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Moving out of the way to let Tam do his work, I casually walk over to Duncan, Eb, and the twins. "Odd time for the topic, I know, but the thought just struck me - do you have any plans for moving to the Dyvers area and setting down roots? I'm sure you could offload any lands you might have in your home region - or even seek a swap with landholders around Dyvers that might want some grounds in the region to be turned into a holiday retreat. I plan to keep buying lands westward and eventually will start a city."

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Here Comes The Spell Effect

As Tam moves the last letter into place, the door shimmers a bright blue, and then disappears! As it does so, the whole party feels a wave of warm energy wash over them--obviously the expected spell effect--and all of you can feel the effect attempting to enter your mind.

AT THIS POINT, you all have two choices:

1. Resist the spell effect. If you desire to do so, roll a Willpower save, DC 22.

2. Trust the warm feeling, and let the spell take its course.

PLEASE RESPOND AS TO YOUR CHOICE IN LINE CHAT; Make any necessary saves in Rolz, as per usual.

As the door disappears, the whole party is hit with a foul blast of air, the stench of death and decay, rotting meat, putrid soil, and dung from various insects and animals. It is the worst odor you've ever smelled.

EVERYONE needs to make a Fortitude save, DC 15.
Post results in LINE chat.

The opening before you is basically the entire east wall, a twenty foot wide, ten foot tall passageway, with stairs leading down into the darkness. The available light from the sputtering torch and from Dewydd's cloak only radiates 40 feet downward; however, those with Darkvision report that there is a landing 60 feet below, just at the edge of their vision. Those are the only details that can be discerned from your position at the top of the stairwell.

EVERYONE: What do you do?

ALSO: The party should establish a marching order, and post it in LINE chat.


At Sir Moesby's question the music stops.

Duncan: "What.... sir Moesby we already live in Dyvers. Don't you remember, we were just at your birthday party."
Ebony: "I made a pie!"
Duncan: looks at her with surprise, "You..... baked a pie." he said sarcastically.
She rolled her eyes. "Well no I don't bake, I had your mama make the pie! Then I gave it to Lenny to bring to the party."

Lenny "What...! That pie was for the party?"
Ebony: "Yes! What happened to Sir Moesby's Pie?"
Travis: "We need to thank your mama sir Moore. That was some good pie!" This makes Lenny snort in an immature fashion.

Duncan: "My apologizes Sir Moseby it seems I owe you a sweet potato pie."
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Chuckling at Lenny and Travis, I nod to Duncan. "Moresby, and I look forward to the pie!" I politely correct. "I understand that you live in Dyvers, I just assumed that you had lands or holdings elsewhere - since I had never heard of you or your troop before - and was curious what you planned to do with them." Feeling the warm energy, I guess that it might be a blessing from Khubsheth to protect from the noxious fumes that follow. Trusting my instincts, I accept the effect and the noxious fumes do not bother me. "Before we had briefly discussed some potential joint business ventures. There's nothing like the adrenaline of battle and adventure to get the creative juices going!"
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"Ah, folks," Tam says impatient with the pointless chit-chat, having the thieves nervous and suspicious energy coming over him at how simple this all was to solve, he finishes,"Can we just get on with this. I don't think standing around in one place for too long is a good idea. Especially inside this sphinx...if that's where we really are." Tam whispers this last bit to himself.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth


The entire map could not be drawn in Paint, so I had to put part of it on the bottom; the bottom part should actually be the last twenty feet of the map's left side.

The party is standing in a 20 x 20 open area landing at the bottom of the stairs. To the east, columns can be seen.

The yellow markings indicate radius of bright illumination. (Dewydd's Cloak)
The gray markings indicate radius of shadowy illumination. (Dewydd's Cloak)
The green markings indicate how far Thallok can see (and report) with his Darkvision.

The party is taking in its surroundings, when Vale suddenly realizes something. Although the stairs seemed only 60 feet in their descent distance, Vale now has the feeling that the party is FAR DEEPER than that, deep underground! Almost as if on queue, everyone in the party gets a cold chill down their spine. Something is not right!

The stairs level out into a 20-foot wide corridor; it extends at least sixty feet, as far as you can tell by the use of Darkvision and light sources, but you have the distinct feeling that it goes much further than that. The floor is dusty, yet the edges of flagstones can be seen. The ceiling is about 20 feet high. The walls to the left and right are covered with intricate murals.

Four pairs of stone columns, each 10 feet high, create an avenue down the corridor. Their surface is etched with four runes set equidistant from each other. The tops of the columns don't reach the ceiling.

AT THIS POINT, I AM ABOUT TO GET VERY STRICT. You are in the tomb of a mad Sphinx Queen. Being here, in and of itself, represents a high level of danger.

If you say, "I move up 30 feet and check for traps," I will assume that you are NOT checking for traps until AFTER you have moved a distance of 30 feet!

If you want to proceed cautiously, every step of the way, you must say something like: "I check every inch between my current position and the [whatever] carefully, looking for signs of traps. When I make it to the [whatever] I will carefully check it for traps also, being careful not to actually touch it while doing so."

