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Travis ( 13 ) / Duncan ( 7 )

Running after their blood and their heart Travis and Duncan sprint to catch up with their other halves. As they sprint forward Khubsheth's spell washes over the party.

Lenny (28-Success) Takes 15 Damage
Ebony (14-Failed) Takes 31 Damage <STAGGERED>
Trav (22-Failed) Takes 31 Damage
Duncan (35 Success ) Takes 15 Damage

Despite the Pain both men complete their mad dashes. Trav reaching his brother in Q7, Duncan now in V6 placing himself between the monster and his wife.

Trav reaches his brother and leans on him a bit. Lenny looks back to see the more vicious wounds on his brother.
Trav: "Brother I think we've gone on the wrong campaign!"
Lenny: "What.... we've got that thing right where it wants us!"
Both: "Ha!"

Duncan: Grabs Ebony by the shoulders. "Are you insane. We....." He pauses as he looks into her eyes and see's they're glazed over as she wobbles, staggered on her feet.
Ebony: Looks him right in the eye and mumbles almost drunkenly.... "Don't ever play with matches!"
Duncan: Holds her and waves to the twins. "BROTHERS ... TO ME!! WE'RE LEAVING HURRY!!"

Lenny: "Did the boss just say something?"
Trav: "Owwww!?!"

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

GM: Since Kleborn's player is on vacation, I have agreed to post for him. I have not embellished Kleborn's words or actions, except with a small amount of poetry; they are presented according to RedRaider's wishes, which he expressed to me in chat.

Fort Save DC 27 For Half Damage.
Kleborn's roll: (27) Saved!
Kleborn takes 15 points of damage from the blast.

Kleborn gets a grim look on his face, borne of both determination, and of resignation. Seeing Dewydd fall broke his heart, but seeing Respen fall broke his SPIRIT. He had known Respen for some time, many years, before ever joining this band of heroes. It had been Respen who vouched for him, when many of the party members had expressed their doubt about his sudden appearance, and possible purpose. Kleborn had not forgotten that favor, and he now intended to repay it in full, in blood if necessary. ~The sun shall set this day upon either my corpse, or the corpse of this insane beast. Either way, there will be rivers of blood!~

Kleborn turns to the rest of the party to rally them, and shouts, "HOLD FAST! STAND YOUR GROUND! DO NOT LET OUR BROTHERS' DEATHS HAVE BEEN IN VAIN!!"

Although it is shouted like a command, everyone can hear the pleading tone in Kleborn's voice, urging everyone to make the ultimate sacrifice for the purpose of defeating this ravenous beast! Bracing himself, Kleborn brings his sword and shield to bear, and charges Khubsheth!

Distance to Khubsheth: 105 feet.
Kleborn's base speed: 30 ft. With haste: 60 ft.
Charging distance for 60 ft. speed: 120 ft. Kleborn can charge Khubsheth.
Ending square: O-11
Kleborn's base AC: 28. With Haste: 30. With Charge: 28.
Kleborn calls 10 points of Power Attack. Kleborn initiates Heedless Charge.
Kleborn's adjusted AC: 18.
Kleborn's base attack: +21. With Haste: +23. With Charge: +25.
Kleborn's base damage: 1d8+10. With Haste: 1d8+12. With Power Attack: 1d8+22.
Haste will give Kleborn an extra physical attack at the end of his charge, at the
same attack rating, minus Charge, since the attack technically comes AFTER. (+23)
Kleborn crits on 19 or 20 (x2.) Kleborn's attack rolls: 37,35 (Two hits.)
Damage: 29,30 = 59 points total. Minus DR = 39 points.

Khubsheth has taken a total of 41 points of damage. Khubsheth is lightly injured.

Kleborn charges Khubsheth, unleashing his furious anger in the form of two savage sword blows; again, as typical with the heroes of this party, either blow alone would have been enough to fell the average man (nay, the average armored footman!) but against the gargantuan Sphinx, they are but scrapes; it would easily take two dozen such wounds to kill this beast, and time was definitely NOT on the party's side. Tears flow down Kleborn's cheeks, as he pours his heart and soul into the fight, knowing that here, in this deserted place, his life and legacy will come to an end.

