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When it came to adding a meat-substitute to the menu in the form of "Surrogate Steaks," Heroes' Feast decided the only way it could be justified in a fantasy setting is for it to come from outer space.
While I am not much of a minis player, I am dazzled by the gorgeous tables and setups I see at conventions and online. Dwarven Forge terrain blows my mind but I don’t have the time, money or energy to properly set it up. When I opt to do more grid or miniatures based combat I’m usually fine with some dry erase markers and tokens. If I have a specific set piece in mind, I’ll breakout something...
Middenheim is one of those places you don’t easily forget. It could be a Chaos cult trying to burn down the city. Or imaginary rat-men said to be lurking just beneath the street. In The Horned Rat , the PCs get the chance to walk the streets again and the threat this time is truly cataclysmic. If the PCs don’t prevail there will be literal hell on earth.
The appearance of halflings in Dungeons & Dragons have come a long way since their hobbit roots from Lord of the Rings. If the latest stew from Heroes' Feast is any indication, they didn't stray too far.
My daughter so far has only been a fan of a few of the recipes in Heroes' Feast, so we thought we'd create one of her favorites: noodles, from Kara-Tur to be precise.
Game designer Rodney Thompson has experience in both the board game and role-playing game design worlds. He was part of the team that designed Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, led the development of Star Wars Saga Edition for years and designed Lords of Waterdeep during his time at Wizards of the Coast. His one-man publishing company, Scratchpad Publishing, creates games that play to the...
The Call of Cthulhu RPG offers rules and a 1920s setting of cosmic mind-bending horror together in one package. In a similar way, the Call of Cthulhu Slipcase Set combines a book of comprehensive rules and monsters with a tome of detailed history and rounds it all out with a Keeper screen, maps, adventures, a reference booklet, and blank character sheets. A whole world of horror is described...
It's no accident that we've skipped most of the "meals" associated with elves in Heroes' Feast, but we finally came around to make one: bacon and asparagus. The bacon surprised us because we don't associate meat with elves.
Now that you've had time to read my review of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, and the book officially arrived in game stores on May 18, it's time to take a look at what other RPG reviewers thought of this guide to horror.
After opening dozens of box sets over the years, I rarely find one that surprises me. The Soulbound Starter Set (PDF) serves as the reason I still look forward to opening new RPG box sets. On rare occasions, like this one, they make me say, “Wow!”
Hello again my lovelies, it’s time for another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! The running theme on these has been catch-up and clean-up, and this edition is no exception. We’re finishing off the Devastation Ark Adventure Path with today’s review of Starfinder Adventure Path #33: Dominion’s End!
We're back with another traditional recipe from Heroes' Feast attributed to dwarves: Shepherd's Pie.
The last few D&D books had a lot for DMs. Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft tops them all. Players will get a lot out of it, too, but VRGtR is a feast of useful, imagination-sparking material—and that's not entirely limited to those who like horror.
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft is the most hotly anticipated Dungeons & Dragons book in a while. Ravenloft has proved to be one of the most popular official settings. Fans are excited to see a full setting book for this classic realm. The copy sent to me by Wizards of the Coast turned out to be so much more. Let’s look inside and check out some of my favorite parts just in time for the...
Hello again my lovelies and welcome back to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! We’re still doing a bit of catch-up, and this edition is continuing from our previous review with the Devastation Ark Adventure Path. Today we’ll be digging into part 2 of 3: Starfinder Adventure Path #32: The Starstone Blockade!
We recently made "tavern steaks" from the Heroes' Feast cookbook, an excuse to place hamburgers in a fantasy setting. But that's not the only anachronism that creeps into our campaigns.

This Week in TTRPG


Dungeons & Dragons

Though any good wizard's sanctum is not left unguarded so thieves best be wary.
Chris Cocks spoke about AI and D&D at a Goldman Sachs event.
Some kind of D&D Touring Experience is coming soon, although details are scarce.
As the magazine approaches its 600th issue, we meet the Infantile God who, it seems, is no god at all...
D&D's latest crossover is with New Holland Brewing Company.
D&D Beyond has made several minor updates to parts of the 2024 Player's Handbook.

Industry News

A special TIME edition which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons!
Brandon Sanderson has yet another world record to his name!
The job is for an experienced game designer—much like one of the people they let go a few months ago!
Fan Content Policy will be switched back to the original policy

Voidrunner's Codex

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