EN World: Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

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Looking Back To The 80s With The "Realism" of KABAL!

My very first issue of Dragon magazine was #63. It was full of goodness, but the thing I obsessed most over was a full-page advertisement for an RPG mysteriously called KABAL. It featured a photograph of some Grenadier miniatures on what we would now call dungeon tiles. The three books and gamer aids portrayed in the ad were printed on parchment, something I found irresistible. The text promised the dangling carrot of "realism."

(KS) Savage Kingdoms: Reforged

Savage Kingdoms is the brain child of Mike Yow, a long-time RPGer, dabbling game designer, and professional actor. First published in 2014, Savage Kingdoms: Reforged - this current project - is a full-color reimagining of not only the core rulebook, but the entire game line to come. In addition to full interior color and more artwork, the rules system has been tweaked and tightened up a bit, though perhaps not quite enough to warrant the moniker of "2nd Edition".

Sean's Picks of the Week (0508-0512) - Robotech, Accursed, Shadowrun, Star Fleet Battles, and a Wiza

AAannnnd... I'm back! Sorry for the last couple of missed weeks, friends, but Life Gets On You, as we say here at the Silver Unicorn Pub. Between the many, many professional projects I am juggling and a rather intensive convention season ramping up, I am scrambling for time to shove my head up over the waterline, so I thank you for your kind patience. This week's Picks run the gamut of ancient horror and near-future cyberpunk, far-future anime and a fantastic wizarding school. Oh, and some playing cards that are very friendly to the eyes.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a turn-based RPG video game which was Kickstarted in 2015. I don't usually cover video games here, since tabletop RPGs are a big enough subject on their own, but this one's a little different because the developers recently revealed a "Game Master Mode". Not only that, they used that mode to play Lost Mine of Phandelver - the adventure in the D&D 5E Starter Set - at WotC's offices. It has overtones of Neverwinter Nights, a game of which I have very fond memories. (thanks to Søren for the scoop)
WotC is holding an event, which they're calling the Stream of Annihilation, on June 2nd and 3rd to announce the new D&D storyline. Various D&D Twitch steamers have been invited to participate in the upcoming campaign, which will be live streamed along with interviews, and so on. "We’ll have folks from Misscliks, Maze Arcana, Critical Role, and Dice, Camera, Action! with Chris Perkins, not to mention international gaming groups like Yogscast's HighRollers (U.K.) and Dragon Friends (Australia)." You'll be able to watch it all live on Twitch at the time. Is this where we'll discover the identity of the mysterious Dust and Midway? Speculate away!

(KS) Explore 1927 London in Pax Cthuiliana

Pax Cthuliana is a dramatic scenario designed for experienced players set in the world of H. P. Lovecraft. Through investigation, puzzle solving, time travel, knowledge of the Mythos, situational music, timed events and horrible scenes, the players will experience an interactive and unique scenario—an epic mini-campaign playable in one (long!) gaming night.
News Digest: Lots of Starfinder News! Plus GURPS, a Graphic Novel on D&D History, and more! Hello everyone, Darryl here with a LOT of Starfinder updates, Fantasy Grounds gets official Pathfinder content (retroactively winning me an online argument), a new graphic novel on the origins of Dungeons & Dragons, details on the new life for GURPS books, and more!

One Die To Rule Them: Looking At Cakebread & Walton's OneDice Pirates & Dragons

This is a brief review of OneDice Pirates and Dragons. The PDF digitizing before me is 134 pages front to back, in single column format, and includes a printable character sheet. Illustrations are full color along with a two page map of the Dragon Isles, the RPG's main setting.
While the show Tabletop normally focuses on boardgames, it occasionally dips into tabletop roleplaying games. A couple of years ago, Will Wheaton and his friends played Green Ronin's Dragon AGE; and now they've turned their attention to Evil Hat's Fate Core. This episode of Tabletop features Felicia Day, screenwriter John Rogers, Will Wheaton, and GM (and co-designer of Fate) Ryan Macklin. Wheaton describes Fate as the gold standard of games which let the rules get out of the way so as to focus on the story.