TAM: Your friends are DYING! Kleborn is pleading with you and the others to STAND WITH HIM! TO GIVE YOUR LIVES, IF NEEDBE! What do you do?


Tam feels the horror set in.
"All my fault. All my fault. You brash fool. Feeling your oats after killing a mere giant or two. Charging ahead to be the courageous scout and duteous thief, and now look what you've done. Killed us all. All my fault. All my..."
With these words spiraling downward in his thoughts, Tam finds it difficult to come up with a plan.
With nothing left to do, Tam stabs at the foot again and again.
Meanwhile, Damarra lays into the foot once again.

Damarra's Attack Roll: (1d20+19) = 30 (Hit.)
Damarra's Bite Damage: (2d6+10) + 2 (Haste) = 19 Points.
Tam's Attack Rolls: 18, 23, and 35 (Two Misses, One Hit); You forget, now that you're in melee range, you get your full round action. 2 normal attacks + 1 Haste attack.
Tam's Damage: (Base 1d4) + 2 (Haste) = 5 Points. (Plus 4d6 Sneak Attack because you're in flanking position; since I overlooked that the first time, I'm giving you max damage.)
5+24 = 29.
Damarra's attack is reduced to 9 pts.
Tam's attack is reduced to 19 pts.
Khubsheth takes a total of 28 pts. damage.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth


Tam-Tam: 23
Thallok: 21
Vale: 20
Ebony: 18
Lenny: 15
Sylvar: 14a
Khubsheth: 14b
Travis: 13
Kleborn: 11
Duncan: 7


THALLOK: It's your turn! Tam and Damarra are running out of steam, and two of your teammates are down! What do you do? DO YOU HEAR THE CALL OF THE WARRIOR?


OOC: Fort Save: 28 success. 5 total damage with DR

Thallok was feeling pretty good about the Dyvers chances as he watched the beast take damage. Then in horror he watched the sphynx heal himself. All of their hard work was erased. He watched as another member of his party was brought down effortlessly. After the death of Respen Thallok hanged his head. He was thinking about all he would rather be doing at this very moment, but realizing as Kleborn shouted his rally cry that this is the only place he needed to be. Hearing Kleborn and watching he and Tam try their hardest re-sparked the fire in Thallok. He was not done yet. If he was going to die, so be it. He will die amongst his friends with honor. He thought to himself ~I am ready to die if need be; but maybe, just maybe I can do enough to help the rest of the party take down this beast.~

Thallok squeezed the grip of his sword tightly, looked up at the foul beast, and smiled at him saying "Let's make you bleed again". He raised his sword towards Khubsheth, looked him straight into the eye, and gave a loud battle cry. He then brought the sword down upon him with all his might.

Thallok will use the marital spirit stance.

DM EDIT: You choose ONE ally within 30 ft. to heal, not everyone. Since Lenny is the closest, Lenny is healed for 2 pts from your Haste attack, and another 2 pts. from attack #3. You can't use Mountain Hammer when you get multiple attacks; think of these sorts of maneuvers as spells. Casting them eats up your whole set of actions.

Attack 1: 27 rolled a natural 1
Attack Haste: 34
Attack 2: 24
Attack 3: 32

Thallok was very frustrated with himself on the two misses.

Damage from hasted attack:22
Damage from Attack 3: 26
Total Damage 48

Khubsheth has taken a total of 117 points of damage. Khubsheth is significantly injured!
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Khubsheth roars and hisses as Thallok's enchanted blade eats through his facade of ferocity like a hot knife through butter!

GM: NEW OTTER RULE: To enhance drama and storytelling, anyone, PC or NPC, may, at any time, take an immediate action to say a sentence or two of dialogue, as long as what is said serves to develop and/or advance the storyline, and as long as the Game Arbiter approves.

Khubsheth sputters, "Damn you, Abigail, you've done your work all too well. And you, Orc, your red skin and swinish origins make you unworthy to wield such a blade as this! It shall be a pleasure to rip out your heart while your friends watch!"

VALE: It's your turn! What do you do?

Aust Thale

A Good Day To Die My Ass...

Gritting his teeth, Vale scans the ongoing melee. He begins a deliberate march toward Khubsheth, cursing the androsphinx loudly and then casting a spell reaching toward Khubsheth. Twin celestial eagles form above those engaged on the ground, immediately attacking the Prophet.

