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Proposal Adventurers Vault

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Lord Sessadore

So, basically, the kukri won't be a problem. It's off-hand, and loses 0.5 average damage for it, and is best for rogues. Basically, it's the rogues' favorite superior off-hand weapon.


First Post
Heya all :)

Just wanted to point out something it's possible you missed - P10 AV has more specifics on how double weapons work :

Wielding a double weapon is like wielding a weapon in each hand. The first die given in the damage column of the table for a double weapon is for the primary (or main) end of the weapon; the second damage die is for the secondary (or off-hand) end. You can use either end of a double weapon to deliver an attack unless a power specifies a main or off-hand weapon attack.

Summary of rest : Magic effects such as jagged, etc only apply to the primary end, but the enhancement bonus applies to both ends.

Higher level characters, therefore, may end up shying away from double weapons in order to have two weapon effects (one from each hand). Granted, you gain the enhancement bonus for the second end without paying for it... but min-maxers are going to scorn that for a second weapon property on each attack, if they have the cash at hand.

Also, on the topic of double-weapon believability : Batleth :p

I think the easiest fix for double weapons works thusly (and my vote-worthy suggestion, if I am allowed one) :

1) Remove the defensive ability from double weapons. Now it is just higher damage with off-hand in exchange for a feat.

2) In the case of the Double sword, the primary side is heavy, the secondary side is light. All effects with the heavy blade keyword have to use the heavy (primary) side, all effects with the light blade keyword have to use the light (secondary) side.

On the subject of Heavy Blade Opportunity and sneak attack, as your 'at-will' opportunity attack ability would trigger using the heavy side of the blade... rogues are unable to do it (no heavy blade at-will attacks).

The other suggestion I have is to vote on the 'Appendix #1' Chapter immediately, as it seems nobody has an issue with any of that stuff, and then amend the 'Equipment' chapter as necessary to get it into play immediately, leaving the 'Magic Items' chapter for the last, as it will take the longest, and have impact on fewer characters.
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First Post
Your input is very appreciated Joeluma though the proposal has now officially been resolved. Namely, that Adventurer’s Vault is approved with the exclusion of double weapons, that Brutal weapons cannot be Oversized, and that further potentially problematic items can be disallowed through specific proposals.

There might be a way to houserule the issues away but it seems like the majority here doesn’t like double weapons, so I don’t see a problem with the current result.

I’ll update the charter in a while.


I'd like to think that we've left the door open for further discussions about double weapons in the future, if people become interested in them. But the level of interest so far has been low enough that I'm happy to let them sit until we get some people who are really interested in them.


First Post
Actually I think that what min-maxers would do is: take a double weapon with an effect that works independently from the single ends of the weapon (like berserker) and spend the (lot of) money they have saved in another great magic item.


First Post
on the subject of interest in double weapons, Kamotz is interested in the urgosh! ha ha ha.:lol: defensive axe that does a d12, yes yes, that sounds like a reaper's weapon... I wasn't around for this particular vote or the discussion before it, so thought it was appropriate to throw that out there.:)

I understand the concern on power levels, but I want it anyway! :devil:


First Post
on the subject of interest in double weapons, Kamotz is interested in the urgosh! ha ha ha.:lol: defensive axe that does a d12, yes yes, that sounds like a reaper's weapon... I wasn't around for this particular vote or the discussion before it, so thought it was appropriate to throw that out there.:)

I understand the concern on power levels, but I want it anyway! :devil:

I dunno, I think the executioner's axe would fit better for that theme. :) Not just the name, though - it's 1d12, but instead of defensive, it's high crit. Seems more reaper-ish to me.

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