TSR's Marvel Super-Heroes RPG: The Original Awesome Mix

One of my favorite games is the Classic Marvel Super-Heroes game that TSR put out in the 80s and 90s. It, along with Call of Cthulhu from Chaosium, were the games that broke me out of the rut of fantasy gaming and Dungeons & Dragons in the mid nineteen-eighties. It is a game that I go back to periodically, and it still holds up really well in play. And it isn't just with me. I see a few people in my various social media circles talking about their current, or sometimes ongoing, games of the Classic Marvel Super-Heroes RPG as well.
Paizo has been gearing up the Starfinder preview machine in advance of August's release, with a look at two of the core classes (the charming Envoy and the shadowy Operative) as well as one of the Iconic PCs, Navasi, a young envoy. They describe each class in broad terms and show off one ability - the Envoy's Clever Feint, and the Operative's Cloaking Field.
I mentioned previously that Pathfinder was coming to Fantasy Grounds. That happened last week, meaning that the Virtual Table Top is now an official licensee, and the first batch of products, including the Core Rules, Bestiary, Kingmaker adventure path, and more are already available. FG's head honcho Doug Davison said that "they've been very strong sellers so far, supplanting the official D&D add-ons that normally dominate our Weekly Top Sellers list in the first day. It is customary for a new release to have a spike as interest and hype are the highest at this stage; however, most third-party products still fail to dislodge D&D from the top seller list. This will be an interesting metric to watch as they go head to head and especially as new products launch for both publishers at the same time."

Kickstarter (KS) The Rifts Board Game Goes Live on Kickstarter!

Rogue Heroes Publishing have partnered with Palladium Books to developed and produce a board game based on the popular Rifts RPG. In the Rifts Board Game, you and your fellow heroes strive to outwit, outmaneuver, and take down the Coalition forces persecuting the ‘Burbs. You must prevail against overwhelming odds to defeat the campaign of tyranny being run the CS Mission Director.

RPG Crowdfunding News 048: 5E Special – Oath of the Frozen King, The City of Talos, Cities of Sorcer

In todays crowdfunding column we’re looking at seven campaigns currently running on Kickstarter for 5th Edition. Supplements, Adventures and Card Accessories await to tempt you…
Today is the final day to enter the 2017 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards! For those publishers who want to wait until the last minute, your last minute is nigh! Any package with a postmark dated after today, May 8, 2017, can not be accepted and any e-submission received after today, May 8, 2017, can not be accepted. Gen Con 50 will be one of the largest crowds yet, let’s make this year’s awards memorable! The ENnies are the premiere RPG awards program, presented live at Gen Con every year.
Now that the hardcovers are arriving in the hands of Kickstarter backers, the hardcover version of O.L.D. The Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying Game is now available! This beautiful 350-page hardcover book contains rules for character creation, a wide array of medieval and fantasy equipment (including the Bohemian Earspoon!), a flexible, freeform verb-noun magic system powered by Magic Points, rules for wilderness travel, stronghold building, and warfare, and extensive guidelines for building your own setting, races, careers, monsters, and more. O.L.D. is fully compatible with N.E.W., and other WOIN (What's OLD is NEW) roleplaying games, so you can mix and match to your heart's content!

This Week in TTRPG


TREY is a new solo set of rules and The Comae Engine is a d100 RPG with a versatile conflict resolution system both from FrostByte Books.
A moody game in a dark city full of spies, revolutionaries and strange magic.
Ever since Toy Story debuted, I've wanted rules to play with army men. Now we can!
Knave 2e offers great resources for any OSR style game.

Dungeons & Dragons

Get an elemental familiar, resist the elements, clear the air, or become the mountain.
The team was responsible for content feedback and the implementation of book content on the online platform.
New Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering comics coming in 2025
The randomized set of minifigs hits retail this September
A collection of short adventures ranging from 10th to 16th level--dragons, kobolds, giants, even the dreaded River Styx!
From libraries to trading stalls this secretive order uses what they know to influence entire kingdoms.

Industry News

Tabletop Mirror with integrate the chat features of Role Gate into its platform
Hight previously oversaw the World of Warcraft franchise.
Your backing helps Owen's fight against cancer and gets you a book of cartoons by Stan!
DEI grants for publishers and retailers open for applications

Voidrunner's Codex

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