DO NOT ASSUME that just because you said it in your first post that I will apply that to every subsequent post. I WILL NOT. Every time you move, you must tell me EXACTLY what you are doing and how you are doing it!

I know that this may slow us down, considering that this is a play-by-post, but it is what it is. I am NOT willing to compromise on these points. I want the danger to be VERY REAL and EVER PRESENT in the thoughts of the party members!

EVERYONE: What do you do?
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:: Duncan & Company ::

Now that they're all lined up and ready to go, Duncan speaks to his line. "Lights, we will move on the hush, maintain one, on the forward march." Which to his team means no chanting, and that they will maintain a 5 foot gap between their line and the one before them. The foursome waits for the group to move forward, and then follows behind once the proper gap is set. They would talk only when necessary and would not participate in idle banter. They each activate their light sources. Ebony and Duncan have magical orbs over their left shoulders casting a yellow/white light like the light spell. The twins acidic tridents glow casting a greenish white light. Allowing the 4 humans to see their immediate surroundings.

As veterans of this sort of close quarters encounters Duncan and his crew understand that the forward rank will need room to maneuver if pressed. The gap allows healers and other support members of the group to reach the forward line of people ahead of them without hindrance. And allows injured members to take a step back if nessesary. It also lessened the chances of the entire group falling prey to the same traps.

[sblock=OOC Information]
The Company Has activated The Following Auras: ( Effecting All Allies Within 60 Feet. )

+1 Attack
+1 AC
+4 Fort Saves
+3 Reflex Saves
+2 Will Saves / +4 Saves vs Fear

Passive Stats:
All four members of the company have passive spot and listen of 11 each.
All four are wielding magical light sources. Duncan & Ebony have watcher lamps on their shoulders shinning a yellow/white light. The twins tridents have a green/white glow to them.

Chanting is flavor I have added to the mystique of them as a unit. The chanting is not an actual component of their auras. I imagine the practical effect of their auras being in the form of confidence and advice given to them by Duncan and Ebony as that help to guide their actions in small ways. Often out loud but at times as an inner voice. [/sblock]

Marching Order.jpeg
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"Well, this is where the dog-doo hits the nunchucks." Tam murmurs to himself. He then says to the others, with more than a little trepidation: "Guys, and Lady, give me some space to look ahead. Also, this is going to go very slow; so, like it or not, let me do my job...please. And don't rush me. I am going to go forward 30 feet. If all seems clear, I will wave you forward; but stay at least 5 feet behind me at all times while we traverse this passage. Oh yeah, --- and keep quiet. Some things need to be heard, not seen." What he doesn't say is that he is also sniffing the air for any distinctive odors of greades, oils, potions and poisons --- or anything else that could denote the possibility of a trap.

Tam, when the others stop and give him room (about 5 feet), carefully inspects every inch of floor, walls and ceiling...along with each and every column, top to bottom. He scrutinizes every particle of dust, detritus, and debris. He also carefully scrutinizes each and every rune on the columns. From his studies of ancient texts and symbols during his Guild days, there seems to be a nagging familiarity to something he recalls seeing in a text once. Tam just wishes he could recall it quick enough to keep himself and his comrades alive.
Tam is also listening for any drips, drops, trickles, grindings, groanings, stresses or whispers of something pulling, pushing, or just plain moving in a place where, barring a living (he chuckles), or Undead creature walking about, nothing should be making noise.

Search rolls per each 5 feet:

Spot check roll (for a grasp at understanding the runes?):

DM NOTE: For future reference, you simply need to indicate that you are searching; the DM rolls Search attempts, because you aren't supposed to know whether or not you've succeeded. ALSO: Check out Page 3, Post #29, of the RESTORED BACKGROUND THREAD for house rules on searching that you need to be aware of. (CLICK HERE.)
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Aust Thale

Respen: Movement In The Dungeon #1

Respen scans the entire room, using his magicaldarkvision and arcane sight, his scout experience, and his elven senses to takeserious and immersive note of the party's surroundings. He moves intandem with the party, but he scans to the right and forward, looking fortraps, secret doors, passageways, or magical runes. He looks toward theceiling as well, head on a swivel. With his gloves of storing, he summonshis magical bow-staff of defense, and he uses it to physically tap the floorahead of him, or any wall to their side. After his own scan, he nudges Vale standing next to him, pointing toTam, “I’ve got him. As we descend or move through this labyrinth,we should find places we can come back to in order to rest or regroup.” Speaking to Tam, “Tam, here is a sending stone. I havethe other. If you have a problem and can’tspeak, use the sending stone. Whisper toit, and I’ll pull you back.

Active at all times:
Read Magic, See Invisibility; Arcane Sight;Darkvision to 60’; Lowlight vision to 60’.
Special (Elf): +2 Listen, Spot, Search;
Automatic Checks for Secret Doors passingwithin 5 feet
Trapfinding: DC 20 Non-Magical Traps; DC 25Magical Traps

Search Checks:
23; 21; 25; 20; 28; 35; 28; 20; 33; 16
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Voidrunner's Codex

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