgot to ask about pay!"

The half-elf takes a moment to collect himself. "I'm Kilkin. Kilkin Hollow. I cast spells and throw things. Pleased to meet you Aradra. And you lot, i don't think i caught who is who."


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One of the group takes a step forward extending his hand in a greeting.

"You may call me Brenic." says the half-orc. He is dressed very simply and you can not detect any weapons on him except his massive muscles.

"It is nice to have some more help." he says to the two new comers. "What should we do now?" he asks the group. "My vote is try to find the guards that were with the girl or someone who saw what happened."

Brenic turns and looks at the whole party as he awaits their answers.


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=nfred] Hey, in case you didn't see it at the social group your charatcer is approved but still needs to pick two more skill ranks. GE found it he says you must have forgot when you switched your INT. Have fun! :p

The Lurking HM [/sblock]


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As those from the tavern arrived, Chaucer picked up his pack, strapped his djembe into its spot, put on a quiver of arrows that rode on his right hip, opposite the scabbard and longsword. He threw on his pack, grabbed his bow, and smiled, Aye, jokes a plenty, I have always liked playing, but never spent enough time on it to really master this instrument. That will happen soon enough, I assure you.

Aradra and Kilkin come pounding across the Grand Piazza soon after, and when asked if they were the adventurers hired Chaucer steps forward to greet them. We were hired by Vermag, did he send you for us?

After they introduced themselves, Chaucer again nods, and takes a step forward extending a hand to each of them. Well met friends, we were just about to head off. I am Chaucer Tarsi. The information we were given was that the girl disappeared in a side plaza east of here. I think we are headed that way

Chaucer turns to Brenic, My thoughts are we canvas the vendors and the customers in that particular plaza, to see if they might remember anything useful. Any other ideas? One way or the other, we must be quick, if the girl is missing, every moment is vital. Chaucer says as he readjusts his pack, tugging on straps to insure a tight fit. Once done, he puts his right hand on the bow string and tests its pull nodding, and slips it over his left shoulder.
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Kilkin merrily accepts each handshake with a firm grip and a smile. He nods thoughtfully at Brenic and Chauchers suggestions. "I agree, we question anyone who works in the area first. The guards will have to come second, but they might have been through looking for her too, if we're lucky."

As they step onto the piazza, Kilkin chuckles. "One merchant. Whoever worked that booth two days ago must have seen what happened."

OOC: Is there anyone working on the piazza beside the merchant? Guards, entertainers etc.?

Walking Dad

First Post
There are no guards to see. As some of the group knows, the girl vanished two days ago...

The small piazza looks pretty deserted. Someone could wonder, why the little jewel stand here still tries to sell his goods here.

Kilkin spots a small scrap of green cloth on a cascet in one of the small alleyways...

OOC: Nice Notice check :). I will need a portrait of Chaucer, Elros and Arada for my maps. I will use the wiki pictures for the other characters.


Kanli nods in agreement. "Then ask we shall!"

He strides over to the single merchant. "Good day, my good man, I am looking for something. What do you sell? Anything that would make a good gift for my little daughter?"

Walking Dad

First Post
The merchant looks at you a bit irritated... "As you see I sell jewels. How old is the daughter and how much do you want pay? I have also some nice fake wares. Any favorite color?"

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