OOC: requesting help to resolve their attacks

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and advanced the HD of the Eagles from 1 to 3;
With the Haste bonus of +2 to hit and damage, the Celestial Eagle would have the following stats:

+6 to hit with talons / +1 to hit with bite (Needs 20 on d20 to hit with either attack.)
Damage: Talons: 1d6+4 (Max: 10 pts.), Bite: 1d6+3 (Max: 9 pts.)

With DR of --/10, Khubsheth can ignore the eagles. They cannot hurt him at all.

The two eagles fight as commanded, but prove unable to even scratch the big Sphinx; Khubsheth laughs heartily at the Dwarf's feeble spell.

Khubsheth says, "Your god is weak, just like you, little half-man!"

EBONY AND LENNY: Your turn! What do you do?
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:: Ebony & Lenny ::

Ebony shakes off the momentary daze, as well as her husband. In frustration she fires off an arrow which sails past the behemoths head harmlessly. Getting away from this exposed position she moves forward ( Move to P6 ) on hasted feat to catch up with the twins. Swapping her bow for her sword and shield and joining their shield wall.

As Ebony joins them Lenny takes deep breath and launches a line of fire towards the sphinx. ( 9 fire Damage DC14 Ref for half. ).

Travis looks to his brother. "A fog cloud may have been a better choice there brother."
Lenny retorts. "I wasn't going down without breathing fire on something at least once in my life!"

Ebony replies to both. "Wait for Duncan then fog us!" she glances back to see Duncan hot on their heels trying to catch up.

Sylvar B.

Sylvar recoils in pain as the wave of damaging magic takes its toll. As Sylvar recovers his breath and his mind clears, thoughts of running away to save himself run through it...but then what? More roaming the country side making ends meet by telling tales?

--I couldn't go back to Abigail, and I doubt Uler would be pleased--

Resigned to his fate, Sylvar says nothing as he stoicly closes on the Sphinx. His face shows nothing but the grim determination of a man who has nothing to lose, and no where to go.

Sylvar casts Greater Heroism on himself.
OOC: +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks, immunity to fear effects, and temporary hit points equal to your caster level (11)

As be closes on the Sphinx he calls forth another arrow, it drops into his hand, and he fires at the Sphinx.

OOC: Sylvar gains 11 HPs, his hit roll misses
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Khubsheth looks around, obviously trying to pick out the weaker members of the party.

Khubsheth says, "Look upon your friends for the last time! And relish your glorious death at my hand! You shall not have died in vain! Your blood shall pave the way for those who are to follow!

Khubsheth activates his Ring of Power using a Swift Action. Khubsheth is hasted.
As his Haste action, Khubsheth casts a spell. (Khubsheth's Deadly Daggers.)
As his Quickened action, Khubsheth casts a spell. (Khubsheth's Greater Missiles.)
As his Full Round action, Khubsheth attacks Kleborn.

Deadly Daggers = Fire variant of magic missile; no save, 15d8 fire damage. Average damage = 4.5 x 15 = 67.5 = 67 pts.
Greater Missiles = Improved energy variant of magic missile; no save, 25d4 damage. Average damage = 2.5 x 25 = 62.5 = 62 pts.
Attacks: 37,40,47 = 3 hits. Damage = 39,37,67 = 143 pts. total damage.

With a nod of his head, the ring on his left paw begins to glow, and suddenly, Dame Ebony is consumed by a hail of fiery darts; already very hurt from the energy blast, this spell is enough to finish her. She collapses to the ground in a burning heap, quite dead!

Sylvar is hit with an even greater number of blue, glowing darts, which slam into his chest, tearing the life out of him in an instant! SYLVAR IS DEAD!

Khubsheth then leaps onto Kleborn, and rips him limb from limb, tearing him apart almost effortlessly. Kleborn falls to the ground, his eyes staring blankly at the monster who ended his legacy!


Tam-Tam: 23
Thallok: 21
Vale: 20
Lenny: 15
Khubsheth: 14
Travis: 13
Duncan: 7

TRAVIS: Your friends are DYING! What do you do?!?

Voidrunner's Codex

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