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Fantasy Grounds Unity KS Announced

Whoops. That was sloppy of me. I looked at the first entry on the list and did not scan down. My apologies. There are two fiscal responsibility arguments here, one against the exorbitant cost of FG, and one against having to pay twice for game content, and in the heat of the moment I made the mistake of conflating them.
Exorbitant is a very emotionally charged word, and it's a statement of opinion. But, each to their own.

As for paying for game content twice, as I have stated, you have never had to do that. I certainly haven't. I made the choice to buy my content in FG, so I don't have the hard books. Have never needed them. FG has what it calls "Reference Manual" versions included. These are effectively an e-book. Yes it means I have to read the books inside of FG, but that is not a problem for me. It can be for some. Or, you could choose to forego the FG version and just use a physical version.

And, the price for a book on FG is really not much different from teh price on Amazon, so again, price is really a red herring, imo.

Not having a physical book means all I have to do is carry a 4lb laptop to where ever I game and I have what would be hundreds of pounds of physical books with me. I can book mark them, I can do a digital search, I can link to specific pages and share those links, and I can share 1 copy of a book with as many players are in my game as I want. So while one player is looking up combat actions, another is looking up a spell description and a third is look at the options for leveling up their character, all with one copy. Can't do that with only 1 physical book.

For me, digital (FG) books are a better investment than physical. That's not the same for everyone, but to think that a digital book is inferior to a physical one for everyone is just inaccurate.

I've said my piece, and continue to stand by it, barring the above. You may proceed with your shilling without further interruption from me. :)
lol :)

Feel free to interrupt if you want. Thoughtful and informed discussion is the best way to discuss something, besides, it's beneficial for both the sides as they get alternate views to consider and hopefully re-evaluate and build a stronger basis for their views.

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Honestly, I have seen this in other threads, the whole debate between Fantasy Grounds vs Roll20 vs other. It’s a silly debate because all of these are just tools. Each GM and game group will have a different work flow, preferences, etc.. The style of GM and group often will be what dictates the best tool for the job. For my GM and workflow style, Fantasy Grounds is the best available option. However, that will differ from GM to GM. Fantasy Grounds will feel exorbitant to a GM whose workflow/game style needs are different and is satisfied by a different and potentially free alternative. I don’t regret my purchase of FG as it better satisfies my needs than Roll20 did. But that is me. The superiority of one over the other really is a subjective thing specific to each and every individual GM/group.


I am excited because the one weakness FG has had in my opinion has been the ability to draw maps on the fly. I am hoping that the Unity engine will allow you access to a digital dry erase board, for lack of a better term. I tend to run games that are very improvisational in nature and FG supports that in a lot of ways -- but it is easier for me to sketch out a random set piece than it is rummage through a big library of pre-made maps.

As to the cost of the upgrade: I am an Ultimate license holder. I chose to do that so my friends, some of whom are tighter on money than I, would not have to pay to be able to play. That was my choice and it was a good one. I will buy the Ultimate license again if I have to (although I may spend some time subscribing to make sure I like the new version) for the same reason. Unless they stealth charge for content I already purchased, I don't mind paying for a new product. Why wouldn't I expect a software company to charge me for making something I want?

What I would like to see happen though is for PDFs of rulebooks to be bundled with VTT files for ease of reading outside of the VTT. Or for WotC to realize selling a PDF with the physical copy is the way business is done in the modern RPG industry.

Since pricing was (not surprisingly) a big debate in this thread, FGU pricing was announced this morning on the stream;

There will still be Standard, Ultimate and Demo

Post-Kickstarter Pricing
Standard $39
Ultimate $149

Kickstarter Pricing
All Kickstarter backers gain access to Beta
Newcomer Standard: $35
Newcomer to Ultimate: $135

Rookie: Bought it in 2018-2019
FGC Ultimate to FGU Ultimate for $30
FGC Standard to FGU Standard for $15

Veteran: Bought it 2017 or prior
FGC Ultimate to FGU Ultimate for $60
FGC Standard to FGU Standard for $29

Monthly subscriptions:
There will be a separate monthly subscriptions. Same as today but FGU subscription or FGC subscription.


I was really surprised at how reasonable/generous the license upgrade pricing turned out to be. I was in no matter what, but that really made me happy to see how nicely they are taking care of their user base.


I haven't watched the videos or read a lot of the new information, but I got an Ultimate last year and haven't used it a lot. (Was kind of difficult and steep learning curve; then ended up finding more than enough F2F games.) Then my computer that had everything installed on it went kaput. I have no idea if I can even still access my account, or if FGU will let me host campaigns on the cloud. (Anybody know if this update will allow us to install on a second computer?)

You can install on a second computer but can only use on one at a time.

Log in to your account on the Fantasy Grounds website to get your license key. If you bought from Steam your key will be there.

No cloud hosting that I'm aware but perhaps we'll find out more tomorrow when the kickstarter launches, but don't hold your breath.

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