IMPORTANT! Is your new Community Supporter Account not working?

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How long does it take for the words "COMMUNITY SUPPORTER" to appear on my name?

You already have it. Note that the community supporter badge doesn't show up in the white skin, only the default black.

And if you were able to do a search, that meant it worked. :)

Also, for future reference starting a new thread is often a better way to get an answer to a question. A lot of people just skip over the sticky threads.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Also, for future reference starting a new thread is often a better way to get an answer to a question. A lot of people just skip over the sticky threads.

No, actually it is better to post in this thread because I'm subscribed to it, and so I get notifications when someone posts to it.

Except over Christmas, obviously, because - uh - the dog ate my homework?


First Post
=) No worries. I suspected Christmas threw everyone for a loop.

The part I'm asking about isn't a graphic though.

On some accounts, they have the following three lines in the top left:

Their Name (Dracorat)
Their Custom Title (In Dracos Speramus, for me)
The words "COMMUNITY SUPPORTER" - missing on mine. Is that earned a different way? I thought that buying the yearly subscription would do it. It's the only part where I'm confused.

If there's a graphic too, well, I never see that because I am indeed using the white skin. (I have to make it look like I'm on a professional Web site when I'm at work so people ask less questions.)

EDIT: Decided to check out what it looks like on the black skin and it does indeed look sweet. Perhaps what we really need is some lovin for the white skin. (White 2, if it makes a difference)
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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Hi Truth Seeker,

At the moment I can see this information for you

Full Community Supporter Account - 24th December 2008 to 24th December 2009

and it is 'active'.

Which features can't you see/use?


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