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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


[sblock=Gildrim, kn(architecture) DC 15]The houses on the south-western arc are the familiar half-timbered stucco that is popular in Orussus. In fact, the house you're in now is built in the same style. However, on the eastern wall there are a series of towers, which don't seem like anything in Orussus. They do resemble descriptions of the towers of Fallon, though. Other parts seem to come from other cities: half-ruined colonnades of white stone that look Medibarian, low golden domes like the Sairundani build, even an ornate square pagoda, the likes of which you've not seen before. [/sblock]

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"Hope we don't run inte any more traps, big scary diorama of ominousness seems like a likely place fer 'em, but since I 'aven't the foggiest what to look for letstry door number one!"

While Gildrim examines the pictures Erf and Fenenn move over to the left hand door, and after listening carefully at it for a second the little gnome opens it up.

[SBLOCK=Listen 20] Listen (1d20+9=20) BTW Erf has the Continual Flame in one hand and his shield readied.[/sblock]

"Corr, its kinda spooky, but excitin' at the same time!" Erf remarks happily.

Fenenn pads along at his companions side, seemingly less enthused, sniffing warily at the stale air.


"Proper nursery print... weel, nursery carvin's... shoud shaw pleisant an' eddicational views, like a pairty ay dwairrves cuttin' giants doun tae size at th' knees. Nae this dismal sicht. Noo as Ah come tae leuk at it, thocht, Ah think it's nae ony city that's iver been built. Thaur's buildin's frae aw ower haur." Gildrim waves vaguely at the painted domes and towers.

"Ane ither thing: wi' a roond room, thaur'll be wee neuks an' spaces ahind th' walls whaur th' ither walls dinnae fit. Mebbe cupboards frae th' ither side, or mebbe saicret hidin' spots, or mebbe jes' wasted space. We can tap th' walls if we hae nothin' ense tae dae."

"Are we throu haur? Och, Ah see ye're ready, Erf."


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"I've alway got time fer secret compartments!" Erf exclaims excitedly.

"Corr that'd be proper adventurin'! Speakin' of which de ye reckon somebody picked up that sword yet Gildrim? The one ye left, I still think its destiny 'n such! Right Fenenn? Right."

Erf cheerfully examines the walls, figuring they have plenty of time and enjoying the prospect of secret, and possibly evil compartments filled with dragons blood and the like Erf is prepared to spend a good while tapping away at walls, etc.

[sblock=OOC] Erf'll take a 20 on a search for a 22. First he lsitens at the door he was approaching, but does not yet open it. If his search turns up nothing significant he will open it.[/sblock][sblock=Covaithe]

Oh, and btw great job on the map - kept meaning to say that, looks excellent.[/sblock]
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ooc: I've got some work to do in transcribing my scattered paper notes to more organized electronic versions, so I may not be able to update today. We'll see.


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Ter-raen glares at the painting, with its drawings of bad premonitions. "House of bad omen, with bad painting." Cautiously, even more so because of the painting, Ter-raen walks into the room and examines the painting at close.


"Hope we don't run inte any more traps, big scary diorama of ominousness seems like a likely place fer 'em, but since I 'aven't the foggiest what to look for letstry door number one!"
Gildrim bemusedly watches Erf tapping the walls. Belatedly, something occurs to him. "Aye, traps, ye seid. Ah wis forgettin' them fur th' mament, nae bein' th' ane hit afair, an' beggin' th' pardon ay those wha war. Ah've nae idea whit tae leuk fur aither in general - but dwairrves, as ye aw shoud ken, hae a feelin' for stane. If thaur's anythin' odd aboot stanewark, oor beards birsle an' oor nebs twitch."


[sblock=ooc]Thanks, Halford; I'm pretty happy with how this map turned out. It took some care to set up, but it's been remarkably easy to update, and I think I'll be able to create similar maps quicker in the future. [/sblock]

Erf spends a happy ten minutes tapping on walls and peering at details of the painting, but is unable to find any signs of secret areas. At last he shrugs and moves to the eastern door. He listens, but hears nothing through the door, and opens it.

The room thus revealed is paneled in dark wood, with lush red carpeting covered in dust. In the center of the room is a round wooden table with a green felt top, on which are three small ornate wooden boxes, each about six inches by four inches by one inch. On the far wall is a target of soft wood, with six shiny metal darts protruding from it. There is a small cupboard on the southern wall.


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"Wow! These secret compartments are really secret!"

Erf enthuses with a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Opening the door he peers in and lets out a contented sigh.

"Well this has trap written all over it! Oh I know I'm fleein' cause of floodin' whoops forgot my ornate wooden box, pull the other one its got bells on! Magical boxes steeped in eldritch power just sittin' there malevolently! This is great! Proper adventurin'! Lets see if thery're magical!"

The little green gnome chants for a second and then scans the room with detect magic pinning down any auras he sees and concentrating upon them in turn to see if he can determine their schools and strengths.

Voidrunner's Codex

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